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12 Student Name: Student ID: 33463/02 - Short Answer Questions E1202A Diploma of Counselling Module 1: Provide intake counselling legally and ethically This is assessment 2 of 4. Background/Overview...

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    Student Name:
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33463/02 - Short Answer Questions
Diploma of Counselling
Module 1: Provide intake counselling legally and ethically
This is assessment 2 of 4.
Having started as a counsellor at Real Matters Community Centre, you begin to understand the organisation’s requirements for the intake procedure.
This means using a structured counselling approach to establish a professional relationship with the clients according to Industry guidelines. It will become important for you to understand the underpinning principles of client-centred delivery and your legal and ethical obligations as a counsellor.
Throughout your career, you may be faced with challenging, and sometimes upsetting, situations that require you to follow established workplace guidelines regarding these legal and ethical frameworks, such as mandatory reporting.
For this assessment, you will be demonstrating your ability to understand the legal and ethical frameworks in which you will be working, including understanding of mandatory reporting and building the counselling relationship.
You will need to consider the needs of the clients that appear throughout the task, which will provide you with a context to work within.
This assessment is split into four parts – Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D.
Part A requires you to complete an intake form that you need to fill in having read a script of a conversation between Lin (the telephone counsellor) and the client (Tony).
Part B consists of short answer questions about communication (within stated word count + or – 10%).

Part C consists of short answer questions about legal and ethical considerations (within stated word count + or – 10%).
Part D requires you to draft an email to the centre supervisor about record keeping and confidentiality.
Make sure that you use your own words when answering the questions.
Please submit this assessment in Word doc format.
To do list:
1. Write your name at the top of this page and your student ID.
2. Read the background/overview and
ief sections of this document.
3. Complete the intake form after you have read the script.
4. Complete the short answer questions.
5. Draft an email.
6. Collate your written answers into one Word document.
7. Save the Word document using the naming convention: your student number assessment number.doc. For example: “12345678_31135_02.doc.”
8. Upload your document in Open Space using the relevant Assessment Upload link in this Module.
Part A
Rachel asks you if you would like to conduct an exercise with her. Together you listen to the recording of the session with Lin (the tele-counsellor) and Tony (the client). Unfortunately, Lin has not followed the policies and procedures of Real Matters. She has not taken down any notes during and after her call with the client and she has not filled in the intake form.
Read carefully the following script.
Lin – Hi my name is Lin, this is RMCC. How can I help you today?
Tony – Hi, it’s Tony here.
Lin – How can I help you Tony? Are you ok?
Tony – No, not really. I’m in a lot of pain. I don’t have any money and I’m going to have to sleep in my car again tonight.
Lin – It sounds like you’re not in a great place right now Tony. So, you are in pain at the moment? Let’s start with that. What sort of pain?
Tony – Ok, I had an accident on the building site 3 years ago. I was on workers’ comp but I can’t get that anymore coz they said the results were all clear. I have a lot of back pain and I have run out of Endone.
Lin – So you were taking Endone but you don’t have any left and you are in pain now?
Tony – Yeah.
Lin – Do you have a GP that you are going to?
Tony - Not at the moment.
Lin – Ok – we’ll give you some refe
als at the end of the call. What about other things that are going on at the moment? You said you don’t have any money and have to sleep in the car tonight.
Tony – Yeah, I’ve been drinking and the men’s shelter won’t take you if you’ve had too much. I have to sleep it off I guess.
Lin – So you have been drinking heavily today?
Tony – Yeah. I’m ok though. Just pissed off.
Lin – Are you having any thoughts of harming yourself Tony?
Tony – No nothing like that, just don’t know what to do and wanted to talk to someone. My wife left me and I can’t go back there. She’s upset with me at the moment and won’t let me see me kids.
Lin – So you have split up with your wife and she is with the kids at the moment. How old are your kids?
Tony – 10 and 8
Lin – How long were you ma
ied for?
Tony – We never ma
ied but we were together for 12 years.
Lin – So this has left you feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed and sad?
Tony – Yeah, exactly. I miss them (sniffs). I mucked it all up. I’m a mess. Sometimes I just want it all to go away.
Lin – Do you have thoughts of suicide Tony?
Tony – I used to, but not today. Tired and just want to get some food.
Lin – Ok. What I can do Tony is get someone to call you back and perhaps you can call in tomo
ow for an appointment with one of the counsellors here? I would like to give you a few other numbers to call in case you need them too.
Tony – Yeah OK. Can you get someone to call me? I’m nearly out of credit on my phone and don’t have any money.
Lin – OK – thanks for calling Tony. You going to be ok tonight?
Tony – Yeah. Just going to have a sleep and see if I can get some soup from the kitchens.
Lin – Alright well there are some free services you can use too. They are 24 hours if you need to ring someone tonight. I’ll get one of the counsellors to call you back. Can I get your phone number?
Lin – Just before we go Tony I just want to check if you have anyone else who is supporting your,
sister, parents, and friends?
Tony – nah, I got no one. Families all up on the Gold Coast, too far and don’t want their help. They never gave me no help before. Only my
o, he’s ok but he’s overseas at the moment with his missus.
1. Complete the Intake Form provided in Appendix 1 using all the information in the scenario.
2. Write down three questions you would need to ask Tony to gather useful additional information about him (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords per question).
Part B
1. Having read the scenario, write down in your own words what you could say to Tony to demonstrate your communication skills. Approx XXXXXXXXXXwords for each example listed with some skills requiring two examples as identified.
    Reflecting feelings
    Open questions
    Closed questions
2. Outline three key principles of person-centred practice that you would use in a counselling session with Tony (approx. 50 words per principle)? Refer to the PCP reading in your Module 1 course content.
33463/02 E1202A – CHC51015 Diploma of Counselling                         Page 1 of 12
Part C
This relates to other legal and ethical issues that relate to your work environment at Real Matters. As it is with any new role, it is important to familiarise yourself with policies and procedures up front so you know what to do if an incident occurs. These can be found in Additional Resources.
1. According to the organisation’s policies and procedures about record keeping and confidentiality, what should Lin have done during and after the call (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)?
a. Explain two safety issues that could be of concern for Tony? (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)
. For the issues identified above, who would you report these issues to? (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)
3. You recognise Tony’s voice and circumstances from the recording and have been asked to make the follow-up call. Tony is someone you know well on a personal level.
a. What kinds of issue are you confronted with (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)?
. What will be the appropriate action to take (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)?
4. How do the following legal and ethical considerations relate to your work role? Please note that you will need to identify the name of the legislation that applies to your state/te
itory and source the information that you have found (e.g. website link, chapter of a textbook). See Module 1 Additional Resources for more information.
    Name of the legislation (state specific)
    Your responsibilities in the workplace
    Research evidence. Add your source (e.g. link, website, chapter of a textbook)
    a. Child protection
    Who would you report this to?
    b. Mandatory reporting
    Who would you report this to?
    c. Duty of Care
    Who would you report this to?
5. If you need better knowledge of industrial relations legislation relevant to your work role, including ethics, codes of conduct and industry standards;
a. who would you talk to (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)?
. what could you read (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)?
6. What is the difference between human needs and human rights? (approx XXXXXXXXXXwords)
Part D
Rachel asks you to draft her and Nadia an email outlining what has happened with Tony’s case. You will need to complete the template below and cover the following tasks:
1. summarise Tony’s case (including the legal and ethical issues that you have identified)
2. list at least two strategies you could recommend to assist other counsellors to improve their work practices in regards to legal and ethical issues
3. suggest your help on contributing to the review and development of policies and procedures.
Edit and proofread your email to ensure it is free of spelling and grammar e
ors and that it has been written in a courteous and professional way using language that is suitable for your
Answered Same Day May 04, 2020 CHCLEG001


Anju Lata answered on May 07 2020
143 Votes
    Student Name:
Student ID:
33463/02 - Short Answer Questions
Diploma of Counselling
Module 1: Provide intake counselling legally and ethically
This is assessment 2 of 4.
Having started as a counsellor at Real Matters Community Centre, you begin to understand the organisation’s requirements for the intake procedure.
This means using a structured counselling approach to establish a professional relationship with the clients according to Industry guidelines. It will become important for you to understand the underpinning principles of client-centred delivery and your legal and ethical obligations as a counsellor.
Throughout your career, you may be faced with challenging, and sometimes upsetting, situations that require you to follow established workplace guidelines regarding these legal and ethical frameworks, such as mandatory reporting.
For this assessment, you will be demonstrating your ability to understand the legal and ethical frameworks in which you will be working, including understanding of mandatory reporting and building the counselling relationship.
You will need to consider the needs of the clients that appear throughout the task, which will provide you with a context to work within.
This assessment is split into four parts – Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D.
Part Arequires you to complete an intake form that you need to fill in having read a script of a conversation between Lin (the telephone counsellor) and the client(Tony).
Part B consists of short answer questions about communication (within stated word count + or – 10%).
Part C consists of short answer questions about legal and ethical considerations (within stated word count + or – 10%).
Part D requires you to draft an email to the centre supervisor about record keeping and confidentiality.
Make sure that you use your own words when answering the questions.
Please submit this assessment in Word doc format.
To do list:
1. Write your name at the top of this page and your student ID.
2. Read the background/overview and
ief sections of this document.
3. Complete the intake form after you have read the script.
4. Complete the short answer questions.
5. Draft an email.
6. Collate your written answers into one Word document.
7. Save the Word document using the naming convention: your student numberassessment number.doc. For example: “12345678_31135_02.doc.”
8. Upload your document in Open Space using the relevant Assessment Upload link in this Module.
Part A
Rachel asks you if you would like to conduct an exercise with her. Together you listen to the recording of the session with Lin (the tele-counsellor) and Tony (the client). Unfortunately, Lin has not followed the policies and procedures of Real Matters. She has not taken down any notes during and after her call with the client and she has not filled in the intake form.
Read carefully the following script.
Lin – Hi my name is Lin, this is RMCC. How can I help you today?
Tony – Hi, it’s Tony here.
Lin – How can I help you Tony? Are you ok?
Tony – No, not really. I’m in a lot of pain. I don’t have any money and I’m going to have to sleep in my car again tonight.
Lin – It sounds like you’re not in a great place right now Tony. So, you are in pain at the moment? Let’s start with that. What sort of pain?
Tony – Ok, I had an accident on the building site 3 years ago. I was on workers’ comp but I can’t get that anymore coz they said the results were all clear. I have a lot of back pain and I have run out of Endone.
Lin – So you were taking Endone but you don’t have any left and you are in pain now?
Tony – Yeah.
Lin – Do you have a GP that you are going to?
Tony - Not at the moment.
Lin – Ok – we’ll give you some refe
als at the end of the call. What about other things that are going on at the moment? You said you don’t have any money and have to sleep in the car tonight.
Tony – Yeah, I’ve been drinking and the men’s shelter won’t take you if you’ve had too much. I have to sleep it off I guess.
Lin – So you have been drinking heavily today?
Tony – Yeah. I’m ok though. Just pissed off.
Lin – Are you having any thoughts of harming yourself Tony?
Tony – No nothing like that, just don’t know what to do and wanted to talk to someone. My wife left me and I can’t go back there. She’s upset with me at the moment and won’t let me see me kids.
Lin – So you have split up with your wife and she is with the kids at the moment. How old are your kids?
Tony – 10 and 8
Lin –How long were you ma
ied for?
Tony – We never ma
ied but we were together for 12 years.
Lin – So this has left you feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed and sad?
Tony – Yeah, exactly. I miss them (sniffs). I mucked it all up. I’m a mess. Sometimes I just want it all to go away.
Lin – Do you have thoughts of suicide Tony?
Tony – I used to, but not today. Tired and just want to get some food.
Lin – Ok. What I can do Tony is get someone to call you back and perhaps you can call in tomo
ow for an appointment with one of the counsellors here? I would like to give you a few other numbers to call in case you need them too.
Tony – Yeah OK. Can you get someone to call me? I’m nearly out of credit on my phone and don’t have any money.
Lin – OK – thanks for calling Tony. You going to be ok tonight?
Tony – Yeah. Just going to have a sleep and see if I can get some soup from the kitchens.
Lin – Alright well there are some free services you can use too. They are 24 hours if you need to ring someone tonight. I’ll get one of the counsellors to call you back. Can I get your phone number?
Tony – 0831 700 387
Lin – Just before we go Tony I just want to check if you have anyone else who is supporting your,
sister, parents, and friends?
Tony – nah, I got no one. Families all up on the Gold Coast, too far and don’t want their help. They never gave me no help before. Only my
o, he’s ok but he’s overseas at the moment with his missus.
1. Complete the Intake Form provided in Appendix 1 using all the information in the scenario.
2. Write down three questions you would need to ask Tony to gather useful additional information about him (approx. 20-25 words per question).
    Please tell me your full name, your date of birth/age, and your highest level of qualification. Where did you complete your studies from?
    Are you doing a job? Please tell me your employment status and your employment details like what is the name of your Company, your designation and work experience.
    Please tell me about your partner’s DOB, her job, her Company, her employment and contact details. Can you please tell me more about your children.
Part B
1. Having readthe scenario,write down in your own words what you could say to Tony to demonstrate your communication skills. Approx. 20-25 words for each example listed with some skills requiring two examples as identified.
    Where are you right now? Can you tell us your location? What sort of pain is it Tony that you are suffering from?
    Reflecting feelings
    We understand that your wife is upset with you but if we inform her about what you are going through, then she may return back.
    Drinking is not the solution of your problem Tony, you know drinking and driving may cost your life heavily.
    Open questions
    What are you going to do tomo
ow morning? Do you have any plans to resume your job again?
    How are you going to make the things under control? Do you think you need a
eak from all the chaos of life?
    Closed questions
    What do you think, how all these things would have affected your children’s mindset? Through this he will open up explaining more about the family environment and its visible impact on his children.
    If the pain is unbearable, would you like to go home or call someone to come to take you home. I will ask his opinion, but won’t ever judge or guide him to do anything.
    It was great taking to you, Tony. I hope you would be feeling better now. Hope to talk you more someday. Thanks for sharing. Here I would like to make him positive and accepting him as he is.
    We would really appreciate if you opt for a health check up and take the prescription for pain as directed by the GP. If you have something more to share, you can anytime call us on the numbers provided to you.
2. Outline three key principles of person-centred practice that you would use in a counselling session with Tony (approx. 50 words per principle)? Refer to the PCP reading in your Module 1course content.
    The counsellor must be congruent or genuine with the client. During the session of conversation I would talk in a genuine and authentic way with Tony. I would...

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