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Question Industry Reflection National Safety & Quality Standards Purpose: All students are required to attend an interview when applying for a New Graduate Program or a Registered Nurse Position. As...

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Industry Reflection National Safety & Quality Standards

Purpose: All students are required to attend an interview when applying for a New Graduate Program or a Registered Nurse Position. As part of the interview process you will be required to reflect on past nursing clinical experiences when answering interview questions.

Selecting two of the NSQHS standards please respond to the following question:

Please explain to the panel your understanding of two of the NSQHS standards and discuss relevant clinical nursing experiences from your clinical practicum, providing justification for each based on these patient care experiences.

The NSQHS can be found here:

1. Clinical Governance
2. Partnering with Consumers
3. Preventing and Controlling Health-Associated Infection

4. Medication Safety Standard
5. ComprehensiveCare Standard
6. Communicating for Patient Safety
7. Blood Management Standard
8. RecognisingandRespondingtoAcuteDeteriorationStandard

Answered Same Day Aug 22, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 24 2020
151 Votes
Running Head: NURSING INTERVIEW        1
Table of Contents
NSQHS Standards    3
Blood Management Standard    3
Medication Safety Standard    4
References    6
NSQHS Standards
Blood Management Standard
    The Blood Management Standard mentioned in the NSQHS expects that at time of blood collection and storage, proper medical standards are followed and implemented. As mentioned by Sadana et al. (2018), collecting and storing blood after sample tests reduces the chances of infection, bacterial out
eak and adverse reaction on the blood administered patient. It also ensures that the medical staffs engaged in the collection, testing, storing and administering of blood do the pre-examination of the patient to avoid cross reaction after blood transfusion. Labelling of the blood samples and blood products co
ectly as well as providing authentic data about the usage and wastage of stored blood in their medical facility is also directed strictly by The Blood Management Standard. A proper idea about the usage of medical purpose stored blood, as mentioned by Crighton, New, Liley and Stanworth (2018), would provide in depth details about the medical status of the patients who require blood prescription.
As mentioned by Shapiro et al. (2018), the fundamental aims of the Blood Management Standard is to make medical care providers as well as the medical care seekers understand the potential and post risk of blood transfusion. Based on my experience and rational thought process, I came to realise that standard procedure of blood collection makes the administered blood safe. As mix matching of blood cause allergic reaction which affects the condition of the patient adversely, emphasis on the accuracy of blood administering needs and specified blood group determination helps in improving the standards of care services. During my clinical practicum I observed that after blood transfusion, i
espective of e
or made by medical staffs or not, problems such as allergic reactions and fever can occur, causing discomfort to care users. In 2008 -2009 the number of patients...

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