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Prepare a slide and oral (video) presentation on the topic below.You are employed by a large global firm that provides security consulting and training services to companies and government agencies...

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Prepare a slide and oral (video) presentation on the topic below.

You are employed by a large global firm that provides security consulting and training services to companies and government agencies all over the world. Your manager has assigned you to brief a team visiting from another country who is considering operating a security guard operation in the United States

The team is interested in learning more about legal and security issues in the United States, particularly as they apply to deploying private security personnel in airports, seaports, and other critical infrastructure facilities. They want to be sure they will be in compliance with US laws and regulations in their areas of operation. Their security personnel will be working closely with US federal, state, and local law enforcement officers so it is important that they understand the legal issues affecting how security officers may act concerning detentions, arrests, search, seizure, and interrogations especially as it pertains to individuals who may pose a risk of terrorism or other criminal activity.

Assignment Requirements

A minimum of eight (no more than ten) slides (e.g., PowerPoint) of substantive content, including title and references slides.

A digitally recorded (video/oral) component of between 8 to 10 minutes.

Answered 1 days After Mar 05, 2024


Sanjukta answered on Mar 07 2024
19 Votes
Legal Issues in Homeland Security
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The manager of this firm advised for visiting another country who is considering operating a safety officer activity in the US
There are some challenges comprising of the dealing of the people, illegal intimidation, guns and opiates, as well as compromising the security of the US
This nation has put away lumpsum measure of cash for countering such dangers from quite a while
This presentation will showcase the legal issues that is faced by the Homeland Security
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As a manager of company I am this multinational advised by the manager for visiting another country who is thinking of operating a security guard operation in the United States (Biden, 2021). The team is more interested in knowing more about the security and legal problems concerning the U.S.
It has been observed that there are a lot of challenges consisting of the trafficking of the human beings, te
orism, firearms and narcotics, as well as threatening the security of the United States. However, this country has invested lumpsum amount of money for countering such threats from a long time.
The legal issues in Homeland Security
In US disregarding their regulation can have a few serious results that can affect explicitly in sending private security faculty
There are a portion of the lawful issues that there is a test toward the division of the country security
The Division of Country security in the US was laid out in the wake of desolating the 9/11 assault for going about as an organization that would help in countering psychological warfare
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In United States violating their law can have some serious consequences that can impact specifically in deploying private security personnel in seaports, airports and other infrastructures.
The Department of Homeland security in the United States was established after ravaging the 9/11 attack for acting as an agency that would help in countering te
orism. There are some of the legal issues that there is a challenge toward the department of the homeland security particularly following a lot of urgencies being integrated into the department’s um
ella with regards to the homeland security.
The harmony between the singular privileges and the safety efforts is quite possibly of the most conspicuous lawful issue that encompass the whole country security
State run administrations might pass regulation that can abuse the common opportunity of the residents for safeguarding the public safety
Finding some kind of harmony between protection of common opportunities and security is a test
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It has been observed that the balance between the individual rights and the security...

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