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Provide APA references for each question and provide a Bibliography/ Reading List of ALL references at the end of your assignment. Q1 Plagiarism (2 marks) Reference Internet sources to define...

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Provide APA references for each question and provide a Bibliography/ Reading List ofALLreferences at the end of your assignment.

Q1Plagiarism (2 marks)
Reference Internet sources to define plagiarism. Is collusion on assignments plagiarism? Why is plagiarism/collusion unfair to honest students?

Q2Pasting spreadsheets in doc files (2 marks)
Use copy and paste in a Word file, a simple normal view AND formula view of a spreadsheet showing row and column headings. Describe ONE other method to paste a spreadsheet in a Word file. Refer to the Spreadsheet Advice PDF for examples.

Q3Accounting resources on the Internet (2 marks)
List six web sites relevant to accounting together with their URLs.Explainhow is each relevant to accounting.

Q4Professional accounting bodies (2 marks)
Find online one Australian professional accounting organisation. Describe a resource within this website (apart from ABC Learning), potentially relevant to your study of accounting. Explain why you chose this resource.

Q5Work Integrated Assessment (5 marks)(about 300 words). Describe the computing environment in your current or previous workplace or home office; equipment, software, processes etc. Or answer this question in relation to a possible future workplace position.

The above five questions are designed to assess your ability to use and evaluate digital resources for accounting and can be answered from any source including the computer sections of magazines and newspapers or by access to the Internet. When using the Internet include the URL reference.

Q6ABC Learning and ethics - ABC Learning Case Study (10 marks)
Watch the six CPA ABC Learning movies.


Prepare abusiness reportcovering the following (about 500 words)

1. What did you learn from watching these videos?
2. What are the major financial reports? What is the purpose of each?
3. Identify 3 ethical issues from the case study.

Q7PALER (12 marks)

Spreadsheet - check the assignment and spreadsheet requirements.

A.ExplainP A L E R. Refer to the Topic notes.

B.Create a manual, handwritten solution. Scan or use your phone to copy and paste an image of your handwritten solution in your word file. If using a smart phone, consider using a free scanning app such as Camscanner, Office Lens or Google Drive or search for an app. Let us know which method you chose. We ask for a handwritten solution because this is the method you will use in the final exam. In the meantime, we want you to acquire spreadsheeting skills.

C.Create a spreadsheet solution. Check the spreadsheet requirements in the Subject Outline.

Q8Balance Sheet Equation (10 marks)

A.Create a manual, handwritten solution. Scan or use your phone to copy and paste an image in your assignment. If using a smart phone, consider using a free scanning app such as Camscanner, Office Lens or Google Drive or search for an app. Let us know which method you chose.

B.Spreadsheet required. Note: Interact2 resources including the Spreadsheet Advice PDF and the worksheet video may assist in completing this assignment question.

In this case, the Report section will look just like the data section but will contain only formulas. In some cases, the cells in the report will be, for example =D8. The yellow highlighted cells will contain the answers.

C.For each number calculated, briefly explain how you derived the answer.

Q9Debit and credit balances (4 marks)
List four accounts with normal debit balances. List four accounts with normal credit balances.

Q10Trial balance (8 marks)

A.Create a manual, handwritten solution. Scan or use your phone to copy and paste an image in your assignment. If using a smart phone, consider using a free scanning app such as Camscanner, Office Lens or Google Drive or search for an app. Let us know which method you chose.
B.Create a spreadsheet solution. Paste normal and formula views.
C.Change 3 numbers such that the trial balance still balances. Paste this new normal view. There should be no need to paste a new formula view. Ensure that you choose the 3 changes yourself. Highlight the data changes with the yellow highlighter in Excel.

Note that Interact2 resources including the Spreadsheet Advice PDF and the Foot worksheet video may assist in completing this assignment.

Q11 Crossword (5 marks)
See page 92 and 93 of your text. Create your own simple crossword using at least 5 accounting terms andclues. Use the words Debit and Credit plus choose 3 more terms. Hint: there are free crossword creation apps online. Make two copies of your crossword - one blank and one completed.

Q12 Types of adjusting entries (4 marks)
List four types of period end adjusting entries and give journal entries examples of each.

Q13Current and non-current liabilities (2 marks)
Distinguish between current and non-current liabilities. Give two examples of each.

Q14Ratios (2 marks)
Explain the current ratio. Create your own numerical example.

Q15Worksheet and financial reports (20 marks)
Note that Interact2 resources including the Spreadsheet Advice PDF and the Foot worksheet video may assist in completing this assignment.
A.Create a manual, handwritten solution. Scan or use your phone to copy and paste an image in your assignment. If using a smart phone, consider using a free scanning app such as Camscanner, Office Lens or Google Drive or search for an app. Let us know which app you chose.

B.Spreadsheet. Add a ten column worksheet beneath the following data. Below that report, create three financial reports - the Income Statement, the Statement of Owner's Equity and the Balance Sheet. Paste the normal and formula view.

C.In a second version, make three changes to the data such that a loss is reported. Paste the second normal view.

Quality of presentation of the total assignment including referencing throughout and bibliography is weighted at 10 marks

Answered Same Day Mar 24, 2020 ACC566 Charles Sturt University


Aarti J answered on Mar 26 2020
147 Votes
Accounting: ACC566
Subject:    ACC566
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Accounting: ACC566
Answer 1: Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the practice in which one copies the work of some other person, it can be said as presenting someone else’s writing, as the writing of your own. It is important to acknowledge the source from which the data has been taken. It is an unfair means and practice and does not consider honesty and integrity.
Answer 2: Pasting spreadsheets in doc files
To copy and paste the word file, we can take the screenshot of the same and paste it. For viewing the formula we need to use Shift + `
Answer 3: Accounting resources on the Internet
Website 1: Accounting Coach: (https: – Presents different topics of accounting along with its concepts like accounting equation.
Website 2: Accounting Tools: (https: - – Presents different topics of accounting along with its concepts like accounting equation.
Website 3: YouTube: ( – Youtube comes in a form of application as well as the web address, where you can get a pool of data in the form of videos, these includes the lectures and other aspects..
Website 4: Investopedia ( – It lists different topics and details of accounting and finance topics.
Website 5: Australian Accounting standard board ( – This website has the details about the accounting standards that are used in Australia. It provides the guidelines to the students and the company for making financial statements.
Website 6: Morningstar ( This is a financial website which displays the data regarding the company’s share prices, its chart and other financial information like the ratios, financial statements. It is used for analysing the data of the company particularly in financial aspect.
Answer 4: Professional accounting bodies
The online government resource is http: which presents the accounting standards and other aspects that needs to be considered when reporting and presenting the financial data. It considers different framework that is to be used for reporting the data. It can help on the standard and different topics of accounting and AASB.
Answer 5: Work Integrated Assessment
With the change in technology, the computers and different applications has taken over the world and has become one of the most integral part which helps one to work. There are certain things which has to be used to make the working environment more effective and efficient and it includes different computing tools and equipment which includes printer, projectors and other equipment.
It marks an important place in all the organizations, in the organization which I work, all the employees have access to different computer equipment like printer, projectors and other required equipment. They have their designated computers and the workplace. With the help of these equipment, the company is able to work effectively and efficiently.
Being an employee in the human resource department, all the working is accumulated and stored in the computer. All the data related to the employees are stored in the computer and the database. The company has a payroll software with which the data of all the employees are recorded along with their personal details, their salary structure, their available leaves and the leaves taken.
The department also uses emails to send the official mails and other mails which are required in respect to working and communication. To stay connected, the company also needs different aspects like internet. The company has a wi-fi as well
oadband connection for all the computers which helps the computers to stay connected with the internet.
The employees also have access to printers only for the official use, the company also provides projector to the employees when they gives presentation. So, the computers and the related devices are important for an organization and needs to be used in the organisation for effective and efficient use.
Answer 6:
Executive summary
This report analysis why did ABC learning collapsed, the main reason behind the same is the non-corporation of the fundamentals of accounting. The company came into existence in 1988 and collapsed in 2008 as the company adopted inco
ect accounting practices. With the help of the secondary resources the reasons of collapse was analysed. The main reason presented was the over ambition of the owner to expand its business.
ABC learning was a child care company, the company did not consider the fundamentals of accounting and became over ambitious in expansion. In expansion it did not consider any aspects of accounting.
The company provided child care and day care facilities across Australia. The company had more than 18 centres by 2000. In 2000 the...

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