Microsoft Word - Assignment 3
CS 3358 Section 252 – Assignment 3
Due Date: March 31, 2023
This assignment has four parts pertaining to the recursion implementation. The parts of code are given in
the .cpp and .h files. The places you need to fill out in the code are marked by
In this assignment, you are asked to implement four recursive functions. Note that you are not allowed to
use iterative implementations, and you will not receive any credit for the iterative implementations. You are
generally expected to implement the functions whose headers are given in the code files, and you are not
expected to implement additional helper functions to implement them.
(15 points) In mypow1.cpp, implement the recursive function Pow to compute the value of a power
function xn based on the basic recursion method that you learned from class, where the inputs are a
number x and an integer n 0, and the output is the value of xn. Note that the basic recursion method
uses the definition, i.e., xn = x*xn-1 for n 1 and xn = 1 for n = 0 and leads to the O(n) run-time.
(15 points) In mypow2.cpp, implement the recursive function ImprovedPow to compute the value of
xn based on the improved recursion method using repeated squaring that you learned from class, where
the inputs are a number x and an integer n 0, and the output is the value of xn. Note that the
improved recursion method leads to the O(log n) run-time.
(30 points) In poweroftwo.cpp, implement the recursive function CheckPowerOfTwo to check if a
given non-negative integer n is a power of 2. Return true if it is a power of 2. Otherwise, return false.
(40 points) In listnode.h, implement two member functions of the class ListNode such as the
destructor and the function AddNode (i.e., appending a node to the end of the list), and in
mergetest.cpp, complete the implementation of the function MergeLists for the following problem:
Give two sorted linked lists, merge them as a single sorted list. It should be done by joining together the
nodes of the lists, and no sorting algorithm is required. The following is an example.
Two sorted lists
Merged list
You should submit your work via Canvas. You should pack mypow1.cpp, mypow2.cpp,
poweroftwo.cpp, mergetest.cpp, and listnode.h into a single .zip file to upload to Canvas.
The .zip file should be named as, such as
Test cases for poweroftwo:
Enter an integer (0,1,...): 8
Power of two: true
Enter an integer (0,1,...): 64
Power of two: true
Enter an integer (0,1,...): 1
Power of two: true
Enter an integer (0,1,...): 5
Power of two: false
Enter an integer (0,1,...): 0
Power of two: false
Test cases for mergetest:
Test case 1
Type in an integer to insert to list1, e.g. 1,2,3, XXXXXXXXXXto quit): 10
Type in an integer to insert to list2, e.g. 1,2,3, XXXXXXXXXXto quit): 2
Test case 2
Type in an integer to insert to list1, e.g., 1,2,3, XXXXXXXXXXto quit): 1
Type in an integer to insert to list2, e.g., 1,2,3, XXXXXXXXXXto quit): 1
List 1: 1 3 4
List 2: 1 2 6
Test case 3
Type in an integer to insert to list1, e.g., 1,2,3, XXXXXXXXXXto quit): -1
Type in an integer to insert to list2, e.g., 1,2,3, XXXXXXXXXXto quit): -1
List 1: List is empty
List 2: List is empty
Merge List: