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PowerPoint Presentation • Educating Professionals • Creating and Applying Knowledge • Engaging our Communities Foundations of Human Resource Management Week 7 tutorial Topic 6: Remuneration Did not...

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PowerPoint Presentation
• Educating Professionals • Creating and Applying Knowledge • Engaging our Communities
Foundations of Human Resource Management
Week 7 tutorial
Topic 6: Remuneration
Did not include introduction.
Most referenced poorly.
Most indicated they understand the HR concepts
Challenge- how to link HR concepts and theories
with case study facts and information
Feedback Assignment 1
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UniSA Harvard referencing style
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Referencing and Resources from Student
Engagement Unit
Weighting- 70% of the 50%
Due date: 6 May, 11 pm Adelaide time
1750 words (+/ - 10% acceptable)
Minimum 10 references/ articles
Must have 6 from the HR refereed (peer reviewed) journals listed in
the course outline.
Minimum 4 from other credible sources (HR magazine, HBR, Financial
Review, Economic Times etc.)
Assignment 2
1. Provide a general introduction- 100 to 200 words.
2. Name the HR concepts to be discussed in the paper in the
3. Write the question (not included in wordcount)
4. Explain the HR concepts related and relevant to the question. Often
students went straight into the detail of the recommendations.
5. Use examples from businesses wherever relevant.
6. Include HR and management theories where relevant (e.g.
Motivation theories, management approaches, HR theories such as
7. Warning against the use of websites, because they're not peer
eviewed and therefore the credibility is unclear.
8. Use only UniSA Harvard style and be consistent in referencing.
1. Based on the job description and job specification for the position of
Factory Worker - European Packaging which you may have
prepared in response to question 3 in Case study Part 1; list the
selection criteria you would recommend to be used to select
applicants. Justify your recommendations.
Assignment 2, Question 1
• Selection criteria: the basis for differentiating good
from poor applicants
• Job analysis establishes the competencies (KSAs)
necessary for successful job performance (i.e., job
• Example: For the job of customer service agent,
communication skills is a critical competency
• Selection criteria should be based on those
competencies that are essential, important, and not
easily trained
Selection CriteriaSelection Criteria
Selection Criteria
Person-Job fit
• Fit between job requirements and applicants’
qualification (e.g., KSA)
Person-Organisation fit
• Fit between person and organization (e.g., values
and culture)
Strategic selection?
Remember human and social capital
PO Fit and PJ FitFitting In
Question 2
Identify selection methods you would recommend
in view of the selection criteria you have
ecommended in response to question 1 above. In
choosing selection methods, take into consideration
the time and cost of the selection process to hire
a large number of factory workers. Justify your
ecommended selection methods.
• Selection methods allow us to assess the critical
• If those competencies are indeed critical, then the
measure should allow us to accurately predict or
forecast future job performance
Selection method
quality (e.g.,
Selection Methods
• Refer to the list of selection methods in textbook,
chapter 7
• Which are suitable?
• Justify recommendation with evidence (references,
usiness examples)
Selection Methods
• Degree to which selection procedures yield
comparable/consistent data across administration
(e.g., time, people)
• Measure must have adequate reliability to be useful
• Accuracy with which predictor measures what it is
intended to measure
• In selection: the degree to which selection methods
accurately predict job applicants’ performance on
the jo
Standards of Selection MeasuresSelection Methods
• Degree to which selection procedures yield
comparable/consistent data across administration
(e.g., time, people)
• Measure must have adequate reliability to be useful
• Accuracy with which predictor measures what it is
intended to measure
• In selection: the degree to which selection methods
accurately predict job applicants’ performance on
the jo
Standards of Selection MeasuresSelection Methods
What type of incentives and benefits could
ielle and the team use in order to attract
female applicants to the Factory Worker European
Packaging position? Suggest at least 1 incentive
and 2 benefits. Justify your recommendations.
Question 3
• Chapter 11
• Main focus is on rewards (not recruitment)
• Difference between incentives and benefits?
• Incentives- pg. 456
• Benefits- pg. 460
• Suggest at least 1 incentive and 2 benefits.
• Justify your recommendations(evidence=

The assignment will be assessed according to assessment criteria in this feedback form.
Foundations of Human Resource Management (BUSS 2043)
Case Study – Part 2
1,750 words
    Key Assignment criteria
    Introduction – 10%
ief introduction (no more than 200 words) that summarises the human resource issues relevant to the case
    Detailed answers to each question – 25%
An accurate and detailed response to each question is provided
    Answers supported by arguments and examples - 35%
Draws on relevant HR concepts and academic literature to support arguments
Provides examples from work/other experiences to illustrate the points made
    Clear structure – 10%
There is a clear structure to the response (e.g., all information relevant to one response is provided before moving to the next question)
    References – 10%
References provided as required (see the Course Outline for details related to minimum requirements)
    Reference style – 10%
Uses appropriate referencing style (i.e., Harvard-UniSA) in-text and reference list
    Overall Summary Comment
    Notational %
    Grade description
    Assignment grade
    High Distinction
    Outstanding performance on all learning outcomes.
    Excellent performance on all learning outcomes.
    High performance on all learning outcomes, OR excellent performance on the majority of learning outcomes.
    Pass Level 1
    Satisfactory performance on all learning outcomes, OR high performance on some learning outcomes which compensates for unsatisfactory performance on others, resulting in overall satisfactory performance.
    Pass Level 2
    Satisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes.
    Fail Level 1
    Unsatisfactory performance on a number of learning outcomes, OR failure to meet specified assessment requirements.
    Fail Level 2
    below 40
    Unsatisfactory performance on the majority of learning outcomes.

Page 1 of 11
@S Perera_FHRM
Winning the European Market:
Strategic Change at Arup Packaging Limited
Part 1

Arup Packaging Limited is a large manufacturer of packaging solutions. Arup’s
products include glass, aluminium, plastic and paper based packaging solutions.
Arup mainly operates in Australia and comprises of four business units. The
usiness units are organised based on the material used in packaging solutions:
glass packaging, aluminium packaging, plastic packaging and paper packaging.

Arup is an unlisted public company; this means it is a company that has issued
shares to the public but is not listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. In
2016, Arup cele
ated 50 years. The company employs around 800 people across
its four manufacturing plants, distribution centres, sales offices and corporate
office. The sales offices and distribution centres are located in Sydney, Melbourne,
Brisbane and Perth. Arup recently opened a sales office in Paris.

The four manufacturing plants and the corporate office are all located in close
proximity to each other in Newcastle in New South Wales (NSW). Newcastle is
located in the Hunter region of NSW, about 160 kilometres north of Sydney. Arup is
proud to be one of the few manufacturers that continues to exclusively
manufacture in Australia. Arup believes that its investments in advanced
technology have resulted in consistently high quality packaging solutions. The
management team and the Board of Directors see product quality as Arup’s
competitive advantage, insulating it against competition from cheaper production
options overseas. Arup’s core values are teamwork, integrity, excellence and

Out of Arup’s 800 employees, about 700 are located in its manufacturing plants
and corporate office in Newcastle. Manufacturing employees are represented by the
Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union. This union has generally had a
harmonious relationship with Arup management. Since it started as a plant with
just 100 employees, Arup has been a strong part of the Newcastle community. It is
one of the largest employers in the region and continues to attract local employees.
Since its inception, Arup has concentrated on high quality packaging produced in
large quantities. Arup’s customers are some of the largest food and beverage
manufacturers in Australia. Arup has found that these customers have stable
product lines and their packaging solution requirements remain mostly stable.
Often the biggest changes requested by these customers are modification to
existing packaging (e.g., larger size aluminium can, different coloured beverage
ottle). Only needing to make minor product changes has meant Arup has been
able to maintain high levels of productivity. While orders from these customers
initially grew rapidly, in the last 5 years the growth has plateaued.
In response, Arup’s Board of Directors initiated a strategic review and a risk
analysis of Arup in 2015. After this exercise, the Board of Directors and the top
management team identified their dependence on a few large customers in
Australia as a significant risk to Arup’s future. The Board members and the top
management team decided to look at expanding Arup’s customer base while
maintaining the company’s existing clients.
Page 2 of 11
@S Perera_FHRM
In 2015, Annie Lee, CEO since 1999, retired and Franco Weller joined as the new
CEO of Arup. Franco was given a mandate to take the expansion initiative forward.
The Board of Directors encouraged the hiring of a senior manager to handle
strategy and business development. This position reports directly to the CEO.
Brenda Petersen started as Head of Strategy and Business Development in April
Since joining Arup, Brenda has been working tirelessly to attract new customers
outside Australia. Brenda’s most promising leads have come from Europe. Most
potential clients were impressed by Arup’s high quality products. After months of
hard work, Brenda has been able to secure packaging orders from a
Answered Same Day May 08, 2020 BUSS 2043


Soumi answered on May 10 2020
148 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
1. Selection criteria    3
2. Selection methods    4
3. Incentive and benefits    5
Conclusion    6
References    7
Human Resource is one of the important asset for an organisation. In the competitive world, human resources play a significant role in providing competitive edge to the organisation. This assignment deals with recruitment of 150 employees for the new European Packaging Division of Arup Packaging Limited. It also has a human resource strength of 800 employees across various divisions. Ga
ielle is the human resource manager of the organisation. There is less number of female workers in the organisation. The selection criteria, selection methods and incentives are the major areas of concern while recruiting employees. This assignment deals with the recruitment process for hiring 150 employees.
1. Selection criteria
The recruitment of new employees should be based on a number of criteria like skilled, middle aged and others. According to the views of Bamberger et al. (2014), the employee should be able to adjust themselves in the factory working conditions. In addition to that, the employee should be able to adjust themselves with the change in skills requirements. Prior work experience is not required but, if anyone has any work experience, it will be appreciated. The employees should have basic idea of safety measures and the candidate should be capable of taking fast decisions. The approach of the candidate should be logical and they should be honest. The employee should be physically fit and be able to work in shifts. They should be able to adjust themselves to the working conditions of the factory. The candidate should be of sound mind and should be able to grasp things fast. Basic idea of the factory process will be provided to the employee during the training stage, but she should be able to apply the ideas in the operations. The job may require the employee to lift items and move them to different places.
Therefore, the employee is required to be fit so that there are less chances of injury. In case an employee is not physically fit, then the employee will be injured most of the times. This will hamper the production process of the factory, as there will be shortage of labour. According to the opinion of Stone and Deadrick (2015), there may be change in the process of job due to the difference in the output requirements. This may requires a change in the working processes. Therefore, the employee should be able to adjust themselves to the changing working conditions to ensure that there is no impact on individual productivity. There employee should have basic idea of safety measures as safety is the first thing in any factory. Employee should have the knowledge of using the safety tool in case of emergencies. The working conditions in a factory include high temperature, dust and others. Therefore, the employee should be able to adjust themselves to the working conditions of the factory.
Basic training of using various tools will be provided to the employee but the job will not be monotonous. The employee will be required to use the skills in other jobs therefore; the employee should be able to apply the skills in various jobs. As per the views of Shen and Benson (2016), working in factory requires handwork, overtime and others. Therefore, the employee should be mentally strong to deal with such situations. Honesty is one of the basic requirements of any job. The employee should be honest and hardworking. This requires that they should abide by the ethics of the organisation. In certain instances, supervisor may not be available therefore; the employees will have to take decision themselves. This requires that the employee should be capable of taking fast decisions. Working in shifts...

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