Short Summary Provide a short summary of the article. What are the maincomponents and subject matter?Key Variables What are the key variables in the study or article? How are theyassociated? What is the relationship of the variables to the applicationin HR?Strengths Identify the strengths of the article. Why are they strengths in thestudy and how do these strengths add value to the field of HR?Weaknesses Identify the weaknesses of the article. Why are they weaknesses in thestudy and how doView more »
Short Summary Provide a short summary of the article. What are the maincomponents and subject matter?Key Variables What are the key variables in the study or article? How are theyassociated? What is the relationship of the variables to the applicationin HR?Strengths Identify the strengths of the article. Why are they strengths in thestudy and how do these strengths add value to the field of HR?Weaknesses Identify the weaknesses of the article. Why are they weaknesses in thestudy and how do these weaknesses affect the outcomes to the field ofHR?Application of theconceptsBased on the results in the article, how are they applicable to the fieldof HR? What are the main points that can be used to add value?Recommendations Provide any recommendations for the application of the findings to thefield of HR. In what type of situations would they be beneficial to theimprovement of HR?
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