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please read article or video first, and then write short essay for queestion. each question need XXXXXXXXXXwords, 2-3 paragraphg. must based on articles Document Preview: Preparing America’s...

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please read article or video first, and then write short essay for queestion. each question need XXXXXXXXXXwords, 2-3 paragraphg. must based on articles
Document Preview:

Preparing America’s Workforce: Are We Looking in the Rear-View Mirror? by Alan S. Blinder Princeton University CEPS Working Paper No. 135 October 2006 I am grateful to Princeton’s Center for Economic Policy Studies for research support.Preparing America’s Workforce: Are We Looking in the Rear-View Mirror? The great conservative political philosopher Edmund Burke, who probably would not have been a reader of The American Prospect, once observed, “You can never plan the future by the past.” But when it comes to preparing the American workforce for the jobs of the future, we may be doing just that. For about a quarter-century, demand for labor appears to have shifted toward the college-educated and away from high school graduates and dropouts. This shift, most economists believe, is the primary (though not the sole) reason for rising income inequality, and there is no end in sight. Economists refer to this phenomenon by an antiseptic name: skill-biased technical progress. In plain English, it means that the labor market has turned ferociously against the low skilled and the uneducated. In a progressive society, such a worrisome social phenomenon might elicit some strong policy responses, such as more compensatory education, stepped-up efforts at retraining, reinforcement (rather than shredding) of the social safety net, and so on. You don’t fight the market’s valuation of skills; you try to mitigate its more deleterious effects. We did a bit of this in the United States in the 1990s, by raising the minimum wage and expanding the EITC. Combined with tight labor-markets, these measures improved things for the average worker. But in this decade, little or no mitigation has been attempted. Social Darwinism has come roaring back. With one big exception: we have expended considerable efforts to keep more young people in school longer (e.g., reducing high school dropouts and sending more kids...

Answered Same Day Dec 21, 2021


David answered on Dec 21 2021
130 Votes
According to Alan Blinder, what is the difference between personal and
impersonal services? Why is this important to think about the cu
ent and
future impact of outsourcing?
According to Blinder personal services encompass those services which either require
personal delivery or are seriously degraded when delivered electronically. Impersonal
services, on the other hand, are not confined within such conditional ba
iers. The
author has exemplified services like a
ain surgery by a doctor or teaching by a
professor as personal services and call centers’ jobs and data entry as impersonal
services. Moreover, according to the author impersonal jobs require less skill and
education in comparison to personal jobs.
It is important to think about the difference between the impersonal and personal
services/jobs in relation to their impact on the process of outsourcing. As present trends
are indicating that impersonal jobs’ outsourcing is in vogue and this trend is obviously
going to continue in the future. The author has suggested that keeping in mind the
difference between the two types of jobs the education system of the U.S. must be
emodeled. This should be done because today’s American children will be facing with a
different job environment when they will grow young as most of the jobs will then be
outsourced and hence, from their very childhood American children should be taught to
give more emphasis on those skills and academic disciplines which will be suiting those
future jobs which will remain within the U.S and will not be outsourced. The American
youth too should be trained for those jobs which are going to stay in America twenty to
thirty years from now.
(244 words)
In his analysis of outsourcing, Jagdish Bhagwati differentiates between
“working conditions” and “wages.” Why? Analyze and explain.
Jagdish Bhagwati has differentiated between working conditions and wages in his
analysis of outsourcing in order to address the drawbacks of the anti sweatshops
movement. The author has tried to emphasis on the point that both the concept of
working condition and low wages have a distinct and close relation to the process of
outsourcing and the process can be hampered if these two...

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