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Please find attached assessment task
Answered Same Day Aug 20, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Sep 03 2020
149 Votes
Unit 1.1 Dermal Science theory
Assessment task 2 of 4
workbook 1
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Assessment task 2 OF 4– workbook
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    I confirm that all sections of this assessment task were completed by me to demonstrate my skills and knowledge in relation to Unit 1.1 Dermal Science Theory. I declare that I have received no assistance from my assessor or any other person, nor have I plagiarised the work of another person in the completion of this assessment task.
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    Version 2.0
iculum/CDSERT601A Analyse epidermal resurfacing techniques/ Assessments/Clinical Studies/Unit 1.1 Workbook Part A v3.0 Draft WIP.docx
Assessment task 2 OF 4– workbook
Description of Assessment
The Workbook Assessment Task for this unit requires the student to answer short-answer questions relating to the epidermal resurfacingknowledge requirements discussed in the lectures. There are 79questions/activities in total. The workbook activities require you to demonstrate a full knowledge and understanding of the dermal therapist role, anatomy and physiology of the skin, methods and techniques for skin assessment, principles of clinical microderma
asion (MDA) treatment, principles of superficial peeling, principles of superficial peeling using alpha hydroxy acid peels, trichloroacetic (TCA) peels and Jessner’s solution treatments, principles of superficial peeling using Jessner’s solution, principles of superficial peeling using trichloroacetic (TCA) peels, and principles of percutaneous collagen induction (skin needling); this will require some research and reference to policies and procedures to complete this assessment. Directly quoting the information-contained research only does not demonstrate your understanding and interpretation.You can access policies and procedures from the Assessment Tab on the Student Portal. You can access policies and procedures from the salon.
Assessment criteria and completion guide
Each section must contain:
· All questions to be answered clearly (refer to the work limit advice provided with each question)
· Referenced information and resources when completing research tasks
· Submitted copies of (or links to) information you refer to during research
Presentation of the assessment
· Cali
i Font (size 10)
· Word count are identified in each question (10% variance above or below the word limit is acceptable)
· Referenced information and resources when completing research tasks
· Submitted copies of (or links to) information you refer to during research
· You will need to introduce additional information from your lecture notes, other resources and personal clinical experience to co
ectly answer some questions
Contents and layout
The responses to questions in this Workbook Assessment Task must contain all information outlined in the Assessment Criteria (located in the Assessment Tab on the Student Portal).
Progress support and feedback
Progress support and assistance is available from your assessor prior to the due date. You will be provided with feedback once your completed assessment has been marked by your assessor.
Reasonable Adjustment
Any required reasonable adjustments should be discussed between the student and assessor and selected and documented based on the guidance provided in the Student Support Policy.
Assessment submission instructions
Please submit your completed Workbook Assessment Task via Email to your assesso
Due Date
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Tutorial Activity 1 -The Dermal Therapist Role
Question 1                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
Explain the role and main responsibilities of dermal therapists. How does this differ to a cosmetic nurse? Include a summary of the role and four (4) or more key responsibilities
Dermal Therapist
    Dermal Therapists provide various dermal therapy procedures like Laser, Microderma
asion, IPL, LED therapy, Dermapen Collagen Induction Therapy,Chemical peels,Skin needling, Super hair removal and other skin treatments (Canbe
a ACT, 2018). They are responsible for providing consultation to the clients in advanced skin diagnosis, develop treatment plans for the clients on the basis of medical history,advice the clients for topical and in-clinic skin treatments, and advice for selection of appropriate skin products, maintain a photo record of 'before and after treatment' for the client after therapy, manage the adverse incidents and collect the client feedback.
Cosmetic Nurse
    Cosmetic Nurse provides nursing assistance during elective surgical procedures (cosmetic surgery) which are performed to change the morphological features of the body (Fa
ah,2012).For example the surgeries for facial alterations, nose lift, tummy tucks, face lifts, and
east enlargements that are planned and not performed in emergency situations are taken care by cosmetic nurse. The responsibilities of a cosmetic nurse involve observation of wound and dressing, taking out blood, pre-operative tests analysis, review of medical history, patient screening before surgery, monitoring the vital signs, preparing the operations theatre for the procedure and delivering follow up care to the operated patient. The cosmetic nurse has to maintain high standards of practice during her work.
Question 2                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
Summarize ethical guidelines/standards that dermal therapists and cosmetic nurses must meet and demonstrate what you understand from these guidelines.
Dermal Therapist
    The dermal therapist must be well trained and qualified. He provide first consultation to the patient, assessing the patient's medical history, views and required physical examinations (Australian Health Ministers Council, 2011). Dermal Therapist must explore the internal and external reasons of why the therapy is required. They must also suggest the patient with alternative treatment options with potential complications of each. The therapist must analyze the patient's expectations from the potential therapy. If the patient is found to have mental illness or low self esteem, he may be sent to General Practitioner or a counsellor. During the pre-operative stage, a written informed consent must be taken from the patient. There must be a given a cooling -off period given between the first consultation and the therapy day. For the children below 18 years of age, if the therapy has no medical justification, the cooling offf interval must be extended to 3 months during which the patient's willingness for therapy must be explored through repeated consultations. Proper documented post operative instructions ahould be given to the pateient during his discharge from the hospital. The doctors must not be involved in false practices of taking commissions from the agents for admission of patients. The therapists are expected to display a standard behavior that improves respect and trust for the community.
Cosmetic Nurse
    The cosmetic nurses must provide care as per the applicable laws, regulations, protocols, and best standards of practice. They must be registered with Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). They must provide the treatment only if they are well trained and experienced in that particular treatment procedure. They must provide safe and quality care in delivering the services. They must maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the patient. It protects the patient from any disclosure of information to the outsider. So this way they have to abide to Privacy Act, Privacy regulations and amendments of Australian Government. They must get an informed consent from the patient, that the patient and his family members have understood the benefits and risks of the treatment. Additionally, they must also obtain informed financial consent from the patient and his family.They must inform the patient about all the potential expenditure of the therapy, in written form, before the admission and treatment.They must consider the information privacy, and maintain proper records of patient's health. They must deliver care and medicines effectively and safely to the patient. The nurses must use the medical devices effectively and safely. They must maintain a healthy and safe workplace. During post-operative care they must follow basic principles of infection control and prevention.
These guidelines provide appropriate ways of imparting quality care and responsive dermal procedures to the patients according to the norms and regulations of Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC) and prevent any misconduct and malpractices. They are aimed to safeguards the rights of the citizens in best possible manner and protect them from falling into any wrong hands.
Question 3                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
A. Explain what is meant by the term “scope of practice”.
    The scope of practice refers to the processes, actions and procedures that a registered and licensed healthcare professional is authorized to undertake under the laws of practice.
B. Provide some examples of treatments or conditions that are outside the scope of practice for : -
Dermal Therapist
    Dermal therapist can undertake only the surgery for which they are trained and qualified (Australian Health Ministers’ Council, 2011). For instance, a laser therapist cannot do peeling procedure. Dermal Therapists have to take informed consent from the patients and their family members. They cannot give medicines or recommend a surgery against the willingness of the patient and his family. They cannot take additional charges or commission from the patients for doing any kind of surgical procedure. It is considered unlawful.
Cosmetic Nurse
    A cosmetic Nurse can only assist the cosmetic surgeons and therapists in the procedures. She cannot write prescriptions for the patients. She cannot do the cosmetic surgery independently in absence of a surgeon. She cannot give medications to the patients without the recommendations of the doctors.
Question 4                                    |_| Yes        |_|No
List and explain ways to reduce your risk of litigation as a dermal therapist and/or cosmetic nurse.
    The dermal therapist or Cosmetic Nurse may list all the conditions of treatments in the pre-operative informed consent documents, that are signed by the patient before the surgery (Kronemyer, 2018). The informed consent forms must have all the details about the risks, benefits and alternatie therapies availabale for the problem. The patients must be aware of who is going to do the surgery and what is the qualification of the surgeon. All the risks and side effects of the treatment or procedure must beelaborated to the patient and his family in written form, and the document must be signed by the patient. Other than this, quality education and training of the healthcare professionals also prevents many adverse events. Careful and hygienic use of devices and surgical equipments prevents infection. The care imparted must be safeand in accordance to the national quality standards.
Assessor’s comments
    Q.2 - Please revise this answer. First part of the answer is great, then DT's will not be adhearing to their scope of practice if they are doing tasks of a cosmetic nurse.
This question is also in relation to Dermal therapy treatments not surgeries.
Question 5                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
State the important points that need to be discussed in the consultation process.
    The consultation process must involve proper assessment of the patient's medical history, the views of patient and his perception about his problem and required physical examinations (Australian Health Ministers Council, 2011). Dermal Therapist must explore the internal and external reasons of why the therapy is required. They must elaborate the risk, benefits and side effects of the potential therapeutic procedure.They must also suggest the patient with alternative treatment options with potential complications of each alternative. The therapist must analyze the patient's expectations from the potential therapy. If the patient is found to have mental illness or low self esteem, he may be sent to General Practitioner or a counsellor. During the pre-operative stage, a written informed consent must be taken from the patient. There must be a cooling -off period given between the first consultation and the patient'sfinal decision for therapy. For the children below 18 years of age, if the therapy has no medical justification, the cooling offf interval must be extended to 3 months during which the patient's willingness for treatment must be explored through repeated consultations.
Question 6                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
A. Explain the importance of documented patient records.
    Documented Patient Records play an important role in continuum of care for the patient. They reflect the facts, vital signs, medicines and findings diagnosed in the care of the patient. It acts as a means of communication between the healthcare providers (Crozer Keystone Health System, 2018). The records evaluate and reflect the treatment plan being given to the patient. Clear and timely written documents effectively communicate the condition of the patient, things shared with the patient, response of patient to the treatment, and the future interventions required to address the situation. They have a date and are signed by the doctor in charge.Proper documented post operative instructions should be given to the pateient during his discharge from the hospital. It helps the patient and care providers to recollect the medications and precautions. Moreover, documents also help the clinicians to recollect, defend and justify the treatment provided.
B. Explain why pre and post procedural photographic records are important.
    Pre and post procedural photographs play an important role in dermal therapy and cosmetic surgery. It assist the therapists to document function and form of therapy, it assist them to plan for the surgery, helps teh clinicians in imparting training to other therapists, it is necessary for the medico-legal point of view as well, and helps in future research (Jabir, 2016). It also helps in documenting the facial features and in performing pre and post operational comparison. It also helps in advertising and marketing the successful dermal interventions (Nair & Santhanam, 2016).
Question 7                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
Research the Australian Privacy Principles. In your own words summarize what the principles mean, and explain the recommendations in regarding to disclose the personal information of patients.
    The Australian Privacy Act or Australian Government ComLaw (2013) directs the nurses to ethically and legally maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the patient information by not disclosing it to an outsider. Few jurisdictions declare the
each of confidentiality as a criminal offence. The patients can complain if they feel their personal information is
eached, mishandled; accessed, used or disclosed in an unauthorized manner by the healthcare settings (Australian Privacy Policy, 2018).
A. Explain how each of the following
eaches of client privacy and confidentiality are defined in the Australian Privacy Principles (write 150-200 words):
· Misuse of personal information
· Loss of personal information
· Unauthorised access of personal information
· Unauthorised use of personal information
· Unauthorised disclosure of personal information
    1. Misuse of personal information is the use of personal information for the purposes other than for which it was collected. 2.Loss of personal data refers to inadvertant or accidental loss of information which may result into disclosure or unauthorized access. 3. Unauthorised Access of personal data takes place when the information is accessed by the people who do not hold permission to have access to it. 4. Unauthorized use of personal information occurs when the entities responsible to take care of data utilize their access priviledges for personal means. 5. Unauthorised discosure takes place when a person (willingly or unwillingly) makes the personal information accessible to others or discloses to others in a way not allowed by the Privacy Act (Australian Government, 2017).
Question 8                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
Provide 3 examples to ensure how you would monitor safety within the clinical environment while providing dermal therapies. What skills, knowledge and resources do you require to ca
y this out?
    1. Safe and predictable techniques must be given for achieving optimal results. The surgeon must be informed about different types of techniques and the side effects of each (Australian Health Ministers’ Council ,2011).
    2. The patient must be assessed for physical and psychological states of mind to achieve best results. The surgical intervention must begin with cleaning the skin and sterlized equipments should be used in co
ect way. The monitoring should be in accordance with the clinical guidelines.
    3. Comprehensive treatment plans must be framed according to the needs of every patient. They must be told about precautions to take care after the surgery.
The dermal therapists need to be expert in conducting the treatment procedures, highly experienced and confident to deal with all the complications.
Assessor’s comments
    Q.5 - Please revise, this is in relation to Dermal therapies not surgery.
Question 9                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
A. Explain the purpose and contents of risk and management policies. In your answer include a summary of its benefits for cosmetic medical clinics (the business), dermal therapists and/or cosmetic nurses and patients.
    The risks may involve infectious complication, side effects, and other early, late or delayed adverse events that the patient may face during or after the therapy. Management policies include the treatment protocol, safety and hygiene protocols in cosmetic medical practices. The patient assessment must be done for injection history, sterile techniques of treatment and reducing the tissue trauma. The risk management policies are aimed to communicate all the risk and benefits of the treatment to the patient to clarify all his doubts before he undergoes the therapy,to determine the right treatment plan and technique to every patient, to obtain the consent and to reduce the risk of litigation. It builds a trustworthy relation between the therapist and the patient, helps the clinicians to prepare for the therapy, and deliver effective post operative pain management.
B. Explain what treatment, safety and hygiene protocols are and what they are useful in a cosmetic medical practice.
    Treatment Protocol
Inspect the skin of patients at least twice a day to identify reduced tissue tolerance and other indications of any future side effects. Use antibiotics to prevent infection. Keep skin clean and dry during therapy. The attending staff should be trained to use the clinic equipments, and must adhere to use them. The clinic must have up-to-date waste disposal policies, patient lifting and handling regulations. Local procedures can be adopted to treat needle stick injuries if occur during the therapy.
    Safety Protocol
The staff and the patient must be given protective clothes and equipments when exposed to ionizing and non iolozing radiations, ultra violet, laser radiations in the clinic.
    Hygiene Protocol
The clinic must be free from pollution and other micro environment alterations. The equipments should be sterlized and instrument surfaces cleaned. The therapist and other clinicians must wash their hands properly and follow hand antisepsis, remove jewellary, trim the nails properly, and change gloves regularly.
Question 10                                    |_| Yes        |_| No
Define each of the following medical terms which are frequently used by dermal therapists and cosmetic nurses in medical cosmetic contexts
    Hereditary skin disease that causes painful blistering of mucous mem
ane and skin, resulting into more fragile skin.

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