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Please she wants at least 60% because she has failed the report before so she can not afford to fail again so please expert try your best. thanks Report plan You will prepare for your assessment by...

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Please she wants at least 60% because she has failed the report before so she can not afford to fail again so please expert try your best. thanks

Report plan

You will prepare for your assessment by making a plan.

Read the instructions for component 1 so you understand what your assessed task is. Then write a plan, mostly in note form, and do some background research. Your plan should include the following:

A. The title of your research project

B. Background reading – evidence that you have read around your topic and some notes about what you have found

C. Aims and method, including details of who you are planning on interviewing

D. A plan of what you will do next to complete the work

This plan carries no marks for the module as it is a formative assessment. The aim of this plan is to receive some early feedback and help you manage your time for the final assessment. The deadline is week 7 Friday 3pm via Turnitin. If you submit your work late you will receive no feedback to assist you with your final piece of assessed work.

Component 1 assessed report

Write a formal academic report (1000 words) on the subject of experiences in the workplace in the UK. The aim of the report is to find two people in similar situations and interview them in order to find out their experiences of discrimation in the workplace. You should follow the steps below to plan your work.

· Read the feedback from your plan and make notes of what you have done well and what needs to be improved.

· Choose your interviewees. They should be from similar backgrounds and workplaces. For example, if you want to explore experiences of women in the care sector, you should choose two women to interview, not a man and a woman.

· Write and pilot your questions

· Conduct and record your interviews

· Write your report

Suggested topics to focus on. If you wish to choose another topic, please check with the tutor first.

  • ethnicity
  • gender
  • sexual orientation
  • disability
  • age
  • religious background
  • nationality
  • class
  • mental health issues


There is a template provided on Weblearn so please use this and follow the structure on the template.


Final submission date Week 12 Friday 3pm via Turnitin.

Note: If you submit your course work after the deadline your work will be marked as late by the Turnitin system. Your teacher has no control over this.


Answered Same Day Jul 21, 2021


Tanaya answered on Jul 29 2021
133 Votes
Table of Contents
Evaluation of Plan Based on Feedback and Identifying Areas of Improvement    3
Selection of Interviewees    3
Piloted Questions    3
Interview Process and the Responses    3
Report    4
A. Title of the Research Project    4
B. Background Reading and Evidence Gathered Related to the Topic    4
C. Aims and Methods of the Interview    5
D. Plan for the Next Step    5
References    6
Evaluation of Plan Based on Feedback and Identifying Areas of Improvement
There was a certain aspect that has been noted in the previous plan of the assignment. Firstly, the report needs to be based on the critical analysis of the impacts of mental health on young people and the extent it is responsible for the inequalities among them. Each of the aspects that will be identified in the analysis of the inequality due to mental health needs to be supported by strong in-cite referencing, which will help in strengthening the information that has been utilised. Hence, the integration of the resources will be equally essential.
Selection of Interviewees
There are two individuals, who will be selected for the interview. The interviewees consist of two teenaged girls of ages 18 and 22 years respectively. They cu
ently study in high school and both of them have been reported to have anxiety issues. Both the girls have been suffering from concentrating in the school as well as in their studies because of their anxieties and they will be interviewed.
Piloted Questions
a. How often do you feel confident about your capabilities and satisfied with yourself?
. How frequently have you felt bothered and cannot stop wo
c. What are your dreams hopes and how do you feel about them?
d. How supported do you feel by others work, amongst family and friends?
e. How often have you felt encouraged and motivated by the people around you?
f. Have you ever felt not being accepted and being judged anytime?
Interview Process and the Responses
The interview process will be ca
ied out a face-to-face and the responses that will be provided by the interviewees will be recorded electronically as well as the responses will be handwritten ve
Responses provided by each of the participants were as followed:
    Participant 1 (18 years)
    Participant 2 (22 years)
    a. How often do you feel confident about your capabilities and satisfied with yourself?
    “I mostly feel anxious and lack confidence at work. I rarely participate in organisational tasks. This disappoints me, as others are able to do the task.”
    “I often feel difficulty in...

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