Please only use the references I included and no outside sources
Please use attached references
- Lutz, C XXXXXXXXXXThe Cultural Construction of Emotions.Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and Their Challenge to Western Theory(pp XXXXXXXXXXUniversity of Chicago Press.
- Solomon, R.C XXXXXXXXXXEmotions Across Cultures.True to Our Feelings: What Our Emotions Are Really Telling Us XXXXXXXXXXOxford University Press.
- Clanton, G XXXXXXXXXXJealousy in American Culture, XXXXXXXXXX: Reflections from Popular Literature. In T. Hood (Ed.),The Sociology of Emotions: Original Essays and Research Papers(pp XXXXXXXXXXJAI Press
Write about a time when you couldn't control your emotion (recent is better, as your memory will be fresher and offer more detail).Describe the process: what started the feeling, how did it rise, how long did it last, what were the associated sensations, and how did it cause you to think and feel differently about yourself?
2. Now use this week’s reading from Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence (quote and properly reference, please) to explain the technical process of an emotional hijacking.
3. Succinctly and clearly explain what the self is. Use Newman’s chapter on “Building Identity: Socialization” (this is in the Unit 2 reading, from Week 1; quote and properly reference, please).
4. Now explain this: what is the relationship between your self and your emotions?Be sure to address where responsibility for your emotions lies.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words long.