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Good Practice Poster Examples Here are some good and very good posters from previous terms. Please do note that they all have their own individual flaws and none of them are perfect. Please remember...

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Good Practice Poster Examples
Here are some good and very good posters from previous terms. Please do note that they all have their own
individual flaws and none of them are perfect.
Please remember that these are NOT based on your given task – the question these students had to answer
for their poster was different from yours, so please use these to help you but don’t blindly copy the

Clear and logical, REF included,
some pictures, but very wordy
and could be visualised better
than with the text.
Boring background and A LOT
OF text (this was criticised
when marking). The overall
message is really clear in terms
of the large font and the
thought bu
le. Clear and
logical structure and effective
layout. References included.
Sufficient detail to be self-
Clear, logical, effective
structure. A little boring
ackground but it seems like a
conscious choice and it works
effectively. Effective display of
eferences. Sufficient detail to
e self-explanatory.
A bit crammed but the
footsteps are an effective way
of guiding thru the poster. REFs
there. Self-explanatory. Relies
on text, pictures, colours and
oxes to visually display the
content. Fairly clear message
although personal opinion
could have been
ought out
Very wordy (this is an academic
poster as often seen at
conferences), but clear logic,
structure, message, REF, and
some pictures to
eak up the
Logical, well structured, clear
message, REF, etc. Very wordy.
Less wordy, boring background
and visually less appealing than
others; REF included and clear
message although the focus on
own opinion could be better.
REF included, clear layout and
structure, could do with a little
more clarity around the text
(not a lot of words and possibly
too few given the complexity of
the message they want to get
Clear and logical, good
message, much visual content
and REF list. Too many pictures
simply copied onto the poster
ut otherwise good balance of
text and visual aids.
Answered Same Day Jul 29, 2020


Sundeep answered on Jul 30 2020
142 Votes
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