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Answered Same Day Aug 08, 2020 MKT101A


Sangeeta answered on Aug 11 2020
144 Votes
Marketing Management: The Case of Sainsbury’s
Within this era of incessantly altering business atmosphere along with extreme level of competition, it has turned out to be highly significant for corporations to employ effective strategies. Together with sound strategies, the companies must also make available superior products as well as services. The corporations must constantly examine their business atmosphere for remaining a step ahead of the competitors and completely understanding the marketplace trends. Some among the widely implemented analysis tools take in SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis as well as PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ethical and Legal factors) Analysis. Furthermore, taking into consideration the above discussion, this particular paper highlights various strategies adopted by the retail giant i.e. Sainsbury’s.
Company Background
Sainsbury’s was set-up during 1869 and cu
ently has over 1,106 supermarkets and convenience stores (J Sainsbury’s, 2018). Moreover, the corporation provides employment prospects to over 150, 000 people. The robust values and culture of the corporation are part of its individuality and are extremely significant for its progress. Sainsbury’s follows an understandable, long-term strategy for delivering its vision of being acknowledged as a faithful retailer where people are keen of shopping as well as working (J Sainsbury’s, 2018).
Additionally, Sainsbury Plc, together with its various subsidiaries, concentrates on grocery and related retailing procedures within United Kingdom. The company basically operates via its three chief segments i.e. retailing, financial services and property investments. The company manages various store formats, taking in including supermarkets and convenience outlets, which offer several food and non-food products and services to the customers (J Sainsbury’s, 2018). Sainsbury’s also operates online through its online grocery store. The company also offers insurance, credit cards and loans; savings; energy effectiveness suggestion for its consumers’ homes; and several music, books, movies, games together with other entertainment provisions (J Sainsbury’s, 2018). Additionally, at the present the company is considered as being one among the nation’s oldest retailers present in the London City. The company holding an extended tradition is considered as the third largest supermarket chain within the United Kingdom with its market share of more than 16 percent (Mintel Report, 2017). Furthermore, for Sainsbury’s, corporate responsibility involves various aspects. It basically involves offering customers the widest a
ay of superior quality products that to at reasonable prices. The company performs its part for inspiring the societies by way of career development along with employment opportunities, while growing the business lucratively for its shareholders.

Situation Analysis
PESTEL Analysis
PESTEL Analysis could be simply explained as being an extensively employed and simple approach, which assists in examining the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ethical and Legal aspects with respect to any business atmosphere (Peng and Nunes, 2007). This tool basically helps the corporations to discover business prospects as well as provides advanced sign of significant risks. It is principally a macro-environmental framework employed for comprehending the impact of the outside factors upon the corporation and is used like a strategic analytical tool (Kotler, 2008). Furthermore, the sections below offer PESTEL Analysis of renowned retail company i.e. Sainsbury’s.
· Political
The political factors in United Kingdom hold a noteworthy influence upon the performance and efficiency of Sainsbury’s. At present within the UK, the government and customer debts are quite high. This holds a high an impact upon buyers’ outlooks and thus, business circumstances experience high pressure. Moreover, Sainsbury’s not only functions within such marketplace circumstances but also requires advancing their business continually (Mintel Report, 2017). Although, the political forces are not positive, the retail
and has been quite proficient at supporting a solid progress as a result of its long heritage of offering superior quality products at rational prices.
· Economic
Considering the economic slowdown, increasing unemployment rate along with inflation in the products prices are the two noteworthy economic forces, which that could impact Sainsbury’s significantly. Because of prevalent unemployment as well as high costs of food products, the demand for the products made available through Sainsbury’s will fall which eventually would decrease production levels (Mintel Report, 2017). This could further result in the rise of the food prices and unemployment just like the impact of viscous circle. The corporation should take into consideration expansion into new evolving markets and thus, globalisation of its processes would allow the company to efficiently deal with the threats linked with the economic fall (J Sainsbury’s, 2018).
· Social
Sainsbury’s by making available non-food products has attained high competitive advantage. In addition, other social factors including rising female employees, extended existence of the populace and others have
ought about a fall in domestic meal production. Thus, there is an increasing demand trend of specific types of services and products. One of the marketing campaigns of Sainsbury’s i.e. ‘Cook and Save' encourages easy to cook food products therefore enabling the buyers to make their price budgets become higher.
· Technological
Online practices enable Sainsbury’s to extend its capability in various different spheres of...

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