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Policy Position Papers (Undergraduate AND Graduate Students): Students will prepare four policy position papers. The papers will involve out-of-class written preparation and on-line discussion. Each...

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Policy Position Papers (Undergraduate AND Graduate Students): Students will prepare four policy position papers. The papers will involve out-of-class written preparation and on-line discussion. Each paper will be a maximum of three pages in length, and will use the following format. The policy question/problem and the author’s name will be centered at the top of the first page. The first paragraph will include two or three sentences to describe the question. One page will be devoted to a first position or solution to the policy problem, and a second page will be devoted to an alternative position. The first paragraph of the third page will describe the criteria used to evaluate the two positions. Using those criteria, students will select and defend one of the two positions. Use subheadings for the three sections. Include footnotes for all references using APA or ASA format. Students will post their policy position papers on the Threaded Discussion of BlackBoard by 6:00 p.m. on each Thursday AND respond to A MINIMUM of two other students’ work by 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. The responses must be scholarly, sociological, and constructive (responses typically are two-to-four paragraphs in length). Of the points available for each policy brief, 30 points will be awarded for the policy position posting and 10 points will be awarded for the responses. The policy questions are:

#1. Should the Enbridge Pipeline #3 through northern Minnesota be approved by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission?

#2. What approvals, if any, should the North Dakota legislature provide for the development, distribution, and marketing of transgenically modified wheat?

#3. What type of carbon emissions trading systems, if any, be adopted in the U.S. to control greenhouse gas pollution?

#4. What sustainable urban development initiatives should be taken in the U.S. to enhance community resilience, and how should these initiatives be funded?

Policy Position Papers (Undergraduate AND Graduate Students): Students will prepare four policy position papers. The papers will involve out-of-class written preparation and on-line discussion. Each paper will be a maximum of three pages in length, and will use the following format. The policy question/problem and the author’s name will be centered at the top of the first page. The first paragraph will include two or three sentences to describe the question. One page will be devoted to a first position or solution to the policy problem, and a second page will be devoted to an alternative position. The first paragraph of the third page will describe the criteria used to evaluate the two positions. Using those criteria, students will select and defend one of the two positions. Use subheadings for the three sections. Include footnotes for all references using APA or ASA format. Students will post their policy position papers on the Threaded Discussion of BlackBoard by 6:00 p.m. on each Thursday AND respond to A MINIMUM of two other students’ work by 10:00 p.m. on Sunday. The responses must be scholarly, sociological, and constructive (responses typically are two-to-four paragraphs in length). Of the points available for each policy brief, 30 points will be awarded for the policy position posting and 10 points will be awarded for the responses. The policy questions are:

#1. Should the Enbridge Pipeline #3 through northern Minnesota be approved by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission?

#2. What approvals, if any, should the North Dakota legislature provide for the development, distribution, and marketing of transgenically modified wheat?

#3. What type of carbon emissions trading systems, if any, be adopted in the U.S. to control greenhouse gas pollution?

#4. What sustainable urban development initiatives should be taken in the U.S. to enhance community resilience, and how should these initiatives be funded?

Answered Same Day May 24, 2020


Soumi answered on May 25 2020
161 Votes
Running Head: POLICY POSITION PAPER #2    1
#2. What approvals, if any, should the North Dakota legislature provide for the development, distribution, and marketing of transgenically modified wheat?
Author: ________________
The policy question
    Developmental and business aspects of the transgenically modified organisms, including both plants and animals, have always been at the center of legislative jurisdiction. It is no exception in the case of the transgenically modified crops as well as cereals that are also subject to be cultivated and traded under legal permissions only. Hence, in case of the North Dakota state of the US, the growth, distribution and selling of transgenically modified cereals, especially wheat, should also be conducted, only after seeking legislative permission from the North Dakota legislature[footnoteRef:1]. [1: Sullivan, D. (2017). Mediating Controversial Technology: The Case of Monsanto's Attempt to Introduce Genetically Modified Wheat in North Dakota. HERMES-Journal of Language and Communication in Business, 19(37), 23-45.]
Therefore, before, taking the steps towards implicating the benefits of transgenically modified wheat, the North Dakota legislature should provide for legal approval. It is to be noted that the cultivation of the transgenically modified wheat is under the supervision and permission of the North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station (NDAES)[footnoteRef:2]. [2: Ge, H., Goetz, S., Gómez, M., Gray, R., & Nolan, J. (2018). Modelling testing mechanism for mitigating genetically modified wheat contamination risks. International Journal of Production Research, 1-17.]
Therefore, the agricultural organizations associated with growing transgenically modified wheat have to abide by the Statement and Policies on Research and Development of Transgenic Organisms for North Dakota of NDAES that can prevent them from making unethical decisions for the same.
Positions to the policy problem
    Therefore, the first position that can emerge from this policy problem is that they need to abide by all the norms of seeking and providing proof of legal approval if the transgenically modified wheat is...

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