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Online Shopping Cart System Revisited Additionally, research a minimum of two credible sources, as indicated by the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external...

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Online Shopping Cart System Revisited
Additionally, research a minimum of two credible sources, as indicated by the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table, to use in your Final Project,
In this Final Project, you will use all the skills you have acquired throughout the course to modify the program you created in Week 4. You will also analyze and explain your modifications to the program and reflect on the real-world use and importance of C++ programming language.
Program Update
Review the instructor and peer feedback you received for the Online Shopping Cart System program assignment you created in Week 4. Based on that feedback and your own review, modify the program where you
· Demonstrate how the program can use both inheritance and recursion techniques by deploying these concepts to the design. This task can be achieved by using additional code and renaming your program.
· Include in the program
· appropriate arithmetic operators;
· input/output methods;
· selection statements such as if-else or at least one looping statement; and
· use of a data structure, such as a
ays or vectors, and display the output.
· Model classes and their relationship.
Copy the source code and paste it into your final analysis. Include a screenshot of the output. Upload all necessary files (such as H or CPP files).
Part 2
C++ Programming Written Analysis
In addition to your program, write a one- to two-page analysis in which you describe the types of tests you ran on your program as well as the outcome of your program. Explain how the fundamentals of programming in C++ apply to your modifications. Justify the decisions you made for the modifications, explaining new features or functionality of your revised program. Explain how you would realistically use the C++ programming language, providing examples of how you might use it in your cu
ent or future career. Examine best practices for using C++ programming language in the field. Your paper should include properly cited sources as outlined by the Writing Center.
· Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
· Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
· Must use at least two credible sources in addition to the course text.
· The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. 
· Must document any information used from sources in APA style
· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style
Answered 6 days After Mar 07, 2023


Sumit Kumar answered on Mar 09 2023
42 Votes
C++ Programming Written Analysis: -
Introduction: -
This is an Online Shopping Card System. This system has a card System. In this Card, we can add our product, delete our product and, we can modify it if the information is not co
ect. we can add user information in the card. We can print user information and we can generate invoices for bill in our system
Test cases: -
We ran a google test in this system to check what type of e
or we found in future if we use this system. And we also check what type of input should be suitable for our system. In this system, First, we choose what we want to buy from the online store. We add all products to Card, if any false information is given then we modify that information in this system.
Decisions Justifications: -
I use vectors for storing data for operations. I use the if-else statement to give decision-making flexibility to our system. I use classes and objects to declare user-defined data types and other operations. I make many member functions for printing values, getting data values from the list, setting data values (e.g.: - getter, setter, print...

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