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Question 4 (EXCEL): Estimation of Expected Return and Variance/Covariance Matrix ONLY ANSWER PART 3 1) Go to Yahoo Finance on the Internet ( Retrieve 37 months ofmonthly...

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Question 4 (EXCEL): Estimation of Expected Return and Variance/Covariance Matrix


1) Go to Yahoo Finance on the Internet ( Retrieve 37 months ofmonthly price data (from December 2011 to December 2014) for the following stocks: BSX, BXP, SAM and SPY. This can be located by clicking "historical prices which will be located on left of the page under quotes. You can click on "download to spreadsheet," and this will save the data as an Excel spreadsheet. Calculate 36 monthly returns for each stock from this data. The adjusted close reflects dividends and stock splits, so you can assume that there are no dividends and use it to calculate returns. You should use Excel. Consolidate all returns in the same spreadsheet. This can be accomplished by copying and pasting across spreadsheets. 2) What is the arithmetic average return for each stock? What is the geometric average return for each stock? What is each stock's return standard deviation? Construct a return variance-covariance matrix for the four securities. Use Excel's "Data Analysis" function (located in the "Tools" menu) If you do not see "Data Analysis click on "Add Ins" and install the "Analysis Toolpak." 3) What is the return standard deviation of a portfolio that only holds BSX? Construct a second portfolio of that has equal weights in BSX and BXP. Third, construct a portfolio that has equal weights of BSX, BXP, and SAM. Fourth, construct a portfolio with equal weights in BSX, BXP SAM, and SPY. Report the standard deviation of each portfolio
Answered 129 days After May 14, 2022


Prince answered on Sep 21 2022
65 Votes
    Month    SPY    SAM    BSX    BXP
    1    5.30%    -7.84%    11.61%    5.04%
    2    4.34%    -5.53%    4.36%    -2.40%            SPY    SAM    BSX    BXP
    3    2.77%    12.98%    -3.86%    3.39%        Arithmetic average return    1.59%    3.13%    2.90%    1.05%
    4    -0.23%    -3.25%    4.68%    3.65%        Geometric average return    Not Possible as Return are in -ve    Not Possible as Return are in -ve    Not Possible as Return are in -ve    Not Possible as Return are in -ve
    5    -6.01%    1.48%    -8.31%    -4.91%        Standard Deviation    2.65%    8.69%    8.67%    3.97%
    6    3.52%    15.40%    -1.22%    5.29%
    7    1.71%    -10.98%    -8.82%    2.88%        Matrix
    8    2.51%    -4.35%    4.45%    1.11%            SPY    SAM    BSX    BXP
    9    1.99%    8.68%    6.30%    -1.36%        SPY    0.0007009179
    10    -1.30%    -3.92%    -10.45%    -3.42%        SAM    -0.0000537244    0.0075515972
    11    0.57%    5.01%    7.78%    -3.45%        BSX    0.0009380962    -0.0007113021    0.0075134571
    12    0.18%    19.01%    3.43%    3.10%        BXP    0.0002321892    -0.0000132536    0.0006298686    0.0015725427
    13    5.86%    4.38%    30.37%    0.12%
    14    1.28%    10.75%    -1.07%    -1.33%        Q3
    15    3.34%    2.71%    5.68%    -2.71%    1.00    Standard deviation of a portfolio that only holds BSX    2.90%
    16    2.37%    6.06%    -4.10%    8.98%    2.00    Portfolio of that has equal weights in BSX and BXP.
    17    2.36%    -9.73%    23.36%    -2.60%        Co
elation of BSX and BXP    0.1832436143
    18    -1.85%    11.65%    0.32%    -1.04%        Weight of BSX    50.00%
    19    5.72%    4.89%    17.80%    2.05%        Weight of BXP    50.00%
    20    -3.00%    18.36%    -3.11%    -4.16%
    21    2.66%    15.28%    10.96%    4.29%        Standard Dev    5.09%
    22    5.14%    -5.99%    -0.43%    -2.58%
    23    2.96%    6.62%    -0.94%    -3.87%    3.00    Portfolio that has equal weights of BSX, BXP, and SAM
    24    2.04%    -1.23%    3.80%    0.88%        Weight of BSX    33.33%
    25    -3.00%    -13.85%    12.56%    10.78%        Weight of BXP    33.33%
    26    4.55%    13.65%    -3.18%    4.02%        Weight of SAM    33.33%
    27    0.39%    3.37%    3.21%    1.87%        Co
elation of BSX and BXP    0.1832436143
    28    1.14%    0.54%    -6.73%    2.87%        Co
elation of BSX and SAM    -0.0944310357
    29    2.32%    -12.86%    1.74%    3.02%        Co
elation of BXP and SAM    -0.0038460311
    30    1.58%    4.25%    -0.47%    -2.07%
    31    -0.87%    -1.40%    0.08%    1.63%        Standard Dev    4.28%
    32    3.95%    0.26%    -0.78%    1.65%
    33    -1.84%    0.35%    -6.86%    -4.66%    4.00    Portfolio with equal weights in BSX, BXP SAM, and SPY
    34    2.83%    12.28%    12.45%    10.12%        Weight of BSX    25.00%
    35    2.75%    5.61%    -3.09%    2.28%        Weight of BXP    25.00%
    36    -0.80%    10.10%    2.95%    -0.73%        Weight of SAM    25.00%
                            Weight of SPY    25.00%
elation of BSX and BXP    0.1832436143
elation of BSX and SAM    -0.0944310357
elation of BSX and SPY    0.4087839943
elation of BXP and SAM    -0.0038460311
elation of BXP and SPY    0.2211602897
elation of SAM and SPY    -0.0233517164
                            Standard Dev    10.14%
    Date    Open    High    Low    Close    Adj Close    Volume    Return
    12/1/11    $124.85    $127.26    $120.03    $125.50    $101.79    3,848,636,100.00
    1/1/12    $127.76    $133.40    $126.43    $131.32    $107.19    2,883,821,400.00    5.30%        Particular    Aomunt
    2/1/12    $132.29    $138.19    $132.13    $137.02    $111.84    2,894,582,000.00    4.34%        Arithmetic average return    1.59%
    3/1/12    $137.31    $141.83    $134.36    $140.81    $114.94    3,057,516,200.00    2.77%        Geometric average return    It is not possible has some of the returns are negative
    4/1/12    $140.64    $142.21    $135.76    $139.87    $114.67    3,035,644,100.00    -0.23%        Standard...

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