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Purpose The purpose of this project is to examine organizational development and identify change formulas/theories and roles. Using a case study, you will be asked to demonstrate how specific roles...

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The purpose of this project is to examine organizational development and identify change formulas/theories and roles. Using a case study, you will be asked to demonstrate how specific roles and change formulas/theories affect organizational effectiveness.


Step 1:

Carefully read the case study

Danny Meyer Leads His Company Through the Challenges of Eliminating Tips


Step 2:

Compose a 4- to 5-page paper (excluding the title page and reference list page) that includes all of the following points:

  • Research the concepts of change theories, planned change, and organizational change roles, as well as how they individually and collectively relate to the ability for leaders to create effective change that ultimately leads to successful organizational change process.

  • Apply your research on the concepts identified to the case study.

  • Develop a forward strategy for leadership and management that focuses on communication and trust that will help the organization implement these new strategies.

  • Explain the reasoning/conclusions behind your plan elements and support them with your research, class materials, and case study facts.

  • Analyze how the plan/strategies you develop for management will maximize the success of the change initiative.


  • Carefully read theCase Study Written Assignment Rubricfor the assignment.

  • Check the instructions to ensure all elements of the assignment are covered.

  • Students are expected to use a variety as well as multiple course readings and research to support ideas, reasoning, and conclusions.

  • This assignment requires the use of, at minimum, four scholarly references/sources.

  • Follow proper style and format guidelines to ensure that your final submission includes a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page (see
    writing resources

  • Paraphrase from relevant sources to show a greater understanding of the topics. Limit quotes, though when used, explain their significance. Provide the page or paragraph number as appropriate for APA format. Note that a reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.

  • This paper should begin with an introductory paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you intend to cover in the body of the paper.

  • This paper should end with a conclusion/summary paragraph that clearly and succinctly explains what you covered in the body of the paper.

  • Third-person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I,” “me,” “my,” “we,” or “us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you” or “your” (second-person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view the resource
    First, Second, and Third Person

  • Contractions are not used in business writing, so the expectation is that students do NOT use contractions in the assignment.

  • The paper must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and 12-point font.

  • Submit the final project into the appropriate assignment submission folder by the due date.

  • NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work.

Answered 4 days After Aug 20, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Aug 25 2024
7 Votes
Change Management                                        2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Research    3
Developing a forward strategy    5
Explanation of the reasons behind the plan elements    6
Analyzing how the strategies can maximize the success of change initiatives    7
Conclusion    8
References    9
Danny Meyer aimed at eliminating the tip structure from the restaurant chain of Union Square Hospitality. The vision was to reduce the negative impact of tipping culture and allow every employee to have equal growth opportunities and benefits from the pay structure. In the following discussion, how the different concepts of change can be implemented to maximize success in the initiative will be elaborated.
Change theory
Kurt Lewin’s change model states that driving or restraining forces have a strong influence on the behavior of an organization that decides the success of the change. Thus, three stages are mentioned in the model that help organizations manage the driving and restraining forces. This includes unfreezing, changing and refreezing. In the unfreezing stage, stakeholders are prepared for the desired change (Endrejat & Burnes, 2024). In the considered case, Danny Meyer has ensured to communicate with both customers and employees to ensure that they understand the need to eliminate the tipping structure. In the second stage, the desired change is implemented. In this stage, a continuous flow of information is important to ensure everyone deals with the change proactively (Bekmukhambetova, 2021). Danny Meyer ensures that the period lasts for three to six months so that everyone can have the necessary time to adjust to the change. Moreover, a smooth flow of information was ensured by conducting Town hall meetings and maintaining internal feedback channels to implement necessary adjustments in the process. The third stage is refreezing, employees are directed from the transition phase to stabilization. Continuous support and feedback collection are necessary to ensure the change sustains for a long time along with providing benefits to all the stakeholders (Endrejat & Burnes, 2024). Thus, the model is related to the ability of leaders to create effective change by directing their focus on creating urgency, communication, resource allocation and reinforcing new behaviors.
Planned change
Planned change refers to our deliberate process to prepare an organization for achieving new directions and goals (Pop, 2022). In this regard, the need for change is identified first. In the considered case, Danny Meyer identified that the tipping culture needs to be eliminated to provide equal opportunities to both front-line and back-of-house staff. The process also includes strategic planning to design and implement initiatives to mitigate the issue. Moreover, continuous evaluation is necessary to ensure that the change is achieving its desired outcomes (Pop, 2022). It is strongly related to leaders who are responsible for planning, execution and evaluation of change. Strong leadership is more able to create strategic plans and allocate resources to ensure success.
Organizational change roles
These refer to the roles within an organization that is responsible for implementing the change. This includes change leaders, agents and employees. Successful change can only be ensured. Change leaders...

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