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Please don't use .edu, .net, .org, .com websites. Use academic or government websites only. Use in-text citations with reference list. Consider this scenario. You are head of a planning team that has...

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Please don't use .edu, .net, .org, .com websites. Use academic or government websites only. Use in-text citations with reference list.

Consider this scenario. You are head of a planning team that has been asked to create a new drug treatment program. You ask your team to write a goal statement for the program. The following goal statements have been proposed:

  • The goal of this drug treatment program is to serve clients’ needs and to educate clients about the harm that drugs cause.
  • The goal of this drug treatment program is to assist our clients in reducing drug dependency and eventually ending it toward living drug-free lives.

Which goal statement do you think is more appropriate? Explain why you think the statement is suitable. Also provide an explanation as to why the other statement is not suitable.

Do the four components mentioned in the book—a time frame, the targeted population, the anticipated result, and a criterion—suffice to create an objective statement? Why?

Consider the following objective statement for checking recidivism to crime:

“The program will prevent inmates from committing crime, as measured by arrest or revocation of parole, for at least three years after they have been released back into the community.”

In the objective statement example above, consider that some new components are to be included toward creating a more appropriate objective statement. Recommend at least two additional components that can be included to create an objective statement and provide a rationale for your recommendations.

Answered Same Day Nov 10, 2019


David answered on Nov 30 2019
144 Votes
Formulating objective statements
Formulating objective statements:
Scenario Given:
The cu
ent context is being analyzed in the capacity of head of a planning team, given with new requisition to create a new drug treatment program. The two goal statements available are,
1) The goal of this drug treatment is to serve client needs and to educate clients about the harm that drugs cause.
2) The goal of this treatment program is to assist our clients in reducing drug dependency and eventually ending it toward living drug-free lives.
Appropriate Goal Statement:
Out of above two goal statements, I wish to take the second goal statement than the first. The reason for that being that the actual mission of the planning team is drug treatment program which is related with assisting the clients to reduce the dependency on the drug. Further it is related with making them lead drug- free lives. Drug treatment is an...

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