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Please see attached document for full instructions on the assignment. Business Scenario Please read the business requirement/scenario below. The company has four Oracle...

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Please see attached document for full instructions on the assignment.

Business Scenario

Please read the

business requirement/scenario


The company has
Oracle databases. They're located in Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Calgary.

As a policy, each location has
a local backup
that only backs up the data for that day and every hour of that day. Every 7 days each location makes a full backup of their database and sends it to
a remote location
for archival.

When a database needs to be restored because of disruption, one location that was not affected by the disruption, creates, runs, and maintains that database until the disrupted location is up and running.

A winter storm hits Winnipeg resulting in them losing all the data in their database. All that they have is the incremental backups from the last 3 days.



Analyze the business scenario provided above.


Create a report (separate WORD document)

include the following
sections. You will need to do some ‘googling’ to find ideas but as the company’s DBA, you need to prepare this set of proposals for management. Modules 9, 10 and 11 discuss this subject as well.


Backup strategy
– how should the company’s data be backed up to prevent / minimize data loss (include such ideas as offsite storage, etc.


Disaster Planning
-- list your ideas on how to quickly and effectively restore database operations in the event of a ‘disaster’ such as the scenario above


Business Continuity Plan --
explain your ideas for a new Business Continuity Plan and if relevant, what roles (who) should be responsible for some of the steps.
What planning, activities, communications, and assessments should be done to prepare for a disaster and to carry out during a disaster?

Answered 3 days After Mar 20, 2023


Shubham answered on Mar 24 2023
45 Votes
Analysis of business scenario
In this scenario, a company has four Oracle databases located in different Canadian cities, each with a local backup policy that backs up data for the cu
ent day and every hour of that day. Additionally, every seven days, and the location includes having the complete backup for the database and this can be sent for the archival purposes. In case of a disruption, the unaffected location creates, runs, and maintains the database from the disrupted location by back up and running. This scenario highlights the importance of having a robust backup and disaster recovery strategy. The policy of backing up data daily and hourly is a good practice as it reduces the risk of data loss. In case of a disruption, the policy of having an unaffected location to create, run, and maintain the database is a good strategy to minimize the impact of the disruption on the company's operations. However, it is important to note that the company should have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place to ensure that disruptions are dealt with efficiently and effectively.
1. Backup Strategy
The company should implement a comprehensive backup strategy that includes offsite storage and regular backups. The company should ensure that backups are made regularly and consistently. The policy of backing up data daily and hourly is a good practice, as it reduces the risk of data loss. It should ensure that backups are tested regularly to ensure they can be restored in case of a disaster. The company should include the policy of storing backups offsite. This means that backups should be stored in a location that is physically separate from the primary location of the database (Hamadah, 2019). Offsite storage provides an extra layer of...

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