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Answered Same Day May 17, 2020 MGMT20143 Central Queensland University


Anju Lata answered on May 24 2020
153 Votes
1. Description and justification of the innovation process used
The business idea identified the importance and role of an office area for the people who work from home. As the growing numbers of Companies around the world are getting online, with many
anches and offices across the world, number of online portals and working hours through online interfaces has also increased tremendously (Fo
es,2017). Nearly all the big organizations send their employees to distant countries to work for the client in that location. The employees provide online support for the projects while being away from their office locations. In such cases, they require a suitable peaceful place or office area to work. The co work spaces play an important role in this scenario by providing a working environment to the employees with all the facilities required by the professionals. Innovation process identifies the need of these customers who are working class and can pay fair amount of fees in subscribing to the services of co work spaces. They are adults so they also require the recreational facilities and other amenities for their well being. The innovation lies in understanding all the possible reasons for the customers to move out of the co-work spaces to avail the other required facilities and providing the same facilities in the vicinity of co work area.
The idea has huge potential to earn business with a growing number of market around the globe.
2. An outline that explains how social media...

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