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MNG00703 ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT Assessment 1 Diagnosis for change Assessment type Case Study Due Date Monday 23rd July XXXXXXXXXX00am (QLD time) Length 1000 words (+/- 10%) Weight 20%...

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    Assessment 1
    Diagnosis for change
    Assessment type
    Case Study
    Due Date
    Monday 23rd July XXXXXXXXXX00am (QLD time)
    1000 words (+/- 10%)
This assessment comprises three parts focussing on the diagnosis for change. When diagnosing for change there are a range of diagnostic instruments that can be applied to the management of change. Some are designed to highlight a particular aspect of the change process (e.g., the readiness of an organisation for change), some deal with one aspect of an organisation (e.g., its strategy or its structure), while others – diagnostic models – refer to the operation of the organisation as a whole.
Consider an organisational change you have recently experienced or are experiencing.
1. Provide an introduction and background to the change
Briefly explain the nature of the organisation, the industry, and the extent to which the change involves incremental adjustment or trasnformational change and the organisation's response.
2. Pressures to change
In regard to your organisation identify a range of environmental factors propelling it towards change, as well as issues internal to the organisation pushing it towards change. Which factors do you believe to be the key drivers’ of performance over the next five years and why (e.g., technological innovation, entry by new competitors, mergers, competition for key staff)?
3. Diagnostic tools/models
Select one diagnostic tool/model to assess and analysis your organisational change example. Which is the most attractive/helpful and why? To what extent does your image(s) of change influence which diagnostic tools you would be most comfortable using or see as most relevant?
Writing the Case Study
To learn from a case study analysis you will be ‘analysing, applying knowledge, reasoning and drawing conclusions’ (Kardos & Smith XXXXXXXXXXStages essential for analysing and writing a case study report may include:
· What is the context
ackground of the case study?
· What appears to be the problem (issues
isks etc.) inherent in the case?
· What tools will you use for your analysis?
· What else do you already know about this situation or this type of problem?
Please note:
1. In this assignment you are expected to relate your experience of change to an organisation with which you are familiar. Where your work experience is minimal you can apply the task to other organisations you have encountered, such as a sporting, community or social institution. Do not write about an organisation you have no association with.
2. No more than 10% of your final work should appear as directly quoted matter. The lectures and myReadings resource list will provide an overview of the key ideas of the course. However, it is not acceptable to limit your sources just to those provided by the lecturer. It is expected that you will read more widely to identify a range of different positions, and theoretical approaches relevant to the question.
3. You are expected to use a minimum of seven (7) credible sources. A credible source is:
· Peer reviewed (refereed) journals
· Websites from credible institutions such as the Bureau of Statistics and University-affiliated institutions
· Materials published in the last ten years (when more recent information is available)
· Websites: The more information available, the more credible the website. There is a specific author, the audience is clear, the purpose is informative not biased, and the information is regularly updated.
4. There are few marks for assignments that don’t answer the question – even if they are well researched and well written!
Marking criteria/weighting
Students will be assessed against the following criteria:
    1. Content
• Summary of the business.
• A clear understanding of why change is occu
ing (i.e. the variety of pressures on the organisation to change, as well as the magnitude of change).
• Case demonstrates comprehensive independent research capabilities by extensive, appropriate references using at least seven (7) credible sources.
    35% (7/20)
    2. Analysis
    45% (9/20)
    â€¢ Analysis and evaluation of issues/problems.
• Well-developed argument addressing the change.
• Application of theories/concepts/models dealt with in the topic or subject.
    3. Structure and style (includes style standards and referencing conventions)
• Integrating evidence (paraphrasing, synthesising and quotations).
• Referencing – in-text (citing) and reference list using the SCU Harvard style,
• Clear, coherent writing style.
• Logical structure and organisation.
• Within 10% (+/-) of the word limit.
    20% (4/20)
    High Distinction
    0 - 49
    50 - 64
    65 - 74
    75 - 84
    10 – 12.5
    13 – 14.5
    15 – 16.5
    Multiple parts of the assignment are missing or incomplete. Student fails to answer the question.
    Essential elements are imprecise or absent. Work at a level that would be considered basic.
    Key elements are presented but could be further developed and given more depth.
    Most aspects included in a final, well-developed form.
    The assignment contains all required elements and is of the highest order.
MNG00703 Session XXXXXXXXXXAssessment 1
MNG91215 Ru
ic for Assessment 1
    Assessment criterion
    High Distinction
    1. CONTENT 35%
    Summary of the business and why change is occu
    Summary details are
a random, unclea
collection of
information. There is no reference as to why change is occu
    Summary details are unclear. Attempt to
explain why change is occu
ing, but lacks detail with key elements missing
    The summary states the main topic but does not adequately preview why change is occu
    The summary states the main topic and adequately previews why change is occu
    Summary creates
interest and effectively summarises why change is occu
    A clear understanding of the topic
    Topic coverage inadequate XXXXXXXXXXAnalysis lacking. Omissions in several elements.
    Topic coverage basic. Evidence of some analysis.
    Topic coverage mainly complete. Most elements completed well.
    Topic coverage complete. Appropriate elements achieved to a high degree. Many ideas and expressions original
    Original ideas well developed, relevant, and thoroughly supported. Analysis complete. Ideas and expressions original XXXXXXXXXXPerceptive insights.
    Appropriate references using at least seven (7) credible sources
    Reference to text only.
    Reference to seven (7) credible sources.
    Reference to seven XXXXXXXXXXcredible sources.
    Reference to >10 credible sources.
    Reference to >10 credible sources.
    2. ANALYSIS 45%
    Well-developed argument addressing the change.
    Analysis does not move beyond description.
    Attempt made to apply the model but fails to demonstrate depth of analysis.
    Acceptable level of analysis.
    Above average analysis, synthesis and evaluation; general connections are made between the model and real-life context,
    Rich in content; insightful analysis, synthesis and evaluation; clear connections made to real-life context and content.
    Application of theories/concepts dealt with in the topic or subject.
    Does not offer a claim that makes sense in response to the assignment. Possesses either little or no supporting evidence/ideas which do not flow or make sense.
    Poses some effective supporting ideas/evidence most of which flow and make logical sense. Connects some of the ideas/evidence with some explanation.
    Articulates a claim that somewhat responds to the assignment. Poses effective supporting ideas/evidence most of which flow and make logical sense. Connects some of the ideas/ evidence with some explanation.
    Articulates a logical claim that responds to the assignment.
Poses effective supporting ideas/evidence that flow and make logical sense. Logically connects the ideas/ evidence with mostly effective explanation.
    Articulates a strong, logical claim that responds to the assignment. Poses exceptional supporting ideas/evidence that flow and make logical sense.
Logically connects the ideas/evidence with thorough explanation.
    Use of examples to support analysis
    No examples to support analysis.
    Few examples to support analysis.
    Sufficient examples obtained and most sources are valid.
    Analysis well supported by valid examples.
    Substantial examples to support analysis.
    3. Structure and style 20%
(includes style standards and referencing conventions)
    Essay structure: proper introduction and conclusion, layout, spacing, co
ect length 1000 words (+/– 10%)
    Language is unclear and confusing. Concepts are either not discussed or are presented inaccurately. Inco
ect word length >1100 or <900 words.
    Writing is not organised. The transitions between
ideas are unclear or non
existent. Co
ect length 1000 words (+/– 10%).
    Organisation is clear.
Transitions are present
at times, but there is
little variety. Co
ect length 1000 words (+/– 10%).
    The language is clear and expressive. Concepts are explained accurately. Co
ect length 1000 words (+/– 10%).
    Clear structure that enhances the analysis.
Transitions are effective
and vary throughout the
paragraph, not just in the
topic sentences.
Conclusion effectively wraps up the report. Co
ect length 1000 words (+/– 10%)
    Grammar, spelling and syntax
    Substantial and consistent e
ors in grammar and format (e.g. spelling, punctuation, capitalisation).
    Distracting e
ors in punctuation, spelling, and capitalisation. Writing is confusing and hard to follow. Contains fragments and/or run-on sentences. Work is somewhat sloppy.
    Some e
ors in grammar and/or format that do not interfere with style.
    Few e
ors in grammar or format. Writing is clear, but could use a little more sentence variety to make the writing more interesting.
    Grammar, spelling and syntax are co
ect. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Work is presented in a professional manner.
    Referencing both in text and bibliography
    Evidence of paraphrasing plagiarism; original author's words moved around, while summarising the main ideas; fails to cite the original author(s) and to provide the co
esponding bibliographic reference. 
Failure to cite sources.
    Some issues citing the original author(s) and to provide the co
esponding bibliographic reference. 
Not all sources of information are cited; some e
ors in SCU Harvard style.
    Most attempts at paraphrasing and synthesising are sufficient, accurate, and appropriate; cites the originating author(s) and provides the co
esponding reference.
All sources of information are cited; some e
ors in SCU Harvard style.
    Most attempts at paraphrasing and synthesising are insufficient, inaccurate, and/or inappropriate; not all originating author(s) cited with co
esponding reference.
All sources of information are cited; minor e
ors in SCU Harvard style.
    Paraphrases and synthesises information in own words; cites the originating author(s) and provides the co
esponding reference.
All sources of
information are cited using co
ect SCU Harvard style.
Answered Same Day Jul 17, 2020 MNG91215 Southern Cross University


Tp Academic answered on Jul 18 2020
158 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Summary of the business    3
Analysis and evaluation of issues of McDonald    3
The internal issue of McDonald    3
The value of a franchise    4
Relational constraints    4
Addressing the changes    4
Political issues    4
Economic issues    5
Social/socio-cultural issues    5
Technological issues    5
The factors need to set to enhance the performance    5
Application of theories/models within the subject    6
Conclusion    7
Reference List    8
The assignment comprises three most important aspects regarding a diagnosis for changes. The highlighted aspects are - the introduction and background of the industry, identification of a range of environmental factors those affecting the business, and selecting an appropriate diagnostic model or tool to assess the organisational changes. Here the giant organisation, McDonald's has selected to pursue the diagnosis by a valid reflection.
Summary of the business
A recognised premier franchising company, McDonald's has a unique model that empowers both the international and local entrepreneurs. The management believes in the long run by setting long-term planning to develop the profit and sales parameters respectively. Being one of the largest restaurant chains in the world, McDonald's has become able to serve its bests to fulfil the unique demands and needs of people. It may term that McDonald has become people's choice if they think about any delicious foods (, 2018).
Analysis and evaluation of issues of McDonald
In this phase of the assignment, a transformational change has included based on the McDonald's business responses. In the recent time, the giant organisation has underperformed compared to other organisations within the same te
itories (Welford, 2016, p.120). The very first issue of McDonald is its internal problems.
The internal issue of McDonald
The organisation is striving to perform better by appointing new staffs. The responses of employees are not up to the mark as because the internal strength is not upgraded. It is not surprising that the consequences are not to be hidden. As mentioned by Thornton et al. (2016, p.90) the employees' strength of McDonald has fallen and for this very burning reason, the internal issue has become an essential part of this report.
Environmental changes are also there regarding identifying those factors. McDonald's response to these two matters is portrayed. Some of the challenges and problems facing the giant restaurant chain are the increase in lack of response, competitions to the incremental and transformational changes in the needs of consumers and its franchises (Lin and Chen, 2017, p.320). In this regard, the incremental adjustment needs to assure by the management itself against its threatening responses.   
The value of a franchise   
The value of the franchise relationship between the restaurant chain and franchise partners is mainly accomplished by strategic fit and profit that means unit profit is essential here.
Relational constraints
On the other hand, a...

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