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Microsoft Word - hw2_CS XXXXXXXXXXdocx CS 332/532 – 1G- Systems Programming HW 2 Deadline: 02/19/2023 11:59pm Objectives To implement a search program in C program using system calls for...

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Microsoft Word - hw2_CS XXXXXXXXXXdocx
CS 332/532 – 1G- Systems Programming
HW 2
Deadline: 02/19/2023 11:59pm
To implement a search program in C program using system calls for files and
Find is a popular UNIX command that traverses a file hierarchy and performs various
functions on each file in the hierarchy. The goal of this project is to implement a
program similar called search that supports the following functionality:
1. The program should take the directory name from where to start the file traversal as a
command-line argument and print the file hierarchy starting with the directory that is
provided by the command-line argument.
2. If the program is executed without any arguments, the program should print the file
hierarchy starting with the cu
ent directory where the program is executed. If there are no
directories in the cu
ent directory only files are listed one per line.
3. If there are other directories in the cu
ent directory then the directory name is first
displayed on a separate line and then the files in that directory are listed one-per-line with
one-tab indentation.
4. If a file is a symbolic link then the program should display the symbolic link name and in
parentheses the file name the link points to.
5. The program should also support three command-line options:
1. -S
This should list all files in the hierarchy and print the size, permissions, and last access
time next to the filename in parenthesis. Print 0 for the size of a directory.
2. -s
This should list all files in the hierarchy with file size less than or equal to the value
3. -f
This should list all files in the hierarchy that satisfy the following conditions: 1) the file
name contains the substring in the string pattern option, AND 2) the depth of the file
elative to the starting directory of the traversal is less than or equal to the depth option.
The starting directory itself has a depth of 0.
6. The program should support not only each of these options separately but also any
combination of these options. For example: -S, -s 1024, -f jpg 1, -S -s 1024, -S -f jpg 2, -s
1024 -f jpg 2, -S -s 1024 -f jpg 1, -S -f jpg 2 -s 1024.
7. If both -s and -f options are specified then the program should list only those files that
match both criteria. The order of the options should not matter.
8. [Graduate Students Only] The program should support a fourth command-line option:
1. -t f - list regular files only
2. -t d - list directories only
Guidelines and Hints
1. The program must use function pointers similar to Figure 4.22 in the text book to
implement the functionality described above. You can use the logic and structure from
Figure 4.22 as the starting point to implement this program (make sure to go over the
program in Figure 4.22 and understand all the steps performed). However, please note that
your final program must compile and execute without any dependencies on the source
code provided by the text book. You can find a simple example on how to use function
pointers in the funcptr.c file
2. You can use the getopt function to process the command-line options. See man 3
getopt for more details and an example on how to use getopt function.
3. You should use a Makefile to compile and build this project and make sure to submit the
Makefile along with the rest of the source code.
4. You should upload all the source code, Makefile, and a README.txt file to Canvas. Please
do not upload any object files or executable files.
Program Documentation and Testing
1. Use appropriate names for variables and functions.
2. Use a Makefile to compile your program.
3. Include meaningful comments to indicate various operations performed by the program.
4. Programs must include the following header information within comments:
Project #:
To compile:
To run:
5. Test your program with the sample test cases provided as well as your own test cases.
6. You can include any comments you may have about testing in the README.txt file.

Command Description
./search List all files in the cu
ent directory where the program is executed.
./search ../programs List all files in the directory ../programs (relative to the cu
ent directory)
List all files in the directory /home/UAB/puri/CS332/programs (absolute
./search -S ../programs List all files in the directory ../programs along with the required attributes
./search -s 1024 List all files with size <= 1024 bytes in the cu
ent directory
./search -s 1024 ../programs List all files with size <= 1024 bytes in the ../programs (relative to the cu
ent directory)
./search -f jpg 1 List all files in the cu
ent directory that have the substring “jpg” in their name with depth <=1 relative to cu
ent directory
./search -f jpg 1 -s 1024 List all files in the cu
ent directory that have the substring “jpg” in their name with depth <=1 relative to the cu
ent directory and size <= 1024
./search -s 1024 -f jpg 1 The same as “./search -f jpg 1 -s 1024”
./search -S -f jpg 1 -s 1024 Similar with “./search -f jpg 1 -s 1024”. Print the required attributes, not only the filenames.

Sample Input and Output:
If you have the following directory structure as shown by the output of "ls -lR"
$ ls -R projects
fread.c fwrite.c project1 project2 project3 project4 read.c write.c

project1.docx README

project2.docx README

project3.docx README

project4.docx README
Then the output of find without any argument should look like this:
It is not necessary that the order of the files are exactly as shown above, but the overall
structure should look similar to the output shown above. You can use the following tar
file to create the directory structure: projects.tar. Download this file and extract the
file using the command:
$ tar xvf projects.tar
Submission Guidelines
• Use best software engineering practices to design and implement this homework.
The next homework will extend the functionality provided by this program.
• Use functions and organize these functions in multiple files if necessary.
• Use a Makefile to compile and build the multiple files.
• Document you code and include instructions for compiling and executing the
program in the README.txt file.
• Test your program and describe how you tested this program in the README.txt file.
• To submit this homework :
o upload all the source files and documentation to Canvas.
Grading Ru
Description Points
Implementation of search that lists the files and directories in the
specified format when executed with no arguments or when the
directory name is specified as an argument
30 points
ect use of function pointers to implement the required
functionality 20 points
Implementation of search that lists the files and directories in the
specified format when executed with -S option 10 points
Implementation of search that lists the files and directories in the
specified format when executed with -s option 10 points
Implementation of search that lists the files and directories in the
specified format when executed with -f option 10 points
Implementation of search that lists the files and directories in the
specified format when executed with multiple options (combination
of -S, -s, and -f)
10 points
Use of Makefile, source code documentation (including
README..txt) 10 points

Microsoft Word - hw3_CS XXXXXXXXXXdocx
CS 332/532 – 1G- Systems Programming
HW 3
Deadline: 03/12/2023 Sunday 11:59pm
To add additional features to the search program implemented in Project #2.
The goal of this project is to add additional functionality to the search program
implemented in Project #2. In addition to the functionality described in Project #2, the
program must support the following command-line options:
1. -e ""
For each file that matches the search criteria the UNIX command specified with
arguments must be executed.
2. -E "" [Graduate Students Only]
The list of files that matches the search criteria must be provided as an argument to
the UNIX command specified.
Note that with the -e option the UNIX command is executed for each file whereas with
the -E option the UNIX command is executed only once but uses all the file names as
the argument. You must use fork/exec/wait to create a new process to execute the
UNIX command.
The UNIX command and any optional arguments are enclosed within double quotes.
The program should support -e or -E options in combination with -s and -f options. You
can assume that the -e or -E options appear after the -s and -f options.
Guidelines and Hints
1. You should use a Makefile to compile and build this project and make sure to
submit the Makefile along with the rest of the source code.
2. You should upload all the source code, Makefile, and a README.txt file to Canvas.
Please do not upload any object files or executable files.
Program Documentation and Testing
1. Use appropriate names for variables and functions.
2. Use a Makefile to compile your program.
3. Include meaningful comments to indicate various operations performed by the
4. Programs must include the following header information within comments:
Project #:
To compile:
To run:
4. Test your program with the sample test cases provided as well as your own test
5. You can include any comments you may have about testing in the README.txt file.

Command Description
$./search -s 1024 -e "ls -l"
List all files with size <= 1024 bytes in the cu
directory, and execute the command "ls -l" on each
file (ignore directories)
$./search -f jpg 3 -E "tar cvf
List all files that have the substring “jpg” in their
filename or directory name with depth <=3 relative
to the cu
ent directory, and creates a tar file named
jpg.tar that contains these files
$./search -s 1024 -f jpg 3 -e "wc
List all files that have the substring “jpg” in their
filename with depth <=3 relative to the cu
directory and size <= 1024, and execute the
command "wc -l" on each file (ignore directories)

Sample Input and Output:
If you have the following directory structure as shown by the output of "ls -lR"
$ ls -R projects
fread.c fwrite.c project1 project2 project3 project4 read.c write.c

project1.docx README

project2.docx README

project3.docx README

project4.docx README
Then the output of find without any argument should look like this:
Answered 24 days After Feb 23, 2023


Aditi answered on Feb 26 2023
53 Votes
Approach 1:
switch (dir->d_type) {

is a Regular File.
case DT_REG:
if (tFflag) {
if (showFile) {
if (Eflag) {
if (eval != NULL && strstr(dir->d_name, eval) != NULL) {

else {
launch(set_pathFileName(working_directory, dir->d_name, path_and_filename));

printf("%s%s\n", tabs, dir->d_name);



is a Directory.
case DT_DIR:
if (tDflag) {
printf("%s%s/\n", tabs, dir->d_name);
char path[FILENAME_MAX];
sprintf(path, "%s/%s",...

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