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Problem Statement:A Grocery Store shared the transactional data with you. Your job is to identify the most popular combos that can be suggested to the Grocery Store chain after a thorough analysis...

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Problem Statement:

A Grocery Store shared the transactional data with you. Your job is to identify the most popular combos that can be suggested to the Grocery Store chain after a thorough analysis of the most commonly occurring sets of menu items in the customer orders. The Store doesn’t have any combo meals. Can you suggest the best combo meals?

Exploratory Analysis

  • Exploratory Analysis of data & an executive summary (in PPT) of your top findings, supported by graphs.

  • Are there trends across months/years/quarters/days etc. that you are able to notice?

Use of Market Basket Analysis (Association Rules)

  • Write Something about the association rules and their relevance in this case

  • Add KNIME workflow Image , as that is the only tool to be used for MBA.

  • Write about threshold values of Support and Confidence

Associations Identified

  • Put the associations in a tabular manner

  • Explain about support, confidence, & lift values that are calculated

A suggestion of Possible Combos with Lucrative Offers

  • Write recommendations

  • Make discount offers or combos (or buy two get one free) based on the associations and your experience

Tools to be used:

  1. KNIME Analytics Platform or

  2. Tableau or

  3. Python or

Please note the following:

  • Your submission should include the following:

    • A PowerPoint Presentation
      (Deck of min 15 slides) - You will be evaluated based upon this. (You can convert PPT to PDF, that is also acceptable)

    • Supporting file-You can use
      any tool(Tableau or Python or KNIME) for EDA but MBA has to done only using KNIMEfor this project.Its a
      to share the
      code/KNIME file/Tableau file
      for reference

  • Please ensure timely submission as a post-deadline assignment will not be accepted.

Please reflect on all that you have learned while working on thisproject. This step is critical in cementing all your concepts and closing the loop.
Answered 3 days After Dec 31, 2022


Sathishkumar answered on Jan 03 2023
47 Votes
PowerPoint Presentation
Problem Statement:
You now have access to the Grocery Store's financial records. After doing in-depth research on the product combinations that appear most frequently in customer orders, it is your responsibility to establish which product combinations are the most popular so that you can provide recommendations to the chain of grocery shops. The Shop sells absolutely nothing. bargain packages or any other discounts including many items. Which discounts and packages do you think are the best?
Using market basket analysis, our mission is to research the rules of the association in order to come up with the most profitable combination of products and sales for the grocery store chain.
The csv file contains information that includes a Point of Sale column (POS).
Tools Used
Programming Language
Python 3 and above
ary Packages
About Dataset
No of transactions : 20682
No of features : 3
No missing values
No duplicates
Data provided from Jan to Sep for 2 years (2018, 2019) and 2020 with 2 months(Jan and Feb)
# of Unique Orders : (1 to 1139)
# of Unique Products : 37
# of Unique Dates : 603
# of Unique Orders : (1 to 1139)
# of Unique Products : 37
# of Unique Dates : 603
Yearly Trend
Since the data for the year 2020 only includes two months, the count of orders for that year is quite low. The year 2018 had the highest number of orders,...

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