TaskRead: A Business Proposal – Customer Records Management Replacement System for the fictionalorganisation Tangle Corp that is presented in this subject. This document will be made available viathe Resources section of Interact for this subject.The document you are to read is a fictional business proposal aimed at the senior management of afictional company Tangle Corp. This proposal is an attempt by members of the junior managementteam to convince the key senior decision makers of the value of such an investment for the businessand why they should approve it.Part ALength: Two blog posts, each 250 words (total 500)You are to analyse and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Tangle Corp business proposalto achieve its intended purpose in two key areas:The persuasiveness of the document and its ability to gain buy inThe communications and leadership scenario between the key stakeholders and how thismight affect the outcome of this proposal.Your first post is to state your own analysis and position on the two items above. Your second postshould be a response to another student’s initial analysis post. This second post is intended toelaborate, discuss, debate or otherwise expand usefully on the initial post by that student. It is notenough to simply agree or disagree, you should effectively explain your reasoning in your ownwords.For this discussion task the cohort will be divided into groups of approximately 10 students withinwhich you may freely discuss your views. Each student will only have to read and respond to a smallselection of the cohort’s posts.Part BLength: Document Critique 1500 wordsImagine that you are a communications consultant working for a small firm (ACME Comms) whoprovides advice and guidance on professional communications. You are an expert in this area andyour firm charges their clients to have consultants like you improve their professionalcommunications. Nick Rose has contacted you to ask you to assist him and his managers to critiquetheir CRM proposal document. Due to the importance of this proposal and its potential impact on thecompany they have decided to get professional feedback on it from your firm. Note the email fromNick below.
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