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Programming Logic and DesignFinal Programming Project1 Program Statement: Complete Chapter 10 Programming Exercise 8, with the following modifications: 1. Create a data file, sales.txt, containing the...

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Programming Logic and Design
Final Programming Project
1 Program Statement: Complete Chapter 10 Programming Exercise 8, with the following modifications: 1. Create a data file, sales.txt, containing the information as listed in the book.

2. Write the output listed in the textbook, to the screen and to a data file, titled results.txt.

3. Place your name and student ID at the top of the output file.

4. The output should look exactly as listed in the textbook.

Program Requirements:

1. Design the program using Python.

1. You MUST use Modular Programming techniques by using Sub Modules (Sub Charts in Python) in your program. Your "main" module should not be very large.

Other Requirements:

• Documentation: Use the "Comments" feature to document each symbol in the flowchart. You do this by right-clicking the symbol and selecting "Comment." Be sure to identify the data type of each variable used. Be sure to explain what each formula does. Be sure to explain what each of the other symbols in the flowchart does in a comment.

• Test and debug your Program: Create sample input data, run the program, then check your answers with a calculator or Excel. If something did not match up, then fix your program.

• Program must execute and produce correct output. • Read this page again to be sure you covered all requirements.

• See the Programming Project Rubric for grading principles.

• Extra Credit: Add significant functionality or an additional feature to the program. (Suggest a feature to me prior to due date and we will discuss/agree.) Submission Instructions:

Upload the following files:

Programming Logic and Design Final Programming Project 2

1. You must submit a Flowchart (from PYTHON) file. Your Python file will be the .rap file created when you save your project. Name the PYTHON file (replacing LastName and FirstInitial with YOUR name): (example:
2. sales.txt

3. results.txt

Answered Same Day Jan 29, 2023


Kamala answered on Jan 29 2023
44 Votes
Lab 1.5 – Programming Challenge 1 – Team Average
Write the Algorithm, Pseudocode, Flowchart, and Python code for the following programming problem.
Team Average
A college wants you to write a program for them that will calculate the average number of wins for their football team over the past five years. The user of the program should be able to enter the number of wins each year. The program will calculate the average number of wins during that five year period and display that information to the screen.
The Algorithm
1. Get the number of...

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