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PowerPoint Presentation 1. Individual section Effective communication throughout a workplace is an essential ingredient to align people’s efforts towards achieving organisational goals. Yet it seems...

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PowerPoint Presentation
1. Individual section
Effective communication throughout a workplace is an essential ingredient to align people’s efforts towards achieving organisational goals. Yet it seems that ‘communication problems’ are continually mentioned as one of the main difficulties for most organisations. Your boss, the CEO of ABC Company, has asked you to investigate the question:
'why managers should make effective communication a priority'?
In so doing she expects you to examine four issues:
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
1. the interpersonal aspects of communication - communicating to persuade and influencing others (key points for practicing the art of persuasion);
2. the organisation as a whole and formal communication channels - establishing and maintaining formal and informal channels of communication downward, upward and horizontally;
3. personal communication channels - including personal networks, the grapevine and written communication; and finally
4. aspects of communication that relate to sustainability: communication of sustainability activities and achievements (the corporate social responsibility report), and the sustainability of an organisation's communications activities themselves.
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
Topic 4
4. aspects of communication that relate to sustainability: communication of sustainability activities and achievements (the corporate social responsibility report), and the sustainability of an organisation's communications activities themselves.
What do we mean by communication of sustainability
CSR (corporate social responsibility)
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
Planning a report
Define the problem and purpose
Consider the reade
Determine which ideas to include
Collect the information
Sort and evaluate the information – what strategy are you using: informal written outline; tree diagram; or mind map?
Organise the information
Prepare the outline
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
Choose your topic
Identify key words
Search for sources
NB: 8 – 10 sources. Four must be peer reviewed journal articles.
Evaluate your sources
Consider your word count
Map out a skeleton of your draft
How many paragraphs
Sub themes/headings
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
Confirming peer reviewed journals: XXXXXXXXXXusing Ulrichswe
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
In the reference list you need to highlight the peer reviewed references:
Smith, FC, Jones, M & Wilson, J 2016, ‘Communication in the workplace’, Journal of Communication, vol. 28, no. 2, pp XXXXXXXXXX.
Wilson, A & Smith, J 2000, 'Managing the Communication Process, Journal of Strategic Communication , vol. 81, no. 8, pp. 40-5.
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
The most important thing to remember is that:
You will be rewarded for linking ideas together to draw conclusions, and discussing the implications of what you have described.
You will be rewarded for questioning the material that you have researched for preparing your assignment.
You will not be rewarded for simply the number of words you write.
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
The body (individual sections)
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
Introductory section
The middle section
The final section
The final section
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
The recommendations are the direction or actions that you think must be taken or additional work that is needed to expand the knowledge obtained in your report.
At this point you are asking the reader to think or do something about the information you have presented. In order to achieve your purposes and have your reader do what you want, consider how they will react to your recommendations and phrase your words in a way to best achieve your purposes.
Please note: When you sum up the conclusions that you have give ONE recommendation for the whole group.
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
The difference between a conclusion and recommendations
Assume that you were walking down the street, staring at the treetops, and stepped in a deep puddle while wearing expensive new shoes. What conclusions, and recommendations might you draw from this situation?
Conclusions: These shoes were not waterproof and not meant to be worn when walking in water. In addition, the high price of the shoes is not closely linked with durability.
Recommendations: In the future, the wearer of this type of shoe should watch out for puddles, not just treetops. When buying shoes, the wearer should determine the extent of the shoes’ waterproofing and/or any wa
anties on durability.
MNG81001 Special Review Assignment 4
Answered Same Day May 18, 2020 MNG81001 Southern Cross University


Ritika answered on May 22 2020
151 Votes
Running Head: ASSIGNMENT
ASSIGNMENT         9
Title of Assignment
Name of Student
Name of University
Communication as a process is one that entails the actual exchange of communicative ideas and feelings that helping the sender and receiver connect with ve
al as well as non-ve
al messages. Communication being an essential part of everyone’s life should be involved with the presence of every day work and coordination among people. It can be defined more as a social process which initiates right from our birth and continues till our death. Communication being a two way process requires both a transmitter and receiver as they have to get involved in the actual process of messaging, etc. Sustainability as they say in communication is one that emerges as a corporate strategy, one that is influential as well as one that needs to study about special care and even connecting with the actual strategy, etc (Genç, 2017).
Importance of sustainability communication
Communication is also important for the purpose of fundamentally enabling the process of achieving public relational goals. It is the public relation experts which help in communicating the tools effectively and even transfe
ing message as received from the remitter from time to time. With communication sustainability, there is presence of important marketing strategy which effects and develops activities in the best possible manner. It is even said that issue of sustainability and its relationship with communication is one that needs to enhance and cooperate with improved business relations and public goals. Organizational intelligence and integration is important to understand communication in the best possible manner. The globalization of the economy is also such that it increases proper reliance and communication as found in the market forces (Ohlsson and Riihimäki, 2015). It is important also to note that corporate social responsibility is to become visible such that initiative can be achieved with chosen examples and coordination.
What is Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility better known as CSR is defined as the integration between socially beneficial programs and practices that coincide with the corporate business model and culture. CSR as a concept is one that is aimed to increase long term profit as available for both online and offline business. It is also important to enable all the efficient as well as relevant relations which help in developing positive attention for their efforts, etc(Arli, 2018). With the availability of corporate social responsibility, there are various business activities that need to be followed such as preventing financial ramifications, increasing employee loyalty, maintaining positive reputation such that environmental consciousness and social concern can be of help and even consume better local community. Corporate social responsibility as a responsive model can engage various aspects together such as purely being ethical, purely being economical and even being legal. A good idea with the actual aspect of working can also help in figuring out great benefit and connection among people. Companies need to take major responsibility in developing the society and building up connection among people such that the society along with its employees, working environment, etc lead to form a true paradise in the economy (Blombäck, 2009). CSR activities must be socially categorised and based on nature which works beyond the existence of legal obligations and practices.
Problem and Purpose
    To identify the aspects of communication that help in facilitating sustainability activities and achievements. The problem is to involve various aspects and ideas to find the...

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