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Project Assessment Assignement

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Project Assessment
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BSBPEF402 | Develop personal work priorities
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Assessment declaration
Note: If you are an online student, you will be required to complete this declaration on the TAFE NSW online learning platform when you upload your assessment.
This assessment is my original work and has not been:
· plagiarised or copied from any source without providing due acknowledgement.
· written for me by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the Teache
Assessor concerned.
Student signature and date
Document title    Version 1.0    Page 1 of 3
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© 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011
Document title: BSBPEF402_AE_Pro_2of2_RB    Page 13 of 17
Resource ID: PRJ0012222_BSBPEF402_AE_Pro_2of2_RB
Version:     XXXXXXXXXX
Date created:    17 October 2022
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RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank
The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2022 and should not be reproduced without the permission of TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is co
ect at the time of printing: 30 July 2024. For cu
ent information please refer to our website or your Teache
Assessor as appropriate.
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© 2011 Department of Education and Communities, TAFE NSW eLearning Hub | Version: 0.0 | Created: dd/mm/2011
Assessment instructions
Table 1 Assessment instructions
    Assessment details
    Assessment overview
    The objective of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and performance to plan and prioritise own work tasks.
    Assessment event numbe
    2 of 2
    Instructions for this assessment
    This is a project-based assessment that assesses your knowledge and performance of the unit.
This assessment is in 2 parts:
1. Personal work schedule
2. Implement personal work schedule and review personal work priorities
And is supported by:
· Assessment checklist
· Assessment feedback
· Supporting documents
Note: This assessment may contain links to external resources. If a link does not work, copy and paste the URL directly into your
    Submission instructions
    On completion of this assessment, you are required to submit it to your Teache
Assessor for marking. Where possible, submission and upload of all required assessment files should be via the TAFE NSW online learning platform.
It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy assessments submitted to TAFE and complete the assessment declaration when submitting the assessment.
    What do I need to do to achieve a satisfactory result?
    To achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment you must answer all the questions co
If a resit is required to achieve a satisfactory result it will be conducted at an agreed time after a suitable revision period.
    What do I need to provide?
    TAFE NSW student account username and password. If you do not know your username and password, contact your campus or service centre on 131601.
Access to:
· office equipment
· computer with relevant software
· internet access
· student workbook, training materials and other research you have completed
    What the Teache
Assessor will provide
    Access to:
· learning materials, student workbook and online learning platforms, where applicable, with information and links to:
· relevant legislation, regulations, standards and codes
· relevant workplace documentation and resources
· case studies and, where possible, real situations.
ary resources
Access to:
· BSBPEF402_AE_Appx_PDHumanResourcesOffice
· BSBPEF402_AE_Appx_PeopleandCultureCrew StrategicOverviewandOperationalPlan
· BSBPEF402_AE_Appx_PerformanceReviewForm
· BSBPEF402_AE_Appx_PersonalWorkPlan
    Due date
Time allowed
    The assessment must be submitted by the due date noted on the Unit Assessment Guide.
Students should allow a minimum of three hours to complete this assessment. Students may need additional time for preparation, research and revision to ensure they have responded to each question satisfactorily.
TAFE NSW campus/ TAFE Digital Campus/ TAFE NSW Moodle/ a location determined by your Teache
    Assessment feedback, review or appeals
    In accordance with the TAFE NSW policy Manage Assessment Appeals, all students have the right to appeal an assessment decision in relation to how the assessment was conducted and the outcome of the assessment. Appeals must be lodged within 14 working days of the formal notification of the result of the assessment.
If you would like to request a review of your results or if you have any concerns about your results, contact your Teache
Assessor or Head Teacher. If they are unavailable, contact the Student Administration Officer.
Contact your Head Teache
Assessor for the assessment appeals procedures at your college/campus.
Specific task instructions
The instructions and the criteria in the tasks and activities will be used by your Teache
Assessor to determine if you have satisfactorily completed this assessment event. Use these instructions as a guide to ensure you demonstrate the required knowledge and skills.
This assessment consists of 2 parts, each with a series of tasks:
1. Personal work schedule
2. Implement personal work schedule and review personal work priorities
Each of the tasks has a scenario and instructions. The fictional organisation Plan2go is used to simulate the scenarios.
Note: Plan2go refers to a personal work schedule as a personal work plan.
Setting the scene
Plan2go provides corporate travel services and technology solutions. You have just been employed by Plan2go as a Human Resources Officer (HRO) in the People and Culture Division. Your supervisor is Tobias Ukestock, Leader People & Culture.
You will be responsible for planning, implementing and reviewing your own work schedules and work priorities. Use the information provided in the tasks, and the criteria listed on the Assessment checklist to guide your responses.
Complete the tasks in Part 1 and Part 2 that follow.
Part 1: Personal work schedule
To complete this part of the assessment, you must complete the following tasks:
1.1 Identify task requirements
1.2 Identify own accountabilities
1.3 Develop a personal work schedule
1.4 Communicate your personal work schedule
1.1 Identify task requirements
You have been supplied with the HRO Position Description of your new role. Your supervisor has asked you to demonstrate an understanding of your role and responsibilities.
Task 1.1 instructions
· Refer to the file: BSBPEF402_AE_Appx_PDHumanResourcesOfficer located in the folder.
· Complete the Job Analysis table below and identify at least one key task required for each of your position responsibilities.
Job Analysis table
Table 2
    Key task
    Customer Service
    Learning and Development Programs
    Performance management
1.2 Identify own accountabilities
Due to a recent change in global environmental conditions, employees working remotely and flexibly have become a priority for the organisation and your department.
Your supervisor has asked you to review the Flexible work a
angements strategy (6.1) Under 3.6 Strategic goal 6: Work-life harmony in the People and Culture Crew Strategic Overview and Operational Plan and identify your own work accountabilities and KPIs within the group.
Task 1.2 instructions
· Refer to the file BSBPEF402_AE_Appx_PeopleandCultureCrewStrategicOverviewandOperationalPlan (Part 6.1) located in the folder.
· Complete the Flexible Work A
angements table below to identify the key actions, performance indicators and primary responsibility within Strategy 6.1 that relate to your role (HRO).
Flexible work a
angements table
Table 3
    Key actions
    Performance indicato
    Primary responsibility
For tasks 1.1 and 1.2, save this document as BSBPEF402_Assessment_YourName.

1.3 Develop a personal work schedule
You are required to develop a personal work schedule based on your cu
ent circumstances. For example, your study goals for your cu
ent course; or tasks
esponsibilities that you are required to undertake in your workplace
Task 1.3 instructions
· Open the file BSBPEF402_AE_Appx_PersonalWorkPlan located in the folder.
· Develop the Personal Work Plan (schedule) for yourself. Complete only columns one and two at this stage, to identify:
· Performance objectives – describe at least five tasks you need to undertake in order of priority with time/date objectives.
· Any business technology you require.
Save as: BSBPEF402_Personal_Work_Plan_YourName.
1.4 Communicate your personal work schedule
Your supervisor has asked you to email them your personal work plan.
Task 1.4 instructions
· Draft an email to your superviso
· Attach your Personal Work Plan
· Take a screenshot of the email showing you have attached your personal work plan
· Save the screenshot as a PDF file as BSBPEF402_Email_YourName
Submit for Part 1:
|_| Tasks 1.1 and 1.2: BSBPEF402_Assessment_YourName
|_| Personal Work Plan: BSBPEF402_Personal_Work_Plan_YourName
|_| Email: BSBPEF402_Email_YourName
Part 2: Implement personal work schedule and review personal work priorities
To complete this part of the assessment, you must complete the following tasks:
2.1. Document variations in your personal work plan
2.2. Self-assessment and feedback
2.1 Document variations in your personal work plan
You have implemented your personal work plan and monitored your work for one week. Your supervisor has asked you to document variations between your expected (goals) and your actual work performance.
Task 2.1 instructions
Open your Personal Work Plan document that you saved, and complete columns three to five, including:
· Performance (actual) - were you able to achieve the objectives? Describe your actual performance outcomes.
· Ba
iers to performance – identify factors that stopped you from achieving your performance objectives.
· Analyse variations in your work plan – evaluate the ba
iers and develop an action plan (strategies) to overcome the ba
iers so that performance can match objectives as part of continuous improvement.
· Update your Personal Work Plan where required in column one “Performance Objectives”, including time/date goals, to consider the variations and ba
iers that may have impacted you achieving your goals.
Save the file as BSBPEF402_Personal_Work_Plan_Updated_YourName
Note: you will need to upload your original Personal Work Plan AND your updated Personal Work Plan as separate files.
2.2 Self-assessment and feedback
As part of your role requirements, your supervisor has asked you to review your personal work priorities and seek and evaluate feedback from relevant stakeholders. You will assess your own work performance through self-assessment and third-party feedback against your performance objectives.
Task 2.2 instructions
· Open the file Performance Review Form located in the folder.
You need to:
· Monitor and review your own performance – complete the ‘Personal review’ and ‘Comments’ columns to identify and analyse your cu
ent skills.
· Seek a third-party review - have a relevant stakeholder complete the ‘Third party review’ column to review your performance. This can be anyone that has observed you in a workplace, study environment or volunteer situation.
· Evaluate the third-party feedback – complete the ‘Evaluation of feedback’ column to evaluate the feedback you have been provided.
Save the file as BSBPEF402_Performance_Review_YourName.
Submit for Part 2:
|_| Updated Personal Work Plan: BSBPEF402_Personal_Work_Plan_Updated_YourName
|_| Performance Review: BSBPEF402_Performance_Review_YourName
Part 3: Assessment checklist
The following checklist will be used by your Teache
Assessor to mark your performance against the assessment criteria of your project. Use this checklist to understand what skills and/or knowledge you need to demonstrate during this assessment event. All the criteria described in the Assessment checklist must be met.
Table 4 Assessment checklist
Table 5 Assessment checklist
    TASK/ #
    Assessor comments
    Completed Part 1 Personal Work Schedule including:
1.1. Identify task requirements
1.2. Identify own accountabilities in line with task requirements
1.3. Develop a personal work schedule
1.4. Communicate your personal work schedule
    ☐    ☐    Part 1 Evidence required:
|_| Tasks 1.1 and 1.2: BSBPEF402_Assessment_YourName
|_| Personal Work Plan: BSBPEF402_Personal_Work_Plan_YourName
|_| Email: BSBPEF402_Email_YourName
Assessor comment:
    Implement and review your personal work priorities
2.1. Variations in personal work schedule
2.2. Self-assessment and feedback
    ☐    ☐    Part 2 Evidence required:
|_| Updated Personal Work Plan: BSBPEF402_Personal_Work_Plan_Updated_YourName
|_| Performance Review: BSBPEF402_Performance_Review_YourName
Assessor comment:
Assessment feedback
NOTE: This section must have the Teache
Assessor and student signature to complete the feedback. If you are submitting through the TAFE NSW online learning platform, your Teache
Assessor will give you feedback via the platform.
Assessment outcome
☐ Satisfactory
☐ Unsatisfactory
Assessor feedback
☐     Has the Assessment declaration for this assessment event been signed and dated by the student?
☐     Are you assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the student’s own work?
☐     Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?
If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.
Assessor name, signature and date:
Student acknowledgement of assessment outcome
Would you like to make any comments about this assessment?
Student name, signature and date

Position Description - Human Resources Office

Plan2go: Position Description - Human Resources Officer [ 1 ]
Created: XXXXXXXXXX | Last updated XXXXXXXXXX
Position Description
Position: Human Resources Officer Position no.: H896
Department: People and Culture Crew
Reports to: Leader People and Culture
Supervises: Nil
Engagement: Permanent Full-Time
Level: Level 4 Clerical Office
Retail Employee Level 7 – General Retail Industry
Award 2010
Version control: Version 1 (V1) – Revised 15 September, 2014
Organisational values and behaviours
Be open to new ideas and opportunities, challenge accepted practices and seek out better ways of
doing things.
Operate as an effective team member by working together positively to achieve efficiency and
support other team members in overcoming problems and developing solutions.
Be professional, polite and courteous in all methods of communication. Display honesty, sincerity
and respect when communicating internally and with
Answered 6 days After Jul 30, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Aug 06 2024
13 Votes

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