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Qualitative Analyses You have been provided with excerpts from transcripts evaluating the experience of being hospitalized. You are to code the transcripts and identify the common themes that...

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Qualitative Analyses

You have been provided with excerpts from transcripts evaluating the experience of being hospitalized. You are to code the transcripts and identify the common themes that emerge. With the themes identified, you are to write up your qualitative findings remembering to tell the story- describe what the theme is, how it appeared and give illustrations supporting what you are describing.

This assignment will develop your skills in data coding and categorization in order to describe the essence or meaning from qualitative data. You are being given short responses from multiple individuals – the actual data set would be much larger.
This is a qualitative study looking at the phenomenon of the“patient experience”while being hospitalized. The purpose of the study is to gather information as to how patients view the experience- what do they perceive as excellent and what do they perceive as problematic. The overall research question is “What is the experience of quality care for adult patients hospitalized in an acute care facility?

This assignment has three components and can be submitted in a single WORD document. Please use APA6th edition format (worth 3 points). The transcripts portion of the paper can all be single spaced.

The three components of this assignment are worth a total of 25 points.

#1 In Vivo coding. Within each Transcript (5 points)


Read the transcripts at least once with no coding at all- get familiar with the data.


Complete line by line in-vivo coding of your data; use the transcript file itself. Use highlighting, and comments to provide the in-vivo coding.

#2 A Diagram. Across Transcripts (5 points)


Look for similar findings across transcripts…these represent patterns in your data


Collapse common codes together into categories and themes


Present your themes making sure that you attach illustrations to theme as well as your own conceptual discussion.

#3 A Narrative. Tell the Story (12 points)


The paper is to be a presentation of the major findings from your analysis.


It is to combine your personal analysis (themes, categories and codes) with extracted illustrations to support your analysis.


It should be written making sure you are answering the research question(s).

Formatting and your presentation are worth an additional 3 points. Except for the single spacing in the transcripts with the in vivo coding, use APA6th edition formatting.

Answered 7 days After Apr 23, 2024


Parul answered on May 01 2024
15 Votes
Qualitative Analyses
Qualitative Analyses
Three part assignments
Part 1- In Vivo coding
By the virtue of Vivo coding analysis, we will deep dive into the facts presented, data points shared during the interview process. Understanding these qualitative transcripts in order to focus on particular terms or phrases that can encapsulate overall experiences of the participants. It deepens participants' perspectives and gives further insight into their perceptions, feelings, and reactions concerning the phenomenon under study, that is, patients' experience while being in hospital.
Participant 1
· Good care: People listened and acted promptly without being asked.
· Example: Nurse asked detailed questions about pain, adjusted medications without request.
· Context for themes: Very clear and thorough explanation about the use of medications and treatment plans.
A few highlights from the transcript
· Excellent care = "when people listened and did something after hearing me."
· "Like one time I asked if they would walk me as I was having stiffness in my legs."
· "Another time I requested that they explain something to my wife about my new medicines."
Participant 2
· Poor care: Lack of care, delayed actions, and poor communication between the staff.
· Example: Calls to assist were left unanswered, which led to feelings of frustration and being neglected.
· Context for themes: No care for personal needs, staff focused more on tasks than for the patient's needs and feelings.
A few highlights from the transcript
· Not satisfied = "most upsetting was the noise at night. I had a roommate who cried and cried."
· "Another hard thing was knowing that I had treatments but not knowing when I would be getting them."
· "hard being in the hospital... people come in to do things to you and never introduce themselves or even ask your permission."
Participant 3
· Good care: Kindness, empathy, and providing the necessary information for a hard diagnosis.
· Example: Nurse Josie showed care, allowed for patient independence regarding the decision to proceed.
· Context for themes: Constant support and discussions with both the patient and family.
A few highlights from the transcript
· Highlight: "Excellent care was when people were kind..."
· Comment: Defines excellent care as compassionate and informative, highlighting positive nurse-patient interactions.
Participant 4
· Good care: Good tracking of the medical progress and its explanation.
· Example: Daily follow-up and discussions about the progress of the wound healing.
· Context for themes: Continuous information reporting without the patient's prompt.
A few highlights from the transcript
· Highlight: "The nurses in ICU were excellent..."
· Comment: Acknowledges ICU nurses for their professionalism, communication, and patient education efforts.
Participant 5
· Good care (ICU): Professionalism, clarity in the explanation, and the engagement of family in the explanation.
· Example: ICU nurses explained the equipment, indications of progress, and family engagement in care explanation.
· Context for themes: Comforting atmosphere, allowing family visits, and detailed explanation of the medical conditions.
A few highlights from the transcript
· Highlight: "Everyone was so professional..."
· Comment: Describes excellent care as professional, considerate of patient preferences, and proactive in information sharing.
Participant 6
· Good care: Professionalism, patient-centered approach, and proactive information and communication sharing.
· Example: Professional approach to pain management by staff, continuous information sharing.
· Context for themes: Care for the patient's needs, regular information sharing that is not prompted by the patient.
A few highlights from the transcript
· Highlight: "Everyone was so professional..."
· Comment: Describes excellent care as professional, considerate of patient preferences, and proactive in information sharing.
After ca
ying out a detailed in vivo coding process, a few key themes were gathered from the experiences of hospitalization participants. Lines of coding captured themes on excellence in care and proactive nature of its service, lack of attention and delayed responses, empathetic and informative care, thorough monitoring and information sharing, and professionalism in a patient-centred approach. These themes support and underlie further analyses and exploration of the patient...

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