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Public Health, Epidemiology, and Health Statistics Case Assignment In Module 1, you will establish the foundation for the report by applying what you learned from your Public Health, Epidemiology, and...

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Public Health, Epidemiology, and Health Statistics

Case Assignment

In Module 1, you will establish the foundation for the report by applying what you learned from your Public Health, Epidemiology, and Health Statistics courses to do the following:

  1. Describe the epidemiology of tuberculosis.
  2. Identify three factors that have contributed to the global resurgence of TB.
  3. Compare and contrast statistics regarding tuberculosis globally, in the United States, and in your state (identify the state about which you are writing).
  4. Summarize continuing challenges to TB control in the United States.

Length: 4 pages, excluding title page and references.

I need 4 pages, APA, 4-5 intext citations, and 4-5 references

Answered Same Day Aug 10, 2020


Soumi answered on Aug 11 2020
159 Votes
Running Head: TUBERCULOSIS        1
Table of Contents
1. Epidemiology of Tuberculosis    3
2. Three Factors Contributing to Global Resurgence of Tuberculosis    4
Drug resistance to antibiotics    4
Poverty and poor infrastructure and Increase of HIV    4
Travelling to the TB affected state or country    5
3. Comparing Global Statistics of Tuberculosis between US and Texas State    5
4. Continuing Challenges of Controlling Tuberculosis in US    6
References    8
1. Epidemiology of Tuberculosis
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis includes the following --study of causative organism Mycobacterium tuberculosis, route of transmission in humans, occu
ence rate, treatments and the possible precautions to avoid this disease. Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis which usually affects the lungs, although it can attack any other parts of the body such as spine,
ain and the kidney.
As mentioned by Matteelli, Roggi and Carvalho (2014), tuberculosis is a communicable disease which gets transmitted via liquid droplets from affected people. The most common symptoms include: chest pain, weakness, fever, weight loss, excessive sweating and coughing with sputum or blood. It is believed that about 30% of the world’s population is estimated to be infected with bacterium Mycobacterium.
Although new cases are still occu
ing in most part of the world, but the infection rate is declining steadily. As mentioned by Yuen, Kammerer, Marks, Navin and France (2016), tuberculosis is a poverty-related disease, affecting largely the population living in the poor infrastructure with inadequate cleanliness and poor sanitation facilities.
Rising number of cases of multidrug-resistant (MDR), totally drug-resistant (TDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis are some of the major challenges in most countries. The World Health Organization has launched an initiative to end the TB globally by 2035. This strategy is based on 3 pillars: prevention, patient-centric care, research and innovation.
2. Three Factors Contributing to Global Resurgence of Tuberculosis
Drug resistance to antibiotics
The bacterium Mycobacterium resistance to the drugs, used for treatment of the disease is known as multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB). One of the major reasons for rising number of drug-resistant tuberculosis is the poor-management of TB treatment through inco
ect usage of drugs, premature inte
uption of treatment, use of poor quality drugs.
As suggested by Pareek, Greenaway, Noori, Munoz and Zenner (2016), treatment of tuberculosis is a costly affair, which requires...

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