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Week 5 Discusssion Bottom of Form 1) Create a Python program that uses a while loop and prompts the user for a series of inputs. You should use a sentinel value to signal when the loop should...

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Week 5 Discusssion
Bottom of Form
1) Create a Python program that uses a while loop and prompts the user for a series of inputs. You should use a sentinel value to signal when the loop should terminate. Calculate and display the sum of the user inputs.
Some examples that you might use are the following:
· Total number of miles traveled on a road trip.
· Total cost of groceries in a month.
· Total number of accidents in a year.
You must choose something different from any of the above, however.
Include comments in your code program that describe what the program does. Submit your code as an attachment (.py file) and post a screen shot of executing your program on at least one test case.
Be sure to choose a program different from any of the programs already posted by your classmates.
2) Reply to another student's post. Modify that student's program so that will it will instead compute and display the average rather than the sum. Post your modified code as an attachment (.py file) and post a screen shot of executing your program on at least one test case. Document the code describing your change.
Answered Same Day Nov 20, 2022


Pratyush answered on Nov 21 2022
51 Votes

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