question for the paragraph : ERG applied to the issue of poor reward system
explain the primary problem ( poor reward system) with ERG theory of motivation also at the end give some solutions to solve the problem.
here is an example the way to do it
example :ERG applied to the issue of Job Design:
The resulting consequences of poor job design, such as falling productivity and higher turnover rates, can be explained with the use of Alderfer’s ERG Theory. With its allowance for simultaneous effect across two or more levels (Alderfer 1969) unlike Maslow’s original five-stage hierarchy, more than one branch of ERG can be applied to this problem. Its implications lie most heavily within the top two branches with regards to,firstly, relatedness needs in the way of interpersonal relations, due appreciation and emotional requirements (Chen, Park and Park 2012; Alderfer 1969) and secondly, growth needs pertaining to self-development and pride in work (Botha and Venter 2016; Alderfer XXXXXXXXXXComplaints regarding a lack of appreciation from senior managers, inefficient communication between departments and unreliable senior staff can result in frustrations about recognition, good relations between colleagues and strong two-way communication. Furthermore, experiencing little opportunity for skill-based promotion due to senior positions appointed through political motivations as well as increased budget cuts in the interest of impressing voters have led to heavy loads and unpaid overtime. Hindered promotion and thus, growth in the job, coupled with the small influence of the department provides no assurance of the value of their work. Within the guidelines of the theory, this shows needs frustrations on two levels that can lead to lowered motivation and morale issues. However, this does not entirely explain all the ramifications of job design as it fails to discuss the effects on morality and ethics, the failures of those compromising on promises and the burdens shouldered by the employees that are forced to step up. Job design theory can fill in a bit of this gap and allow us to understand how thestylingof the job scope itself can affect motivation.