Task 1
Based on the information in the ‘Servicing Customers’ Needs’ section of the case study, answer each question below:
a) Identify two external customer relationships.
Briefly describe the needs and wants of each of the external customers nominated. (50 words)
b) Identify one internal customer relationship.
Briefly describe the needs and wants of that customer. (50 words)
c) Identify a key customer service issue. (100 words)
(a) Explain the resource limitation (e.g. in terms of costs, time, people) that impact on the issue you have identified
(b) Show how you would resolve the issue.
Task 2
Based on the information in the ‘Customer Service Standards and Benchmarks’ section of the case study, answer each question below:
a) Amira describes a customer service standard against which the provision of customer service can be measured.
An example is provided below. Suggest one other activity and propose a customer service standard from either organisation for that activity. Develop three specific actions aimed at ensuring your proposed standard is met.
Use the following format to present your response.
Standard to be met
Actions to ensure standard is met
Answering the phone at reception
Phone to be answered within three rings
1. Determine call rates by time of day
2. Ensure adequate staffing to meet call demand
3. Train staff in phone handling techniques
b) Design a form that could be used by one of the organisations for recording informal comments made by customers. Include the type of information to be recorded and who should receive the completed forms. (Note: This is not a customer survey, rather a document produced for internal use to record customer service related issues and possible follow up action by a relevant person in the organisation)
c) John mentions the importance of linking staff with a mentor. (150 words)
(a) Explain the difference between coaching and mentoring.
(b) Choose and justify an appropriate coaching or mentoring process that could be used by one of the organisations to help ensure that staff effectively meet customer needs.
Task 3
Based on the information in the ‘Level and Quality of Customer Service’ section of the case study, answer each question below:
a) Organisations survey their customers in order to determine how effectively they are delivering their stated customer service standards and whether the needs and wants of their customers are being met.
Using a free online survey tool such as www.surveymonkey.com, develop a short survey for one of the organisations that could be used to gain information from customers on their level of satisfaction with the provision of customer service by that organisation. The survey should include the following:-
(a) A short introduction including the purpose of the survey
(b) Five scaled response question (e.g.: Extremely dissatisfied, Quite dissatisfied, Neither satisfied or dissatisfied, Quite satisfied, Extremely satisfied)
(c) Two open ended questions
(d) Option for general comments
Note: You may either provide a screen shot of your survey or reproduce it as evidence of using the online survey tool.
b) Suggest a situation when feedback (either a complaint or a compliment) from one stakeholder in the case study may have been ignored, not acknowledged, or considered unimportant. Suggest how you think the customer might react in this situation. (50 words)
c) John states that information an organisation holds can often highlight issues associated with the delivery of quality customer service (e.g.: records showing the amount of repeat business of customers).
Nominate two possible records that may be used to show how well service is being provided. In each case outline what information these records provide which could assist management to deliver quality customer service. (50 words)