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REF: AK 09/05/2018 Please write in business report style. Content should not be too academical, see guidelines sent separately. Task 1 D) Organisational structure of GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK)....

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REF: AK 09/05/2018
Please write in business report style. Content should not be too academical, see guidelines sent separately.
Task 1
D) Organisational structure of GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK).
“Explanation and analysis how the relationship between different organisational functions of GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK) link to its objectives, the advantages and disadvantages of inte
elationships and the impact that can have upon organisational structure”
Task 2
You have been asked to demonstrate both the positive and negative impact the macro environment has on business operations and determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of specific businesses and explain their inte
elationship with external macro factors.
Task 2
3.0 Introduction
(Briefly explain what macro environment is? Briefly state the importance of macro environmental analysis to business success with reference to GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK).
3.1 PESTEL Analysis
Using specific examples, identify the positive and negative impacts the macro environment has upon business operations, and apply the PESTLE model to support a detailed analysis of the macro environment of GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK).
3.2 Introduction
(What do you understand by a macro environment? Briefly explain.)
3.2(a) Importance of macro environmental analysis to business success.
(Clearly state the importance of macro environmental analysis to a business)
3.2(c) SWOT Analysis
Conduct internal and external analysis of specific organisations in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and explain how they inte
elate with external macro factors. Justify how the strengths and weaknesses influence decision-making using the SWOT model. You can use GSK and another similar organisation.
3.3 Critically evaluate the impacts that both macro and micro factors have upon business objectives and decision-making

There are other students at my college who have submitted the same task on your website.
Please note that this report cannot be an exact copy of another similar report as I will need
to submit it via a plagiarism checker called Turnitin which means that this report should not
match another student’s report.
Report to CEO GlaxoSMithKline (GSK)
Prepare a report which critically evaluates the impacts that both macro and micro factors
have upon business objectives and decision-making. The report should cover the following:
1. Using specific examples, identify the positive and negative impacts the macro
environment has upon business operations, and apply the PESTLE model to support
a detailed analysis of the macro environment of GlaxoSmithKline plc (GSK).

2. Conduct internal and external analysis of specific organisations in order to identify
strengths and weaknesses and explain how they inte
elate with external macro
factors. Justify how the strengths and weaknesses influence decision-making using
the SWOT model.
Submission format
The report should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing, font
i 12. Use headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate.
All work should be supported with the Harvard referencing system and please provide
ibliography (https:
Recommended word limit is 2000 – 2,500.
LO3: Use
examples to
demonstrate both
the positive and
the macro
environment has on
usiness operations.
P4 Identify the positive
and negative impacts
the macro environment
has upon business
operations, supported
y specific examples.
M3 Apply
appropriately the
PESTLE model to
support a detailed
analysis of the
macro environment
within an
D2 Critically evaluate the
impacts that both macro and
micro factors have upon
usiness objectives and
LO4: Determine the
internal strengths
P5 Conduct internal and
external analysis of
M4 Apply
and weaknesses of
specific businesses
and explain their
with external macro
specific organisations in
order to identify
strengths and
P6 Explain how
strengths and
weaknesses inte
with external macro
analysis and justify
how they influence
Task 3.0 , 3.2, 3.3 Macro Environment
Please also refer to attached PDF I sent.
Politics plays an important role in business. This is because there is a balance between
systems of control and free markets. As global economics supersedes domestic
economies, companies must consider numerous opportunities and threats before
expanding into new regions. It also applies to firms identifying optimal areas for
production or sales. Political factors may even help determine the location of corporate
Some of the political factors you need to watch are:
• Tax policies
• Stability of government
• Entry mode regulations
• Social policies (e.g. social welfare etc.)
• Trade regulations (e.g. the EU & NAFTA)
Economic factors are metrics that measure the health of any economic region. The
economic state will change a lot of times during the firm’s lifetime. You have to
compare the cu
ent levels of inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and
international trade. This way, you can ca
y out your strategic plan better.
Some examples of economic factors you can judge are:
• Disposable income of buyers
• Credit accessibility
• Unemployment rates
• Interest rates
• Inflation
Social factors assess the mentality of the individuals or consumers in a given market.
These are also known as demographic factors. Social indicators like exchange rates,
GDP and inflation are critical to management. They can tell when it is a good time to
ow. These factors help find out how an economy might react to certain changes.
The following are some social factors to focus on:
• Population demographics: (e.g. aging population)
• Distribution of Wealth
• Changes in lifestyles and trends
• Educational levels
This step entails recognizing the potential technologies that are available. Technological
advancements can optimize internal efficiency and help a product or service from
ecoming technologically obsolete. Role of technology in business is increasing each
year. This trend will continue because R&D drives new innovations.
Recognizing evolving technologies to optimize internal efficiency is a great asset in
management. But, there are few threats. Disruptive innovations such as Netflix affect
usiness for CD-players. The best strategy is to adapt according to the changes. Your
strategies should sidestep threats and em
ace opportunities.
This is a large challenge for management. Below is a list of common technological
• New discoveries and innovations
• Rate of technological advances and innovations
• Rate of technological obsolescence
• New technological platforms (e.g. VHS and DVD)
Both consumers and governments penalize firms for having adverse effect on the
environment. Governments levy huge fines upon companies for polluting. Companies
are also rewarded for having positive impact on the environment. The consumers are
willing to switch
ands if they find a business is ignoring its environmental duties.
Impact on the environment is a rising concern. Note that the environment benefits the
company too. Running water for a hydro-power plant is an example.
Few common environmental factors are:
• Waste disposal laws
• Environmental protection laws
• Energy consumption regulation
• Popular attitude towards the environment
This step involves learning about the laws and regulations in your region. It is critical
for avoiding unnecessary legal costs.
This is the last factor in PESTEL. These factors overview the legal elements. Often,
start-ups link these elements to the political framework. Many legal issues can affect a
company that does not act responsibly. This step helps to avoid legal pitfalls. You
should always remain within the confines of established regulations.
Common legal factors that companies focus on include:
• Employment regulations
• Competitive regulations
• Health and safety regulations
• Product regulations
• Antitrust laws
• Patent infringements
It is common to conduct a PESTEL analysis before serious decisions. Managers might
conduct it before any large projects are undertaken. Understanding all the influencing
factors is the first step to addressing them.
Remember, there are many factors other than these which can have an effect on business
success. The evaluation is a one-to-one process. Each company should do it for
themselves and find the key drivers of change. You must identify the factors which have
strategic and competitive consequences.
Analyzing the total macro-environment is an extensive task. Even though, it is complex,
understanding the framework of basic influences will allow you to maintain an
organized and strategic approach. These will isolate each opportunity or threat.
After conducting a PESTEL analysis, company managers can create strategies. The
macro environmental factors will shape the strategies. I am sure that the thinking
process will be as sensitive as cu
ent and future environmental factors.
If you are planning to align strategies for your company, I suggest you should conduct
PESTEL analysis first. It is always good to have more information about the
ounding. The tool really helps take better decisions.
GlaxoSmithKline SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis technique can be used to identify the internal strengths and
weaknesses of GlaxoSmithKline (Armstrong, 2011, p. 46). The environmental
opportunities and strengths facing GlaxoSmithKline can also be identified using
the SWOT analysis technique. 32).
INFO about GlaxoSmithKline please do not copy the exact example below when you
write the assignment, these are just examples
GlaxoSmithKline Plc
GlaxoSmithKline is the leading pharmaceutical and health care company, which is working
est in the health sector. This is the world second largest pharmaceutical company and it
deals with customer health care, prescription medicines and vaccines, which are used for the
treatment of the patients, treatment of diseases, and prevention matters. The professional also
use these pharmaceutical medicines to seek the detection of the diseases and it has positioned
itself as the science led global healthcare company.
GSK is the leading pharmaceutical company, which has been working in the pharmaceutical
markets for last many decades. This company earned good reputation over the quality of its
medicines. The company spends enough money to ca
y out R&D to find the new products
and it involves in the production of new healthcare medicines in the market. It has
professional and trained employees, who are well aware of process of manufacturing of the
medicines and know the international standards to meet their requirements. GSK is
Answered Same Day May 09, 2020


Shashank answered on May 10 2020
162 Votes
Report to CEO
Submitted By
Student Name
For any organization there exist some major external factors which are not able to get controlled by internal forces and may directly or indirectly influence the decisions that the management takes for the growth of the organization. The factors are important to an organization since it influence the organization performance and strategies. These may vary from economics, demographic, legal, political, social and technological changes. The natural forces in a business environment are also part of these factors. Careful monitoring help in achieving business success as they make an impact at variety of places during the business growth journey.
GKS has been making healthcare products and also pharmaceutical to fight against various diseases. Some of the environment factors that GSK is influenced by are changes in bank interest rates, government regulations, increase in competition or changes in their rates etc. The business is diversified in various countries, hence any changes made by the local government has to be taken care by the organization.
PESTEL Analysis
Political Factors
The political stability of the country impacts the business which also influences the market strategy as the parameters changes for manufacturing and selling the product. The changing political climate results in changes in regulations to manufacture products and raw materials which results in lack in long term planning for the company. Political interest has been generated due to healthcare has now increased the burden both financially and socially. It is very important for GSK to conduct business by complying with the government authorities to avoid any potential business losses occu
ed due to changing political climate. This can help in protecting the investment made by the company for long term growth.
Economic Factors
The company has seen a better growth in Asian countries specifically in India and China as compared to other markets. Changing market conditions in European market can be cited as one of the primary reason and has resulted in slightly lower production. The drug production within the country has helped in better economic growth of the region. US market has been the fastest growing market with overall sales accounting up to 60% of global sales. This has been strategically of high importance as the market growth is on accelerated way.
Social Factors
The bigger aim of any pharmaceutical company is to make efforts for better personal and social well being of the society. GSK has been making efforts for meeting the society needs and have made substantial efforts in research and development for cure of diseases like SARS, AIDS etc. The efforts have gra
ed media attention which has motivated the company to make efforts more in this direction and help in maintaining a good relationship between the government and industry. The business of GSK is also impacted the social factors like lifestyle of people and attitude towards the healthcare products. People have become more educated and are getting aware of merits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This has resulted in better sales of healthcare products manufactured by the company.
Technological Factors
The adaptation of latest technology has been affecting the sales of the drugs due to non-conformity of license of drugs made by this technology. The company has been focusing on developing and investing on the latest technologies to manufacturer drugs at a faster pace. They have focused on constant innovation to keep up the competition with the existing and upcoming players.
Environmental Facto
The weather plays a major role in strategizing for various products that GSK produce. Global warming is one of the factor that makes an impact on the business of the company. The stakeholders interest is necessary to keep hand in hand while making the strategy.
Legal Factors
This creates a direct and indirect impact on the business of GSK as various rules and regulations can change the strategy that GSK is working on. The...

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