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Please read the attached file (My Smart Goals) carefully and in detail. Based on my smart goals (as per the attachment) please write the following report: 1. At the end of the...

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Prepared for: Ryan Ogrodniczuk
Prepared By: Syed Nafees Ahmed
Table of Contents
Table of Contents    2
Introduction    3
1. Reflect on and Develop Three Career Aspirations    3
2. Two Competencies from the CPA Competency Map    3
3. Two SMART goals    4
4. Time Plan to Accomplish Set Goals-    4
Conclusion    5
References    6
I, Syed Nafees Ahmed is in my 4th year as an Accounting Student studying bachelor’s in applied business administration (Last Semester). Cu
ently, I am working as Accounting Administrator and has designed a career plan for the coming near future.
1. Reflect on and Develop Three Career Aspirations
Career aspirations are designed keeping a long term in mind; however, these aspirations keep moving and may even witness a slight change owing to unforeseen situation (Dobson & WILSON, 2008).
I am looking forward to specializing as a financial analyst and thus has identified the career aspirations keeping the same in mind.
1. To search for such a job, which will let me learn and grow professionally as the financial analyst.
2. To achieve services with an organization that provides me an optimistic work culture where learning new technology and skills is always welcomed.
3. To attain that place in the company where I can employ the management accounting skills learned at SAIT.
Thus, these career aspirations will help me to grow professionally in a planned manner and the skills learned at SAIT are utilised effectively.
2. Two Competencies from the CPA Competency Map
The CPA Competency Map provides the guidelines for any CPA certification program to student related to education, examinations, skills etc (CPA, 2019).
I have identified the following two competencies to be attained considering the career aspirations
2.1 Communication Competency- Communication is two-way process which involves not only speaking but also listening (CPA, XXXXXXXXXXI am planning to become a financial analyst in the coming future and for that client interaction will be high. Thus, I aim to attain communication competency so that effective financial planning and analysis can be done thereby satisfying the custome
2.2 Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Competency- Timely and accurate decision making is important for any job professional. Also, for a financial assistant it is important to keep an approach of being a problem solver and decision maker. I am planning to become a financial analyst and thus it will be good to learn to be a decision maker and problem solver.
These competencies will help me to learn new skills and better achieve the career objectives and aspirations.
3. Two SMART goals
SMART goals which include Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Related/Realistic, Time-bound goals are designed to achieve the long term objectives and career aspirations (Dobson & WILSON, XXXXXXXXXXAs I mentioned that I am planning to become a financial analyst in the future.
3.1 To do a certification in the field of Business Intelligence and - This is a specific goal and its success is measurable, attainable and I plan to this course in the second year of the job making is time bound
3.2 Work on the communication skills- For this I will join a short-term workshop, so that client’s interactions as a financial analyst are effective and easy. Again, this goal falls in the category of SMART goal as being specific
Thus, SMART objectives are more realistic and being time bound makes me responsible to attain such objectives.
4. Time Plan to Accomplish Set Goals-
The time plan will help me to plan and accomplish the SMART objectives. This time plan is laid from November 2019 onwards. Following is the plan-
November to December 2019 Goal - Complete all semester training and preparing for the job and relocation issues.
January 2020- March 2020 Goal – Joining the new job, further there will be one-month orientation programme and training. I am looking to complete the on-job training of 1 month successfully and further assisting first quarter closing with accounts manager as this is the first profile offered to the student
April 2020 to September 2020 Goal – Joining the evening classes of Business Analytics certificate of 8 months. Joining evening classes will help me to manage between job and further qualification.
October 2020 to December 2020 – I aim to shift to financial analysis department of the organisation, along with this joining the company’s communication workshop of 3 month.
This way I have drawn a time plan of over 1 year to attain its SMART objectives and move efficiently on the path of career aspirations.
Thus, career objectives are designed to achieve the long-term goals of any individual and further push the individual to attain the same. At the same time, it is important that these goals should be specific, attainable and time bound.
CPA, XXXXXXXXXXThe CPA Competency Map: Qualifications for the Canadian CPA designation. [Online]
Available at: https:
[Accessed Saturday September 2019].
Dobson, M. & WILSON, S. B., XXXXXXXXXXGoal Setting: How to Create an Action Plan and Achieve Your Goals. New York: AMACOM.


Prepared for: Ryan Ogrodniczuk

Prepared By: Syed Nafees A

Prepared for: Ryan Ogrodniczuk
Prepared By: Syed Nafees Ahmed
Answered Same Day Nov 28, 2021


Abhishek answered on Nov 29 2021
152 Votes
Running Head: SMART GOALS         1
SMART GOALS         3
    Communication Competency
    Effective financial planning and analytical power in order to satisfy the needs of the customers
    Problem-Solving competency
    Learned the various approaches of problem solving and along with that learned the analytical approaches of dealing with the problems. In the field of financial analyst, it is very much needed to be competence in case of any problem-solving approach.
    Decision-Making competency
    Through this course, I have learned the approaches to decision making. In this course, it was taught that how calmly and effectively one can take any proper decision in any crucial situation.
    certification in the field of Business Intelligence
    Yet to achieve
    In this specific course, every detail of business management can be learned in an effective way.
    Work on communication skills
    Yet to achieve
    Learn effective communication. Learn Professional communication ability. Through the short-term course, the overall development of communication skill can be possible. Also in the field of business analyst, it is very much essential to have strong communication skills.
    Through the overall period of learning, it was my ultimate goal to be a successful business analyst. In the period of my semester and student...

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