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QUESTION The PATA case study (can be found under 'Week 2' readings in the reading list) ends with three ideas for change: · Extend hours to enable 45 mins between appointments (rather than having 4...

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The PATA case study (can be found under 'Week 2' readings in the reading list) ends with three ideas for change:

· Extend hours to enable 45 mins between appointments (rather than having 4 scheduled each 30 mins)

· More overtime won’t work, we need either more capacity or fewer patients per day.

· Seeing fewer patients won’t work as they only see 65% now when 100% would be ideal, asking for more resources (capacity) has not worked previously, so we must work better given our current resources.

Taking on the role of the intern:

o Drawing on the theoretical material covered in this and previous week’s, what explanations can you offer for the issues that have arisen?

o Explain what opportunities the task force initially thought of as indicated in the case study and your analysis of these proposed solutions.

o What steps would you take to find a solution – if you say analyse the data, what would you be looking for, how would you know that you had found it?

Your response not exceeding 1000 words and contained in a single word document is to be submitted through the assessment section. You can either consider a question and answer style response or an essay style response. A rubric on how your response will be marked and the due date for submission is included. This assessment constitutes 25% of your total grade.

Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2020


Soumi answered on Jul 27 2020
143 Votes
Table of Contents
Q1. What are the theoretical aspects relating to the issues of Delayed Pre-Admission Testing of Patients at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)?    3
Q2. What is relevance of the initially sought solutions for solving delayed pre-admission test of patients at MGH?    4
Q3. What steps should be taken to solve the issue of Pre-Admission Testing of patients at MGH?    4
References    6
Q1. What are the theoretical aspects relating to the issues of Delayed Pre-Admission Testing of Patients at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)?
I, as an intern at Massachusetts General Hospital, had the advantage of assessing the situation that revolved around the issues of delayed pre-admission testing of patients, from a close range. As stated by He et al. (2018), pre-admission testing of patients are essential as they determine the level of risk faced by patient, who is about to undergo surgery and therefore, needs anaesthesia. MGH has one of the oldest and most trusted Pre-Admission Testing Area (PATA) in United States and offers its services to an average of 135 patients each day. In addition to the high number of patients coming in for pre-admission testing, the care providers, which include the medical practitioners, nurses, and care attendants, do not compromise with the quality of the tests, which consumes a lot of time. As a combined result of the thorough check up and huge number of patients in queue some patients have to undergo long waiting periods. As supported by Leeman et al. (2018), in order to ensure safety to the health of the patients, tedious and long waited procedures are undertaken, which in most cases cannot be supplemented by time saving fast test assessments.
It is also seen that in many cases, based on the condition of the patients they are forwarded before patients waiting in the queue. This has lead to i
itation among patients, as they had to wait longer in the queue than others. As an intern I noticed that there were not fixed guidelines for deciding the level of urgency for a patient, which makes the i
itation of the waiting patients long and exhausting. The general process of the test, themselves take a lot of time, which farther lengthens the waiting period. Due to the dependency of manual data inputs and data recording, a patient has to go through repeated process of answering the same question. As affirmed by Muhsin et al. (2018), manual input of data at the time of medical tests, makes the entire process slow and very exhausting. I felt that manual inputs of data increases the chance of human e
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