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MNG10720 Associate Professor Martin Young Unit Assessor XXXXXXXXXX Assignment 4: Research Project Report  Due: Week 12 – Wednesday 23rd May 2018  Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%)  Weighing: 50% ...

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Associate Professor Martin Young
Unit Assesso
Assignment 4: Research Project Report
 Due: Week 12 – Wednesday 23rd May 2018
 Length: 1500 words (+/- 10%)
 Weighing: 50%
 Format: Report
 Covers:
 Mainly Topics 4-9, but also includes some elements
discussed in Topic 2 (ethical considerations and
problem statement/objectives)
Late submissions
 Late submission will lose 5% per day
 Assignment extensions need to be applied for via
special consideration procedures
 These are now eforms submitted via ‘My Enrolment’
 For details on special consideration visit
Assignment overview
 You are required to prepare a report that will set out how you
will go about answering the research question developed in
Assignment 2.
 The report will map out a research design - techniques you
will use to convincingly address the research question.
 Your report will describe and justify the decisions you have
made for your research design, data collection methods,
sample selection, ethical considerations and data analysis
 The proposal report also involves the development of a
Qualtrics survey which you need to design and include
whether you choose to develop a qualitative, quantitative, or
mixed method of survey and/or interview questions.
Assignment text
 Instructions
Your research proposal should address the
following criteria (and use these headings in
your Research Project Report):
 1. Problem Statement and Research Objectives –
state your problem statement and research
objectives at the start of your research proposal
eport so your lecturer can refer to these when
eviewing your proposal.
 Use the feedback from assignment 2 to improve
➢ A problem statement is a concise statement of the
purpose of your study – be specific
➢ Grammar and expression heavily scrutinised here
➢ To find the sub objectives you need to identify the steps
equired to fulfill your problem statement
➢ Use instruction words like describe, examine, explore…
➢ Should reflect the scope of the project – geographic,
temporal, demographic
➢ Make sure that the sub objectives are relevant to solve
the overall ‘problem’
Tips for problem statement and research objectives
Assignment text
 2. Research design – explain and justify the
methodological approach you propose to guide your
esearch proposal using relevant literature.
Tips for the research design section
 Provide a
ief discussion of research design at the
3 levels
 Core function (pure vs applied research)
 Information requirements (exploratory, descriptive,
explanatory research etc)
 Methodology (quantitative, qualitative or mixed
methods research)
 Good papers do justify their design choices with
appropriate academic references
Assignment text
 3. Data Collection Methods – explain and
justify the methods you propose for data
collection and data management using relevant
Tips for the data collection methods section
 You may compare/contrast your selected methods with other
methods that you did not select for your research project
(explain why) by discussing the advantages and
disadvantages of the different methods available
 Based on this discussion, explain and justify the particular
data collection methods/techniques that you selected to
apply in your research project
 Make sure to support your explanation/justification with
evidence from the academic literature using appropriate
academic references (e.g. research methodology books
and/or academic journal articles)
 Remember, if your choose a mixed methods approach for A3
and use Qualtrics you can use other methods in addition to
this, if you wish, and it fits with your problem
statement/objectives, e.g. observation)
Tips for the data collection methods section
 Methods commonly used for quantitative research include:
 Surveys (household, street/intercept, telephone, mail, on-site,
e-surveys, captive group, organisation)
 Structured interviews
 Longitudinal studies
 Observation
 Case studies
 Methods commonly used for qualitative research include:
 In-depth interviews
 Participant observation
 Focus groups
 Case studies
 Content Analysis
Assignment text
 4. Qualtrics Survey – design and include your
Qualtrics survey and/or interview format and
explain and justify the questions and style of
questions you use with respect to collecting
appropriate data to address your objectives.
Tips for the Qualtrics survey section
 Include your Qualtrics questionnaire as an Appendix in your
Assignment 3 (export it into Word from Qualtrics)
 In this section in the body of your assignment, you need to explain
and justify why you use particular types of questions in order to
address your problem statement and objectives, such as:
 Open-ended vs closed/pre-coded questions
 Poll questions
 Multiple choice questions
 Checklists
 Ranking questions
 Fill in the blanks
 Rating scales
 Filter questions
 Justify your choice with reference to the levels of measurement (i.e.
nominal, ordinal, interval and ration)
Assignment text
 5. Sample Selection – explain and justify the
sample selection process relevant to your
esearch proposal.
Tips for the sample selection section
 In the sampling section you must:
 State whether you are using probability or non-probability
 Justify this choice using appropriate references
 You should explain explicitly why your selected sampling
techniques are suitable for your study
 Good idea to include a paragraph on the sampling procedures that
could be applied to your study – noting their advantages and
 Then na
ow down to the ones you have selected and justify your
choice with a reference or two
 E.g. Neuman XXXXXXXXXXstated that stratified sampling was appropriate
under such and such circumstances, therefore stratified sampling
has been selected for the present study…
Tips for the sample selection section
 Specifically, you need to address:
 What is your research population
 What is your target population
 What is your sampling procedure (simple random,
stratified, convenience, purposive etc.)
 How big will your sample be?
 For your quantitative sample, I will expect a number
ased on, for example, Neuman’s guidelines (see Power
Point slides from Topic 7)
 For your qualitative sample, while you can estimate an
approximate number, it is sufficient to justify your sample
size here refe
ing to the point of saturation
Assignment text
 6. Data Analysis Techniques – explain and
justify how you would propose to analyse and
present the data collected.
Tips for the data analysis techniques section
 You should discuss:
 What forms of analysis you will apply to your data (univariate,
ivariate – frequency counts, central tendency, scatterplots etc.)
 You are advised to explain which variables will be subject of
univariate analysis and which will be bivariate.
 How you will present your analysed data (e.g. frequency tables, bar
graphs, pie charts etc.)
 Justify your choices – e.g. ‘frequency tables are suitable for
presenting nominal data’ (Smith, 1999, p. 45)
 Remember to explain/justify data analysis of both your survey and
your interviews
Assignment text
 7. Ethical Considerations – explain how you
would consider the ethical issues associated with
the research proposal.
Tips for the Ethical Considerations Section
 Briefly outline how your project will be ethically
 How you will obtain informed consent
 The risks to participants in your study, and how you will
protect them from those risks (mostly to do with privacy)
 How the anonymity of participants will be maintained
 How will collected data be reported and stored?
Assignment Text
 8. Provide a reference list (Harvard) for any reference
sources you use to justify your final research proposal.
 Good papers include a variety of academic
eferences to justify decisions made in relation to the
esearch proposal (A3 required 5 references, so I would
propose that 5 is the minimum for A4 as well –
however, HDs and Ds may require more references than
Marking Criteria
 Your Assignment 3 will be marked based on the following
Criteria Marks %
Research design 20
Data collection methods 20
Qualtrics survey 10
Sample selection 10
Ethical considerations 10
Proposed data analysis techniques 10
Presentation and clarity of the report 10
Referencing quality and list 10
Total % marks 100
Format of Assignment 3
 Cover page
 Title Page
 Problem Statement and Research Objectives
 Research Design
 Data Collection Methods
 Qualtrics Survey explanation
 Sample Selection
 Ethical Considerations
 Data Analysis Techniques
 Reference List
 Appendices
 Qualtrics Questionnaire
Word limit and assignment sections
 The cover sheet, title page, reference list, and
appendices are not included in the 1500 word limit
 The following 7 sections are included in the 1500
word limit: Problem Statement and Research
Objectives, Research Design, Data Collection Methods,
Qualtrics Survey, Sample Selection, Ethical
Considerations, and Data Analysis Techniques
 Use headings co
esponding with the required
sections above within your assignment
 It is up to you whether you would like to number your
sections or not (1, 2, 3 etc. – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc. if you use
subsections) but it is a useful tool
Physical presentation
 Double spaced
 At least 2.5 cm margins
 Insert page numbers
 Use 3rd person (instead of writing ‘I’, refer to yourself
as ‘the researcher’ or similar term)
 More details of in UIG
Reference Style: Harvard
 The required reference style for this unit is the
Harvard style
 Click on the ‘Topic 3’ folder and upload the
eferencing chapter from Summers and Smith’s
(2006) Communication Skills Handbook
 It provides you with examples and everything you
need to know about the Harvard referencing style
 Make sure that your referencing is consistent
Final notes
 Focus on the marking criteria of the assignment –
this is your guide to ensure that you have included all
necessary elements into the assignment that you will
e marked on
 Start early – last minute assignments written the
night before the due date seldom obtain a high grade

    Student Name:
    Dipak kumar singh
    Student ID No.:
    Unit Name:
    Research for business and tourism
    Unit Code:
    MNG 10720
    Tutor’s name:
    Dr Mo Kade
    Assignment No.:
    Assignment Title:
    High employee turnover in the hospitality industry
    Due date:
    27 April 2018
    Date submitted:
    27 Apr. 18
I have read and understand the Rules Relating to Awards) as contained in the SCU Policy Li
ary. I understand the penalties that apply for plagiarism and agree to be bound by these rules. The work I am submitting electronically is entirely my own work.
    Dipak Kumar singh
    27 April 2018
Answered Same Day May 20, 2020 MNG10720 Southern Cross University


Abr Writing answered on May 20 2020
151 Votes
Research Proposal
Research Proposal         High Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry        
Table of Contents
Introduction    1
Research Problem    1
Research Objectives    2
Research Design    2
Data Collection Sources    3
Qualtrics Survey    4
Sample Selection Procedure    4
Ethical Considerations    5
Data Evaluation methods    5
References    7
Appendices    9
In this paper, we have been determined a research proposal developed in favor of topic “High Employee Turnover in the Hospitality Industry.” The Australian Hospitality Industry has become the central attraction of today’s scenario. It contributes a significant amount of total GDP of the country. Nowadays, employee turnover becomes the leading issue in the Hospitality Industry. Hence, the research conducts with the sole motive of evaluating employee turnover situation in the Hospitality Industry. This research will prove very beneficial for the target audience. It happens because the research will provide them a significant knowledge about how to use the different research sources or identify the potential answers of the determined research questions. This study will prove very vital for those people who have interest in the research topic and want to develop their career in the same field.
Research Problem
The situation of employee turnover becomes a big problem of today's scenario for the hospitality industry. Due to the high employee turnover rate, the companies in the hospitality industry are continuously spending an excessive amount of their profit. The main reason behind the growing rate of employee turnover is their low satisfaction level. Hence, the primary motive of this study is to evaluate the information about employee turnover intention and identify some potential cause that leads their high employee turnover. These reasons might be related to the inadequate management system, history of turnover in the industry, poor leadership, less motivation and various others. It may be possible that the employee turnover is happening due to the potential issues like age, position, gender, and income level of individuals. As a result, the research is associated with identification of potential problems that may lead employee turnover within a particular organization.
Research Objectives
The research objectives serve as a critical guideline for the whole research. It is because the research objectives guide a particular research study in the required direction. The research is associated with the achievement of three keys objectives. These research objectives are following:
· At first, the primary aim is to evaluate the core reasons of employee's dissatisfaction within a particular organization.
· Another objective is to determine the relationship between the employee and employer.
· The third and critical research objective is to evaluate how the organizations can offer different facilities regard a new and innovative technology.
Research Design
The researcher determines the design of his or her research study on the basis of three key levels. The first level is a core function. Apart from this, another level includes information requirements and methodology as well. The research design of the study can understand through the below-mentioned heads:
Core Function: In order to perform the core function of the research, the researcher used the applied research study. The researcher uses the applied research to focus on the...

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