To explain your research findings, drawing on themes explored in your data analysis and supporting your discussion with considered connections to the guiding literature.
This submission will provide a detailed insight into your experience as a teacher researcher. Position your research question as the focus and showcase how the investigation into your practice has enabled you to draw conclusions and influence your practice.
Explain the purpose of your Research Report and the sequence of discussion that your reader can expect.
Use the literature review from AT1 and add further insights. This provides a good lead into the Discussion section and subheadings can be utilised to guide the sequence of your writing.
This is where you connect the literature and the major findings from your research. Using the themes/codes from your Analysis, discuss the central question in relation to the key findings and literature. You may draw attention to whether your data makes positive connections with the literature explored in AT1, or if it challenges it. Limitations of your study and recommendations for future research
See AT2 Resource Folder
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