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Please write an essay to respond to each question. Primarily use the materials from our class (though you may use outside sources to supplement your claims) and be sure to include all appropriate...

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Please write an essay to respond to each question. Primarily use the materials from our class (though you may use outside sources to supplement your claims) and be sure to include all appropriate in-text citations and a works cited page.Each response should be about 2-3 full pages, double spaced. This will be due via Blackboard on July 7 by 11:59 p.m. I will not accept any late exams!

1.If you had to explain the racial and ethnic situation in the United States to a person from another country, how would you describe it? What historical circumstances would you include in your explanation? Finally, what solutions would you offer to this person?

2.Many scholars argue that education is the most important factor in solving racial inequality in the United States. Using the materials, we’ve examined all semester, explain why education is so important, and how various racial and ethnic groups have attempted to increase their respective educational opportunities.

3.Envision the future of racial and ethnic politics in the United States. You can choose one of the scenarios we discussed in class or use one that you envision. Using the material from this semester, make a plan for a specific racial or ethnic group to increase their political power in this future. Be sure to discuss 3-4 ways that the group can increase their political power, using lessons from the past of that group as a guide.

Answered Same Day Jun 30, 2021


Nishtha answered on Jul 01 2021
148 Votes
Running Head: POLITICAL SCIENCE                            1
Table of Contents
1. Describing Ethnic & Racial Situation in USA, Including Historical Circumstances & Solutions to People of Other Nationalities    3
2. Reason for Education Being Important in Eliminating Racial Inequalities in USA & Ways, in which Ethnic & Racial Groups have tried to Increase their Respective Educational Opportunities    5
3. Future of Ethnic & Racial Politics in US & Choosing 1 Scenario to Plan for a Particular Ethnic or Racial Group to Increase their Political Power in Future    7
References    9
1. Describing Ethnic & Racial Situation in USA, Including Historical Circumstances & Solutions to People of Other Nationalities
The majority of people who have heard the word “racism” do not even know its true meaning. Racism perceived by most to pertain to and include all acts concerning racial issues whether it is good or bad. The word racism is far away from just a word, which names those who believe they think that they are superior to others simply because of their racial group, no more, no less and implies nothing else (McClain, 2018).
If one does not act upon this belief, it is not known, as one believes it. All acts concerning racial issues can be for many reasons, anger, fear, discomfort, environment, beliefs or experiences. In America, the situation is worse than ever, Racism is like oxygen it is everywhere in America. No matter what black man is doing, if you are black, you are going to be a victim of racism.
Racist em
ace a negative connotation towards anybody not accepting his or her nature as being racist. As mentioned by Kendi (2017), the Constitution is like a Ten Commandments for The United States of America. It mi
ors everything about Racism. Racism is a generalization about an entire race. Attributing racist beliefs to an entire nation is also a generalization. Attributing racist beliefs to another race, based on their race, might itself be a form of racism.
As stated by Guida (2020), to assume that there is only one definition that applies to all forms of racism would imply that all black people are a monolithic group and in and of itself, it would be an act of racism. For white people that are genuinely concerned about being politically co
ect and inoffensive.
For example, Some in America may argue that since the white man abolished slavery and gave African Americans homes means that we can, in essence, do no morally wrong. Because of this, racism and prejudice have evolved. Presently, racism in America is represented via mass incarceration (racism within the judicial system) and police
utality. In addition to this, Garcia (2016) has described police
utality is also a startlingly clear example of the racism ingrained in that of every American— even those charged to protect us.
According to Mapping the Police Violence, “Police killed 1,147 people in 2017. Black people were 25% of those killed despite being only 13% of the population.” This huge disparity between deaths and overall population show that law enforcement is heavily inclined to assume black people as more of a threat, even if the only weapon present is their skin tone (Andersen, 2017).
It is very hard to remove racism from US probably, some authors believe that some sort of government support can do that but it more often like deluding oneself into something that’s not only pie in the sky utopian, but incredibly naive. The only preventive measure US can do is education, teaching racial equality from the first grade.
Besides, they can also use reading and traditional ways but with positive...

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