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HRMT20024 T XXXXXXXXXXAssessment 3 Guidelines – Essay on Attracting and Retaining staff (revised) Due date Week 11 Friday (29 May XXXXXXXXXX:45 pm AEST Any requests for extension must be submitted...

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HRMT20024 T XXXXXXXXXXAssessment 3 Guidelines – Essay on Attracting and Retaining staff (revised)
Due date Week 11 Friday (29 May XXXXXXXXXX:45 pm AEST
Any requests for extension must be submitted through the CQU system at least 48 hours
prior to the due date, with relevant supporting documents.
Late submissions without approval will result in a penalty of 5% (2.25 marks) per day.
Weighting 45%
Length 2,500 words ± 10% (excluding title page and reference list)
1, 2, 3, 4
Purpose Students have completed the ‘Reviewing the Literature’ for Assessment 2, and that
material should be used towards Assessment 3, including the feedback received.
Assessment 3 will assist students to apply their learning to a particular industry sector or
problem, and tailor their argument to that sector’s specific challenges. It will give students
the opportunity to enhance their research, analysis, critical thinking and written
communication skills; particularly in the areas of argument development and essay
Before starting this assessment, please read the marking criteria (at the end of this
There are two choices (will be announced) for Essay 3 – for example, the ‘X’ sector, or
the ‘Y’ sector.
You will write an essay on the key challenges in attracting and retaining a workforce in
your selected sector.
Your essay will draw on at least five themes from Week 1 to Week 11 of this unit, being
those most relevant to your selected industry sector.
Your essay will draw on the academic literature (including the articles from ‘Reviewing
the Literature’ you developed for Assessment 2), and develop an argument applying that
literature to your selected sector.
You must cite at least ten (10) relevant peer reviewed journal articles, and 3 chapters
from the Nankervis et al XXXXXXXXXXtextbook. You can cite other academic references such
as books, conference papers, and book chapters but these will NOT be counted as part of
the 10 journal articles.
Referencing APA referencing. For more information, see : https:
Submitting All assessments must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be
accepted. All assessments submitted electronically through Moodle must be through the
Student Portal http: • Failure to submit electronically will be taken as a
failure to submit and therefore a zero (0) score will apply to the specific assessment.
Plagiarism Copy detection software (TurnitIn) is used in this course and work found in contravention
of the copying and plagiarism rules will be investigated. Penalties apply in the case of
proven instances of copying, plagiarism and academic dishonesty. Please check the
following links to know more about TurnitIn: http:
training/viewing-originality-reports http:
TurnitIn is only a tool and judgement needs to be used when you view your Originality
Report. TurnitIn does not make a judgement as to what is referenced properly, it
highlights the non-original material in a piece of work. You should use the similarity
score as a guide only and must then check the originality report to determine whether or
not changes need to be made to the assessment.
Required Students must familiarise themselves with the following policies and procedures at
http: Assessment of Coursework Policy; Assessment of Coursework
Principles; Assessment of Coursework Procedures
HRMT20024 Assessment 3 Ru
ic – Essay
Key Criteria Exceeds Expectations
(High Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%
Exceeds Expectations
(Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%
Meets Expectations
(Credit) 65 – 74%
Meets Expectations
(Pass) 50 – 64%
Below Expectations
(Fail) below 50%
Content Knowledge
Demonstrates a balanced and very
high level of detailed knowledge
of core concepts by providing a
very high level of analysis.
Demonstrates a balanced and high
level of knowledge of core
concepts by providing a high level
of analysis.
Demonstrates a good level of
knowledge of some of the core
concepts by providing some level
of analysis.
Demonstrates limited knowledge
of core concepts by providing a
limited level of analysis.
Demonstrates little, if any,
knowledge of the core concepts
with extremely limited, if any,
Utilises more than 10 excellent,
elevant and credible sources.
Utilises more than 10 very good,
elevant and credible sources.
Utilises 10 cu
ent, relevant and
credible sources.
Utilises 10 mostly relevant and
credible sources.
Does not meet the requirement, in
terms of quantity or quality of
articles selected
Argument 30% Excellent introduction; providing a
very clear purpose which ensures
all areas relevant to the topic are
clearly outlined.
Good introduction; providing a
mostly clear purpose which
ensures most areas relevant to the
topic are clearly outlined.
Fair introduction, addresses some
points, lacks some detail; ensures
some areas relevant to the topic
are outlined.
Poor introduction; addresses
limited points, lacks detail; of
which few areas are outlined.
Very poor or non-existent
Excellent and logical argument
integrated throughout the work
Strong argument throughout most
of the work
Some argument linking ideas
throughout the work
Weak argument Little or no argument
The assessment presents a detailed
and focused summary of the ideas
presented; drawing clear and well
thought-out conclusions.
The assessment presents a fairly
detailed and focused summary of
the ideas presented; drawing fairly
clear and well thought-out
The assessment presents a
somewhat detailed and focused
summary of the ideas presented;
providing some evidence of
The assessment provides limited
detail with no clear summary of
the ideas presented; drawing
limited conclusions.
The assessment fails to provide
any clear evidence of the ideas
presented; drawing no clear
Organisation or structure
The ideas are a
anged in an
extremely logical, structured and
coherent manner.
The ideas are a
anged in a fairly
logical, structured and coherent
The ideas are a
anged in a logical,
some-what structured and coherent
The ideas appear less logical,
structured and presents in fairly
incoherent manner.
There is little, if any, coherent
structure to the document.
Presentation and quality of writing
Quality of writing at a very high
Paragraphs are coherently
connected to each other. Co
grammar, spelling and
Quality of writing is of a high
Paragraphs are mostly well
structured. Few grammar, spelling
and punctuation mistakes.
Quality of writing is of a good
Few grammar, spelling and
punctuation mistakes.
Some problems with sentence
structure and presentation
Frequent grammar, punctuation
and spelling mistakes. Use of
inappropriate language.
Quality of writing is at a very poor
standard so barely understandable.
Many spelling mistakes. Little or
no evidence of proof reading.
Late assessment penalty 5% per day x 45 marks = 2.25 marks per day
    HRMT20024 Assessment 3 Ru
ic – Essay
Answered Same Day May 26, 2021 HRMT20024 Central Queensland University


Abhishek answered on May 27 2021
162 Votes
HRMT20024 T1 2020
Table of Contents
Introduction    4
ent HR Strategies to Build Organisation's Pool of Talented Employees    4
Breakdown Information Silos and Develops Collaboration    5
Creating a Pay for Performance Culture    6
ent HR Challenges to Build Organisation's Pool of Talented Employees    6
Communication    6
Diversity    7
Unappealing Company Culture    7
ent Situation behind Attraction and Selection Preparation in Light of Globalisation    7
Making of HR Managers Job More Attractive and Maintenance of Competitiveness for Employee Retention    9
Focusing on the Big Picture    9
Maintaining the Passion    9
Taking a Positive Approach to Communication    10
Prioritised Selection Criteria for the Entry-Level Jobs    10
Selection Criteria for International Job Applicants    11
Use Selection Panels    11
Fluency of Language    11
Use Intercultural Adaptability Assessment Tools.    11
Most Often Used Techniques for Recruiting New Employees.    12
Different Stakeholder Groups Affected by these Change of Attraction and Selection Issue    12
Conclusion    12
References    14
Talent attraction and selection is one of the specific techniques, which is used within the organisational structures for the recruitment, or selection of new talent or employees in the company. The methods or paths that are used in the talent attraction or selection process are such as online search software, social media, communication and marketing (Nankervis, Baird, Coffey & Shields, 2019).
In that case, the IT companies will identify the extensive expertise of the candidates based on the specific field and IT industry. For this, in the discussion part, there is the presence of Human Resource (HR) strategies or challenges that are presented in case of building a pool of talented employees in the organisation. Furthermore, the selection criteria of the entry-level and international job applicants are also offered in the analysis part.
ent HR Strategies to Build Organisation's Pool of Talented Employees
With the introduction of HR starts with the developed context, the IT sectors can be able to adhere to changes or be able to maintain the pool of talented employees within their organisational structure. The implementation of the proper strategies in the talent ,management process allow the IT sectors to put the right workforces in its required places within the organisation and it also helps them to deliver their response in favour of the demands or needs of marketplace. For the maintenance of critical elements of the successful talent management program, the HR department of the IT sectors is adopting different strategies within their overall performance of recruitment and selection methods. The policies that are selected by the HR departments are—
Breakdown Information Silos and Develops Collaboration
In order to maintain the success within the organisational structure business leaders or the managers must do whatever they can perform for the betterment of the corporate operations. The introduction of the best workforce or strategies of the leaders can help them to overcome the organisational silos. The overcoming process of organisational silos will help in the prevention of information in the different sectors of the organisation. With the transformation of information, within the multiple sectors of the organisation, it allows the employees to perform their organisational duties with the faster and flexible manner.
Therefore, in that aspect, the knowledge and the experiences of the employees are also developed and that delivers the availability of their talent in case of performing any actions within the IT Company to acquire its success graph. Presence of innovation in the organisational operations is the most required aspect to meet the challenges that may come from the marketplace and exists in the organisational performances (Richardson, 2016). Therefore, cultivation of a collaborative workforce is the other needs of talent management, and for this, the management team of the IT sector must align with the metrics of success.
For the adoption of the success of individual employees in the company performances, the management team of the organisation must deliver mixed messages to their employees. Maintenance of rich employee data in the organisational allows the IT sectors to maintain collaboration among the employees. Support of collaborative performances within the IT sector enable the management teams to adopt their highest graph of success based on talented employees.
Creating a Pay for Performance Culture
Creation of pay for performance culture is the other HR strategy that the IT sectors are using for the management of talented employees in their organisational pool. With the creation of this process, managers can quickly get the information that they require for the betterment of the individual performances in the corporate performances. Therefore, review of data and 360-degree feedback process allows the HR managers of the IT sectors to select the talented employees and maintain their retention process in the company.
Within this process management teams are offering motivation to the employees based delivery of motivation to the employees to help them to reach their full potential (Dhakal, Nankervis, Connell, Fitzgerald & Burgess, 2017). A
iving at the highest level of potential allows the employees of the IT sectors to deliver better results in the organisational actions. Moreover, the maintenance of fair decisions, avoiding improper compensation and the consistent feedback process are the other methods that the IT sectors are using for the management of a pool of talented employees in their company.
ent HR Challenges to Build Organisation's Pool of Talented Employees
In the case of managing talented employees within the organisational structure, IT sectors are facing issues or problems, and these challenges are delivering its negative impact on the overall performance of this sector. The problems or challenges that the IT sector is...

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