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UNIT OUTLINE SWSP6143: Public Policy and Civil Society Discipline of Social Work Some Social Work units in Trimester XXXXXXXXXXwill be delivered online to ensure the health of students and staff...

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SWSP6143: Public Policy and Civil
Discipline of Social Work

Some Social Work units in Trimester XXXXXXXXXXwill be delivered online to ensure the health of
students and staff during the COVID19 pandemic. This is a temporary mode of delivery that
has the approval of the AASW (Australian Association of Social Workers).
Social workers acknowledge the Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander peoples, the First Australians,
whose lands, winds, and waters we all now share, and pay respect to their unique values, and their
continuing and enduring cultures, which deepen and enrich the life of our nation and communities.
Social workers commit to acknowledge and understand the historical and contemporary disadvantage
experienced by Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander peoples and the implication of this for social work
practice. Social workers are responsible for ensuring that their practice is culturally competent, safe,
and sensitive.
Document Name Unit Outline SWSP6143 Public Policy and Civil Society
Responsibility Academic Dean
Version UO SWSP6143.V1.1

Unit Outline: SWSP6143 Public Policy and Civil Society V1.1 (30/05/2022)
1. Unit Description

This unit looks at the Australian political processes and institutions and the way governments, through
ideology and public including social policy, influence the formation of a certain type of citizenry and a
civil society nationally and internationally. The role of social worker in the human services sector is
explored in this context.
2. Unit Information
Unit level and type 600 level core unit
Credit point value 6 (out of a total of 96)
Prerequisites Nil
Co-requisites Nil
Equivalent Units Nil
Delivery modes Online
Course Master of Social Work (Qualifying)
3. Development of Learning Outcomes and Graduate Attributes
3.1 Unit Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit the student should be able to:
a. Describe the political process and ideologies that underpin the political process in Australia.
. Demonstrate an understanding of the structures, processes and relationships that lie behind the
public face of government in Australia.
c. Describe the complex set of relationships and a range of players and their competing interests in
the socio-political, cultural, and economic discourses of the times.
d. Articulate what a civil society looks like and how stable this definition is.
e. Demonstrate an understanding of such concepts as; civil society, public good, power, elites,
wealth, inequality, discourse, justice, and democracy. Explain how they are produced and to what
f. Describe how the interconnectedness and interdependence with global societies, politics and
cultures are producing a ‘global world’ and a ‘global citizen.’

Unit Outline: SWSP6143 Public Policy and Civil Society V1.1 (30/05/2022)
3.2 Course Learning Outcomes

This unit, SWSP6143, covers the learning required to deliver the following Course Learning Outcomes:
Values and
1.1 Practice in accordance with the AASW Code of Ethics
1.2 Manage ethical dilemmas and issues arising in practice
Professionalism 2.1 Represent the social work profession with integrity and professionalism
2.2 Behave in a professional manner and be accountable for all actions and
and Inclusive
3.1 Work inclusively and respectfully with cultural difference and diversity
3.2 Respect and strive to understand and promote the right of Aboriginal and
es Strait Islander peoples and their cultures
Knowledge for
4.1 Understand higher level systemic influences on people with respect to area
of practice
4.2 Understand and articulate social work and other relevant theories and
4.3 Understand the role of research and evaluation in obtaining and generating
new knowledge for practice
4.4 Understand and articulate how and when theories, knowledge bases and
knowledge sources inform practice
knowledge to
5.1 Assess and analyse needs to inform practice
5.2 Work collaboratively
5.3 Use a range of social work methods and techniques appropriate to the area
of practice
5.4 Apply critical and reflective thinking to practice
6.1 Communicate with a diverse range of people
6.2 Communicate the details and nature of the service offered to people
6.3 Work with others in a team environment
6.4 Use information technology to communicate and provide services
Recording and
7.1 Record and manage information appropriately
7.2 Keep and maintain information in accordance with ethical principles and
elevant legislation
8.1 Actively participate in professional supervision
8.2 Engage in continuing professional development
8.3 Where appropriate, to contribute to the professional development of others
3.3 ACAP (Australian College of Applied Professions) Graduate Attributes
Successful completion of this unit also contributes specifically to the development of the following
ACAP Graduate Attributes:
 GA1 COMMUNICATE: Apply effective communication skills with others in diverse contexts
and through multiple modalities
 GA2 SUSTAIN: Sustain an intentional commitment to maintain cu
ency and further develop
knowledge and skills over their lifetime
 GA3 THINK: Apply critical, creative, and flexible thinking to contribute and respond
constructively across diverse settings
 GA4 ENGAGE: Engage effectively with contemporary and traditional knowledges across
multiple contexts

Unit Outline: SWSP6143 Public Policy and Civil Society V1.1 (30/05/2022)
 GA5 WELLBEING: Utilise skills and knowhow to maintain resilience, personal and
professional wellbeing when responding to challenges and opportunities
 GA6 EQUALITY: Enact inclusive practices that deliver social justice and equality of
 GA7 INTEGRITY: Apply integrity and ethical standards to study, research, and practice
 GA8 COMMUNITY: Use teamwork and leadership knowledge and skills to advance
teams, groups, and communities
 GA9 GLOBAL: Apply culturally sensitive professional knowledge and skills to contribute to a
sustainable global future
4. Learning and Teaching Process

This unit is taught over 13 weeks and totals 3 student contact hours per week.
Students will participate in teaching and learning activities including:
a) Lectures and critical discussion
) Tutorials and skill development activities
c) Online pre-learning activities
d) Online post-learning
Depending on the delivery mode, this unit’s content is delivered to students via
 A weekly 3-hour learning session [via Zoom or on Campus]. One three-hour workshop
comprised of didactive material delivered, interactive class time, group discussion, readings,
assessments, and class activities.
In addition to timetabled contact hours, students are expected to do at least 6 hours of personal study
each week to review lectures and read prescribed and recommended materials for this unit. The total
individual workload of this unit will be around 9 hours (including teamwork, individual self-study and
5. Student Attendance: Social Work
The Australian Association of Social Workers requires students maintain 80% attendance for each
unit of study. Students are responsible to provide supporting documentation for missed classes. Once
a student’s attendance has fallen below 80%, they are required to submit a 500-word outline
summarising the content of each reading from the missed session. Students who miss more than
three (3) sessions for a class offered weekly or one (1) session for a weekend block will not be able to
pass the unit. In circumstances where attendance requirements are not met, the result ‘Fail
Incomplete’ will be awarded. For more information refer to the Student Participation and Attendance
5.1 Trimester Key dates

The Trimester Key Dates can be accessed at https:

Unit Outline: SWSP6143 Public Policy and Civil Society V1.1 (30/05/2022)
6. Weekly Schedule
Session Topic Assessment


Introducing Public Policy, Government, and Civil Society
 Unit Overview
 Assessment Tasks and Requirements for
Assessment Task 1A
 Introducing Public Policy, Government, and Civil Society

Australian Political Structures
 Liberal Democracy
 The Australian Constitution and Federalism
 Government Institutions and Legislative Processes

Political Ideology
 Requirements for Assessment Task 1B
 Political Ideologies
 Humanism, Liberalism, Neoliberalism
 Australian Political Parties

Social Capital and Civil Society
 Governmentality
 Social Capital and Civil Society
 Civil Rights and Human Rights
Task 1 Part A

The Policy Cycle and Policy Analysis
 The Policy Cycle
 Policy Analysis
 Bacchi’s WPR Framework

Policy Analysis and Machinery of Government Changes
 Rights-Based Policy Analysis
 Machinery of Government
Break Week: no classes
Task 1 Part B

Welfare, Neoliberalism, and Marketisation
 The Welfare State
 Neoliberalism and Marketisation of Welfare Services
 Social Work in a Marketised System

Policy in Practice: Social Work and Influencing Public Policy
 Social Workers and Policy Influence
 Co-Design
 Social Activism

Policy in Practice: Mediatisation and Influencing Public Policy
 Political Communications and the Media
 Old Media and New Media
Task 2 Due

Unit Outline: SWSP6143 Public Policy and Civil Society V1.1 (30/05/2022)
 Digital Advocacy and Activism

Interconnectedness and Interdependence: Global Citizens?
 Global Citizenship
 Representative Democracy
 Deliberative Democracy

Fragile Democracies
 Democracy in the 21st Century
 Democracy in Crisis?
 Social Work and Strengthening Democracy
13. Study Hall

Unit Outline: SWSP6143 Public Policy and Civil Society V1.1 (30/05/2022)
7. Assessment Overview
The assessment in this Unit has THREE components as listed below:
*Students must submit all assignments and achieve
Answered 3 days After Jul 26, 2022


Ishika answered on Jul 28 2022
83 Votes
Module Name-
Module code-
Format- Lette
Title- Letter for reducing the non-compulsory age to 16 years for participation in the government election voting process
Student id & number-
     Word count- 1500
Australian Government
Subject: Letter for reducing the non-compulsory age to 16 years for participation in the government election voting process
The political donation accounts for the gift which is contributed to the political party or elected candidate or group of entities involving associated entities or the third-party-based campaigner to use the advantages of the political advantages. Political finance has greatly encompassed regulations and disclosure of the donations by parties, donors & candidates, and certain information disclosure by the candidates & parties whereas the election payment funding to both parties & candidates (Johnson and Livingstone, 2021). The 45th parliament has overseen significant political finance-based legislation passed then by the Howard government. The majority of the changes were evolutionary instead of revolutionary. Both the parties as well as candidates that acquire over 4% of the primary vote are titled to the public-based election funding where an indexed quantity is multiplied by the scores of votes both parties receive (Muller, 2018)
The per eligible vote in the context of public funding accounts for about $2.756 by the year 2019 during the federal election. During the present federal elections, an entitlement based on the public funding payment with all the parties & candidates has acquired over 4 percent threshold which is automatically getting the overall amount, until they picked not to (Muller, 2018) Therefore, in the 45th Parliament-based legislative transformation, parties & candidates receiving a minimum of 4 % of the vote will at present achieve an automatic remittance of about $10,000 (dela Rama, Lester, and Staples, 2022). Any extra public funding will be restricted at the per eligible vote-based rate of the public funding, or the protested electoral expenditure of both party and candidate whichever will be few. AEC has the strength to withdraw the public funding payment for any form of expenditure that is not fulfilled is the electoral expenditure. The estimated amount of public funding that has done the payment within the context of the federal election of 2016 was more than $62.7 million. (Baumgartner, Breunig, and Grossman, 2019) The political parties, as well as elections, contribute an important factor in the political analysis within the developed countries, especially in the democratization analysis along with the democratic political authorities consolidation (Titl and Geys, 2019). Therefore, among the political authorities, the presence of free, as well as fair elections on a systematic basis, is acknowledged as the minimal situation for democracy. The political party has been highlighting the concept where a significant political group is officially acknowledged as being the aspect of the electoral process as well as they put forth the candidates for the votes on a systematic basis. Therefore, the political parties, as well as elections, are utilized as measures of societal democratic consolidation (Taflaga and Curtin, 2018). The federal parliament of the Australian government has engaged in small reforms of the finance system of political finance like withdrawing foreign donations. The ongoing reform of the laws of political finance across the states as well as te
itories is facilitating an ever-accelerating divergence of the laws among jurisdictions.
Motivations and reasons why entities give donations to political parties and political candidates- People, as well as entities contributing political donations, are known as donors. Those preparing reportable political funding are considered major political donors. Thus the political donation varies for every political participation characteristic. On the type of public resources available, public funding has been classified into direct public donation and indirect public donation. Direct...

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