ME240 Literature review Topics (10% of final score)
(1) Titanium alloy and the application
(2) Structures with negative poisson’s ratio and the applications
(3) Ca
on nanotubes and the applications
(4) Graphene and the applications
(5) Ca
on fiber and the composites
(6) Steel alloy and the applications
(7) Recycle polymers
(8) Recycle metals
(9) Ceramics for bioimplantable devices (bones/teeth)
(10) Bioinspired Structural design for composites and the applications
(11) Alloys for high temperature use
(12) Composites for airplane
(13) The Gough–Joule effect for ru
er and the potential applications
(14) 3D printing of polyme
Please develop the topics by yourself (any topics that are related to our ME240 Course)
if you are not interested in the topics listed above.
2-4 Pages, Name+ME240 review report, please Scan your report as ONE PDF file to upload!
(1) Introduction (background and the motivation that why do you chose this topic)
(2) Literature review (what did you find online/from the research papers, please write the
words by your self, DONOT Directly Copy from online/other papers). please provide You
(3) Summary (your opinion)
(4) References
Times New Roman, 12, 1.5 space
Example: HDPE
(1) Introduction: Background and the history of the development of HDPE, molecula
structure, how it is made? The applications.
(2) Recent development of the HDPE, mechanical property, thermal property, new structures?
New applications? What do you think the potential development of HDPE?
(3) Summary
(4) References (online:links
esearch papers (author name, title, journal, year published))