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please don't use .edu, .com, .net, .org websites use academic or government websites only use in-text citations and a reference page. This week, you learned about how both politics and administration...

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please don't use .edu, .com, .net, .org websites use academic or government websites only use in-text citations and a reference page.

This week, you learned about how both politics and administration are required for the successful development and implementation of public policies and how effective operation of public administrators is influenced by many factors. In addition, you examined the importance of the role that public administration plays in the function of society, how public officials are held accountable for their actions, and the value of government in all aspects of our lives. Underlying this role of public administrators is public policy and the policymaking process as the framework from which actions are taken to meet identified problems and needs of the public.

Review how the concept of policy is defined within the field of public administration and the role that public administrators play in the policymaking process. How do politics influence decisions that are made which eventually culminate in a policy? Is the target population (that which has a defined problem or set of needs) a key player in the policy process? How does a public administrator balance the needs of the public with the pressure of political constituents?
Accountability of government officials to the public within this context is a vital aspect of public administrative practice. Identify at least one way in which public officials can be held accountable to the public that you believe would be particularly effective.

Answered Same Day Mar 01, 2020


Ckreta answered on Mar 03 2020
160 Votes
In public administration, the policy is defined as the process in which strategies are developed and selected with an objective of growth and development of society. The role of the public administration is to implement the policies and plans developed by the government (Anderson, 2014). In the process of policymaking, the role of the public administration is to present strategies and suggestions which can support in developing more effective policies and strategies. The politics or political parties influence the decision regarding policy making too a great extent (Kettl, 2015). For instance, the parties force the representatives...

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