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Produce two print advertisements Submission details Candidate’s Name Phone No. Assessor’s Name Phone No. Assessment Site Assessment Date/s Time/s This Assessment Task is due on the date...

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Produce two print advertisements

Submission details

Candidate’s Name

Phone No.

Assessor’s Name

Phone No.

Assessment Site

Assessment Date/s


This Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

You must demonstrate ability, knowledge and skills to create (or oversee the creation of) two mass print advertisements that meet the requirements of the creative brief.

Assessment description

You must develop (or oversee the development of) two mass print advertisements (two of print, magazine or outdoor). You must submit a report on the advertisements, explaining how the advertisements meet the specifications of the creative brief and summarising your knowledge of the advertising industry.


1. Use the creative brief developed for Assessment 1 or use another creative brief supplied to you by the assessor.

2. Select two types of advertisement from the list below. You must produce (or oversee the production of) two mass print advertisements of the two types that you did not select in Assessment Task 1.

a. A newspaper advertisement.

b. A magazine advertisement.

c. An outdoor advertisement.

3. Identify the delivery requirements for one source of each two types of advertising forum in terms of layout requirements, file size, file type, etc. Determine the cost or cost options for advertising in this forum.

4. Create (or oversee the creation of) two mass print media advertisements. For each:

a. determine and produce the elements of the print advertisement to communicate the required image, features and benefits of the product or service

b. size and position each element of the print advertisement to achieve balance and focus for the advertisement

c. ensure the typeface selections suit the product and the central idea of the advertisement and balance the layout of white space and margins

d. ensure the layout of the advertisement unifies the elements, attracts the reader to the focus and guides the reading sequence

e. ensure the advertisement meets the requirements of the advertising brief and that it meets legal and ethical requirements.

5. Write a report that (in no more than 500 words per point):

a. explains how each part of the creative brief is reflected in the two advertisements

b. explains how the two advertisements meet principles and elements of design used in print advertisements

c. describes the features of the advertising industry and how the industry is changing

d. explains the principles and purposes of advertising

e. outlines range of available advertising approaches for different markets

f. outlines ethical principles relevant to advertising industry

g. explains how ethical principles are supported by Consumer Law.


You must submit:

● two advertisements.

Your assessor will be looking for two print advertisements that:

● communicate the required image, features and benefits of the product or service

● use the sizes and positions of each element to achieve balance and focus for the advertisement

● use typeface/font selections to suit the product and the central idea of the advertisement

● have a layout that unifies the elements, balances white space and margins, attracts the reader to the focus and guides the reading sequence

● meet the requirements of the advertising/creative brief and legal and/or ethical constraints.

Your assessor will also be looking for:

● creativity and innovation skills to write engaging text for a variety of audiences

● visual and design techniques to communicate advertising messages efficiently and effectively

● key features of an industry, services, products and organisation

● principles and purposes of advertising

● principles and elements of design used in print advertisements

● range of available advertising approaches for different markets

● key provisions of relevant legislation, codes of practice and national standards affecting business operations

● ethical principles relevant to the advertising industry.

Answered Same Day Feb 25, 2020 BSBADV509 Training.Gov.Au


Soumi answered on Feb 26 2020
147 Votes
Table of Contents
2)    3
3)    3
4)    3
a)    3
)    3
c)    4
d)    4
e)    4
5)    4
a)    4
)    5
c)    5
d)    6
e)    6
References    7
The advertisement will be designed for a daily magazine and billboards, so that it can reach maximum number of people. A daily magazine that is read by a large section of people will be selected for this purpose. Billboards will be selected as a medium for outdoor advertising.
The cost of advertisement in a magazine depends on the popularity of the magazine. As viewed by Ragonetti and Ahmed (2017), higher the popularity, greater is the quantum of people, who read that magazine. Therefore, a magazine that is read by a large section of people across the country will be selected for this purpose. The cost of advertisement in a popular magazine required an area of a full A4-size page would be around $3000. On the other hand, billboards of 10*8 area will be displayed in crowded areas to ensure that the information reaches the mass. Permission is required to be taken from the local authority to avoid any litigation.
The advertisement in the magazine will be displayed on A4-size page. An image will occupy the major part of the page. The advertisement will be displayed in the initial pages of the magazine. This will ensure that the readers have a look at the advertisement as soon as they start reading it. Two-lined eye-catching messages will be written, along with the image. This will emotionally target the readers that will increase their chance of purchasing pets from shelters. The font of the magazine advertisement will be blue coloured to attract the attention of the reader at the first glance. The writing font will be Copperplate Gothic Bold that will make it more attractive. The billboard will also contain the same image and the writing. However, the billboard will be a little larger in size. According to the opinion of (), the major cost of advertisement through billboards is the cost of printing the bills and pasting them at the crowded areas.
The magazine advertisement will be positioned in the initial pages of the magazine. It is because...

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