Proposal - Scoping Pape
Due: 05/05/2022
Format: (A scoping paper that develops key issues from Assessment 1, applies them to a contemporary issue and links them to a theory discussed in class.)
Length: 1,000 words
iculum Mode: Proposal
The Scoping Paper is a formative and preparatory task for Assessment 3, the Analytical Essay. It builds on the work undertaken in Assessment 1 by asking you to introduce theory to your chosen topic and articulate an argument that you will further develop in Assessment 3. Please note that this assessment task is not an essay, but is made up of three sections requiring you to complete the following:
Please get the help from previous paper you have done for this task
Select and discuss a contemporary topic related to difference and diversity, including the key tensions and different perspectives on the topic. You will need to cite at least 2 academic articles in your discussion (~400 words);
Discriminatory behaviour towards the transgender people in the society
Select and discuss one theory of difference and diversity and one key concept related to the chosen theory, making clear connections between the concept and the theory. You will need to cite at least 2 academic articles in your discussion (~500 words).
Critical Social work Queer Theory or Feminist theory
Choose one
Choose the concept
Write a thesis statement that articulates an explicit argument on your chosen topic and identifies clear connections between the stated argument and your chosen theory and concept (100) words.