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Please follow the instructions carefully. The topic of the paper is about 'Case 13_Patagona'. Need 7 FULL pages of content, this does NOT include the title page, table of contents, and reference...

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Microsoft Word - BA385 Case Instructions.docx
Case Analysis Instructions
7 full pages, 1.5 spaced / 11pt. font
Case will be provided separately as a pdf. Please follow ‘Case Sample Walmart’ as an example for formatting
and what the solution should look like (there is no need for Title or Table of Contents pages).
Read the case provided. Identify the ethical issue(s) you find to be most relevant to the company's success. Put
yourself in the role of CEO. To inform your solution, you may research areas such as:
1) general company history,
2) cu
ent practices relevant to the case,
3) ethical issues with this company related to the case,
4) statistics, performance indicators, costs of related operations, etc. See if you can determine more
about the stakeholders in this company's system.
Part I: Stakeholder Identification
Who are the stakeholders in this case, and what are their stakes? Identify 10 of the most relevant stakeholders in
the stakeholder table provided. Make sure you identify at least one stakeholder from each of the five basic
stakeholder groups (community, employee, government, consumer, and owner). Please avoid one-word
esponses; be as specific as possible in identifying stakeholders, and clearly state what each stakeholder stands to
gain or lose by the company’s decisions.
For the third column, select the one characteristic you think is most relevant for each stakeholder: Power (P),
Urgency (U) or Legitimacy (L).
Stakeholder Stakes P/U/L
Part II: Solution Development
Use the knowledge you have gained in BA385 to recommend a plan of action to address the ethical issue(s) at
hand. Weigh the cost of your solution against the value it will
ing to stakeholders: if it costs a lot but addresses
few stakeholders, or has limited long and short-term value, think harder.
Your solution should meet these requirements:
- Clearly applies the learning from BA-385
- Thoughtfully applies 5-8 concepts or frameworks from the course
- Addresses the key ethical issue(s) you have identified that are relevant to the case
- Delivers a great deal of value to more than one SH at a cost that is as low as possible (value to cost ratio is
- Discusses intended and unintended and short-term and long-term consequences on affected
- Includes at least one collaboration, coalition, or partnership between two or more SH groups with shared
- Cite your sources using APA format.
More favorable scores will be given to those who generate novel and creative solutions.

Microsoft Word - Case Sample Walmart.docx
Walmart Ethical Issues
Case Study

Walmart, one of the largest retailers in America, with a revenue of more than $514 billion and
more than 2.2 million employees, has been trying to restore its image relating to diversity,
focusing on charitable giving, support for nutrition, and sustainability. Walmart nowadays serves
more than 265 million customers per week, at more than 10,000 locations in 27 different
countries (Case 3, Big-box retailer Walmart manages big responsibility).
However, Walmart has received various lawsuits from the competition, as they claim that
Walmart is using unfair, predatory pricing to put competition stores out of business.
Despite Walmart doing so well in the competition and having high revenues, it has also faced
various ethical issues throughout the years.
According to the article “Big Box retailer Walmart manages big responsibility, presented in the
ook, in 2014, they decided to eliminate the healthcare coverage for new hires working less
than 30 hours a week. And on top of this, Walmart has also chosen to decrease the workforce
and lower employees’ wages.
The employees’ wages can now barely cover their living expenses, and with the benefits being
cut as well, they hardly have anything left from the income they make working there.
Walmart has even chosen to cut off their meal
eaks and overtime pay by deleting their record
and taking away their timecards.
Another ethical issue is that in 2019 a class-action lawsuit involving 100 women was filed
toward Walmart for gender pay discrimination.
Walmart has also faced issues such as not accepting to hire amputees, even though they were
able to do the job. And for that reason, Walmart was sued for violating the Americans with
Disability Act (ADA).
In March 2005, the vice-chairman of Walmart, Thomas Coughlin, was forced to resign because
he stole about $500,000 from Walmart in bogus expenses, reimbursements, and unauthorized
use of gift cards. The problem is issued to be an ethical leadership issue.
Walmart has also faced many
ibery scandals, where executives paid millions in
ibes to
obtain licensing and zoning permits for store locations.
Even after he resigned, the vice-chairman remained on the board of directors. He used Walmart
money for his personal use with amounts worth more than $10 million until he was sent to jail for
eing a whistle-blower (CH7).
Walmart Wearhouse workers have also complained about safety issues, harsh working
conditions, and violations of labor laws.
And to top it all, Walmart has faced several lawsuits for hiring illegal immigrants working as
cleaning crews, which have even worse pays. They must work seven days a week, and they
earn less than minimum wage, and to conclude, they do not have any benefits provided by the
company to employees because they’re illegal.
Even though Walmart is producing low price products for the customers, it’s also creating many
ethical issues.

Stakeholder Stakes P/U/L
Shareholders- Always
stakeholders since they
own shares within the

They are legitimate stakeholders because they have an economic stake in
what Walmart does. They are interested in seeing return on their investments
and are directly affected by Walmart decisions.


Major stakeholder since
they are involved on
decisions that could affect
other stakeholders.

Executives also have been economic stake because they receive stock options
as part of their salary. Based on Walmart financial decisions it depends on
whether their stock value will rise as part of their compensation or not.

L, U

Employees-The ones who
un Walmart day to day
operations. Very
important stakeholder as
on them depends on the
company success.

Legitimate and urgent because they hope for long-term employment within
Walmart. And it depends on their work on whether they will move up within
the company. Their income also depends on the paychecks that they earn
from Walmart.

L, U
Communities where
Walmart is Located-They
could easily be affected by
the companies’ decisions.

- Communities are legitimate stakeholders since they could be affected by the
laws that the management might not follow. If Walmart doesn’t follow rules
and laws could potentially affect the community for worse, or if they do follow
the laws, it could benefit the community.
For example, Walmart being a neighborhood store could potentially offer a lot
of positions for neighborhood employment.

Priority stakeholders.
Without them Walmart
would be earning any
evenue and a result it
would cease to exist.
Legitimate stakeholders as based on how the company and employees within
Walmart treat them depends on whether they’re coming back or not. If
Walmart wouldn’t take in consideration the customers requests, customers
could have at stake not finding what they need and be treated badly by


Non-Profit organizations-
Insurance groups.

-Non-profit organizations have an economic market stake depending on how
well Walmart is doing. Walmart foundation provides many non-profit
organizations with funding, so if Walmart is not doing well, neither will the

Other retailers -
Competitors/ external

-They have at stake that they might lose business if Walmart is a better
competitor, or they might do things better than Walmart and potentially

Online retailers-
Online shop that Walmart
offers for its global
customers, very crucial

-Have a stake on how well Walmart Is doing. Walmart website offers low
prices and deliver goods to consumers who live in Communities without
Walmart stores. If Walmart isn’t doing good in sales, online retailer might
cease to be visited by customers.

Answered 6 days After Jul 28, 2022


Deblina answered on Aug 03 2022
74 Votes
Patagonia Ethical Issues         2
Patagonia Ethical Issues
Part I
Patagonia is one of the successful privately held clothing companies based in California. This particular company was developed out of the passion for developing effective climbing gear for climbers. This particular company had been widely known as the outdoor and adventure wear
and that leads the way in taking care of the earth. The company calls itself a sustainable
and and effectively focuses on addressing the environmental crisis (Bischoff et al., 2020). The company has a mission statement that focuses to build the best product that causes no harm to the environment and uses the business for inspiring and implementing solutions for addressing the environment all crises.
Moreover, this particular company has been classified as a benefit corporation which signifies that the employees, communities, and the environment rank alongside the shareholders in terms of the decision-making process (Capo et al., 2022). However, it has been found with research on various aspects has questioned the ethical issues with Patagonia. In recent years fashion
ands have been criticized for the lack of sustainability and the ethical aspects in terms of greenwashing and non-existing corporate responsibility.
The clothing lyrical lens is impressively acting on a for saving the environment-friendly measures for leading the textile in the street. Even though from our research it is confirmed that the ethical aspects and the sustainability initiative, labor conditions, and respect for animal welfare have been into substantial praise for Patagonia yet, effectively, there is room for improvement (Lapoz et al., 2022).
Patagonia has effectively utilized the context of intelligent marketing strategies with the perspective of a business that focuses on the inherent adjustment of the customers for not buying they are the blatant product and are not expressively maintaining the sustainability measures. This is itself an advertisement that inherently speaks about the sustainability and the environment all friendly nature of the company. However, things became more serious when it was found that the premium-priced jackets had ingredients that came from accredited sources and are ethically made.
This was a comprehensive scenario since at the end of the day Patagonia is a profit-making organization that focuses on enhancing the consumer market and cultivating a consumeristic society. Even though it claims that it is effectively working just to inspire sustainable measures in the business scenario yet production and transportation along with other retail efforts do have an effect on the ca
on footprint on the environment.
The company has been performing effectively and taking impressive action to have minimal effect and impact on the environment. The proportion of materials that are used is mostly made from recyclable materials and includes materials like polyester and wool. The business model focuses on creating a high-quality product that lasts for a long time and it also offers a program for repair and reuse.
The company has effectively focused on conducting thorough research and development for creating and impact of microplastics and their use of it in the fashion industry. Moreover, the company is also discouraging customers from purchasing too many products because it significantly contributes to wastage. As discussed previously the company tackles the issues of consumerism by negative approaches to not buying its product.
The company has always been recognized for persuading shoppers to buy less so that they can effectively reduce their Eco footprint. Accordingly, they established the fact that it is hypocritical to work on environmental change without teaching the customers to reduce their ca
on footprint and making them think before they buy. In terms of the labor conditions, the company is known to have been making good efforts for the workers with effective policies.
It has significantly influenced its supply chain and has been certified by the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct and Fair-Trade USA in terms of its final stage of production. Gender equality and freedom of association are also practiced in the company which has given...

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