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CHCLEG003 Student Assessment Task One: Questions Assessment Cover Sheet This document must be signed by the student for each assessment completed. Submission of Assessments will not be accepted...

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Student Assessment
Task One: Questions
Assessment Cover Sheet
This document must be signed by the student for each assessment completed. Submission of Assessments will not be accepted for marking
eview without a completed and signed Assessment Cover Sheet.
    Qualification Title
    CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
    Unit Code
    Unit Title
    Manage legal and ethical compliance
    Student Name
    Student ID
    Student Email
    Assessor Name
        ☐ Melbourne    ☐ Sydney    ☐ Perth ☐ Brisbane
    Due Date
    Week 6
    Submission Date
    Assessment Task
    Task One - Questions
Student Agreement:
By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I understand the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures. In particular:
· The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s material represented in my work.
· I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of assistance used in my assessment work.
· I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission guidelines. I am aware that if I do not follow the required guidelines, this could result in my assessments being returned not assessed by my traine
· I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the preparation of my assessment work.
· I will not allow other students to access or copy in whole or any part of my assessment work.
· I understand that if I am dissatisfied with the way I have been assessed or with my result, I have the right to appeal as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures.
Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the material I submit for assessment is entirely my own and meets all of the college’s assessment requirements.
    Student Signature
Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
· This is a written assessment. All questions must be answered for this assessment.
· This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in the prior attempt at the assessment.
· The written assessment may be re-attempted on one further occasion (maximum of three attempts).
· This is an open book assessment.
· Respond to all questions in the spaces provided.
· You must answer all questions co
ectly for this assessment to be completed satisfactorily. Ask your assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.
Required Resources
· You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry practices.
· You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated time.
· Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover sheet will not be accepted.
When and where will this assessment take place?
· Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
· Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if applicable.
What if the assessment is not suitable?
· If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor may be able to provide you with an alternative method. Discuss this with your assessor.
What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?
· If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory, your assessor will provide you with feedback. You may need to resubmit some or all the questions. Your assessor will explain the details for your reassessment.
· In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three attempts.
· If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more information.
    Question 1
    Describe two pieces of information or advice that local, state/te
itory or commonwealth government departments can provide on compliance.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 2
    Describe two ways an industry association can provide information and advice on compliance.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 3
    Describe how plain English documentation explaining legislation can assist organisations to understand compliance requirements.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 4
    Describe two functions and operating procedures of two regulatory authorities relevant to the health and community services sector.
        Satisfactory ☐     Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 5
    Explain why it is important for managers and other employees to have a clear understanding of their legal responsibilities and liabilities.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 6
    Explain how the law applies to children in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 7
    Identify and describe two pieces of legislation relating to discrimination in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 8
    Describe and provide an example of the law relating to dignity of risk in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 9
    Describe the law relating to duty of care in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 10
    Explain how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights applies to the delivery of community services.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 11
    Explain what is meant by a ‘human rights framework’ in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 12
    Describe the law relating to informed consent in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 13
    Describe two workplace instances that require mandatory reporting.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 14
    Describe two Australian Privacy Principles required when recording or reporting sensitive information.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 15
    Identify and describe one right and one responsibility of workers in the community services sector.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 16
    Describe how industrial relations legislation and requirements apply to community service organisations.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 17
    Describe the law relating to work health and safety in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 18
    Describe one example of specific statutory reporting requirements relating to an area of the community services sector.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 19
    Explain the specific requirements in the area of community services work relating to public liability insurance.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 20
    Describe two key practices that are prohibited by law in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 21
    Describe two main consequences of non-compliance.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 22
    Provide two individual rights that should be protected in a code of conduct.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 23
    Explain the purpose of a code of practice.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 24
    Describe how complaints could be managed internally by a community services organisation.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 25
    Identify and describe two practice standards relating to the community services sector.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 26
    Explain the importance of understanding practitioner–client boundaries in community services work.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 27
    Explain how policies and procedures are used to manage compliance and ethical practice in internal work practices.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 28
    Identify two elements that could be in a policy format and two elements that could be in a procedure format.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 29
    Describe a policy framework that relates to the community services sector.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 30
    Explain why community services organisations are required to develop and implement plans, policies, codes of conduct and incorporate certain workplace practices.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 31
    Describe two ways community services organisation should safeguard confidential information and records of service users.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 32
    Describe two ways that community service workers could clarify their level of authority.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 33
    Describe two techniques for monitoring legal and ethical compliance in the workplace.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 34
    Explain the purpose of monitoring inspections.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 35
    Explain the need for community services organisation to apply for licences and associated certifications.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 36
    Describe what an organisation must to do to be accredited.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 37
    Explain why community service workers should undergo continuing professional education (CPE).
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 38
    Describe two methods of receiving updated information on compliance requirements.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Assessor Name
    Assessor Signature
    Student Name
    Student Signature

Student Assessment
Task One: Questions
Assessment Cover Sheet
This document must be signed by the student for each assessment completed. Submission of Assessments will not be accepted for marking
eview without a completed and signed Assessment Cover Sheet.
    Qualification Title
    CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
    Unit Code
    Unit Title
    Reflect on and improve own professional practice.
    Student Name
    Student ID
    Student Email
    Assessor Name
        ☐ Melbourne    ☐ Sydney ☐ Brisbane    ☐ Perth
    Due Date
    Week 6
    Submission Date
    Assessment Task
    Task One - Questions
Student Agreement:
By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I understand the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures. In particular:
· The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s material represented in my work.
· I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of assistance used in my assessment work.
· I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission guidelines. I am aware that if I do not follow the required guidelines, this could result in my assessments being returned not assessed by my traine
· I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the preparation of my assessment work.
· I will not allow other students to access or copy in whole or any part of my assessment work.
· I understand that if I am dissatisfied with the way I have been assessed or with my result, I have the right to appeal as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures.
Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the material I submit for assessment is entirely my own and meets all of the college’s assessment requirements.
    Student Signature
Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
· This is a written assessment. All questions must be answered for this assessment.
· This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in the prior attempt at the assessment.
· The written assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum of three attempts).
· This is an open book assessment.
· Respond to all questions in the spaces provided.
· You must answer all questions co
ectly for this assessment to be completed satisfactorily. Ask your assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.
Required Resources
· You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry practices.
· You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated time.
· Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover sheet will not be accepted.
When and where will this assessment take place?
· Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
· Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if applicable.
What if the assessment is not suitable?
· If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor may be able to provide you with an alternative method. Discuss this with your assessor.
What happens if your answers are not satisfactory?
· If any of the assessment responses are not satisfactory, your assessor will provide you with feedback. You may need to resubmit some or all the questions. Your assessor will explain the details for your reassessment.
· In most cases, you will be allowed a maximum of three attempts.
· If you are not satisfied with your assessment result, you have the right to lodge an appeal. Ask your assessor or contact the Course Coordinator for more information.
    Question 1
    Provide an example of a potential professional development support network within an organisation, and an example of an industry networking opportunity.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 2
    Why it is important to practice self-care in community services roles, and how can you recognise when additional support is required?
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 3
    Give two examples of principles and techniques for creating a personal development plan.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 4
    Give two examples of principles and techniques for goal setting.
        Satisfactory ☐     Not Satisfactory ☐
    Question 5
    Give two examples of principles and techniques for setting realistic time frames.
        Satisfactory ☐    Not Satisfactory
Answered Same Day Mar 12, 2023


Bidusha answered on Mar 12 2023
45 Votes
Student Assessment
Task One: Questions
Assessment Cover Sheet
This document must be signed by the student for each assessment completed. Submission of Assessments will not be accepted for marking
eview without a completed and signed Assessment Cover Sheet.
    Qualification Title
    CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services
    Unit Code
    Unit Title
    Reflect on and improve own professional practice.
    Student Name
    Student ID
    Student Email
    Assessor Name
        ☐ Melbourne    ☒ Sydney ☐ Brisbane    ☐ Perth
    Due Date
    Week 6
    Submission Date
    Assessment Task
    Task One - Questions
Student Agreement:
By signing this Agreement, I confirm that I understand the Assessment Submission Guidelines, as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures. In particular:
· The work submitted is my own and does not contain another person’s material represented in my work.
· I understand that I must acknowledge in an appropriate manner all information and sources of assistance used in my assessment work.
· I have followed all submission, presentation and file name guidelines outlined in the submission guidelines. I am aware that if I do not follow the required guidelines, this could result in my assessments being returned not assessed by my traine
· I understand that I must not receive undue assistance or the unauthorised help of others in the preparation of my assessment work.
· I will not allow other students to access or copy in whole or any part of my assessment work.
· I understand that if I am dissatisfied with the way I have been assessed or with my result, I have the right to appeal as detailed in the Student Handbook and Acknowledge Education’s policies and procedures.
Student Declaration:
I hereby declare that I have read the above statement and that all the material I submit for assessment is entirely my own and meets all of the college’s assessment requirements.
    Student Signature
Assessment Task 1: Questions
Student Assessment Instructions
· This is a written assessment. All questions must be answered for this assessment.
· This written assessment will need to be completed again if it is incomplete or without satisfactory performance, after further training support. This may be to focus on question areas not achieved in the prior attempt at the assessment.
· The written assessment may be re-attempted on two further occasions (maximum of three attempts).
· This is an open book assessment.
· Respond to all questions in the spaces provided.
· You must answer all questions co
ectly for this assessment to be completed satisfactorily. Ask your assessor to clarify any aspect you are unsure about in this assessment task.
Required Resources
· You will need to have access to relevant legislation, standards and codes, industry practices.
· You must submit the completed assessment cover sheet and your answers to your assessor, either by handing in written responses or by online submission within the allocated time.
· Ensure you keep a copy of your submitted work. Assessments submitted without a completed cover sheet will not be accepted.
When and where will this assessment take place?
· Your assessor will provide you with the due date, which can be recorded in the assessment plan.
· Your assessor may also specify the length of time allowed and the expected word count, if applicable.
What if the assessment is not suitable?
· If you are unable to provide sufficient evidence with the written assessment method, your assessor may be...

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