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Assessment 2: Market Analysis for an International Business Setup for "OCHRE SUN: An Australian-Indigenous Sunscreen Business (https: in the Indian or Chinese Market" (Individual).
Students must compose a 1500-word report in an essay format that focused on market research and analysis of the Australian botanicals’ Indigenous sunscreen company “OCHRE SUN” and its potential expansion to international market especially in Indian/ Chinese market. This assessment is based on a case study of “OCHRE SUN”. The student will do in-depth research and then analyse and evaluate the pros and cons of its potential expansion.

Assessment Brief- Assessment Two- Assessment 2: Case Study Essay (Individual): Market Analysis for an International Business Setup for "OCHRE SUN: An Australian-Indigenous Sunscreen Company” ( https: in the Indian or Chinese Market.
    Unit Code/Description
    BUS303 International Business
    S2, 2023
    Unit Learning Outcomes Addressed
    1, 2, 3
    Assessment Objective
    The assignment serves two purposes: a) to assess students' knowledge of contemporary issues in international business; and b) as a diagnostic test of students' writing with in-text citation following APA style referencing skills.
    Assessment Title/Type
    Assessment Two – Case Study Essay (Individual)
    Due Date
    The submission due date is 6:00pm on Sunday of week 6
    The value of the assessment is 30 marks
Instructions to Students
This assessment must be completed by each individual student. The report must cover what are the opportunities and challenges would "OCHRE SUN: An Australian-Indigenous Sunscreen Company” face in setting up their international expansion in Indian or Chinese markets. Students are required to produce an individual report that centers on developing at least four arguments in favors and against by considering company’s internal and external environments. This report must be written in academic style writing following TEEL = Topic sentence(T), Explanation of the topic sentence(E), Example/Evidence (E) and Linking sentence to connect following topic sentence (L). Your report should provide the following information:
· An introduction: Overview of company, objective of the assessment task, and methodology adopted to achieve objectives.
· Response – main ideas are well-articulated and supported by detail and accurate scholarly information.
· Organisation of the essay: Information is relevant and presented in logical order with framed structure.
· In-text citation: The use of in-text citation in the body of the assignment.
· Conclusion and recommendations: Summing up the main ideas with findings and offering overall recommendations.
· Language: Well-articulated sentence structures with accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
· References: A full list of references with at least 8-10 peer-reviewed sources following APA style.
    The report must be a word document
    Word/Page limit
    Length of 1500 words, font Cali
i 12
    Referencing Style
    American Psychological Association (APA)
    Submission Guidelines
    No formal CIHE cover sheet is required. Instead, your name, student ID and group number must appear at the beginning of your report. This assessment must be submitted to Turnitin. Login to your Turnitin account, locate and click on the assignment submission link, carefully review the instructions, and then submit your assessment.
    Plagiarism and Academic Integrity
    At CIHE, we take academic integrity seriously and expect all students to maintain the highest standards of honesty and ethical behaviour in their academic work. As a student, it is your responsibility to ensure that all your academic endeavors are conducted with integrity and in accordance with the principles of honesty, fairness, and respect for intellectual property. Please refer to “CIHE Student Academic Integrity and Honesty Policy” in the Moodle for details.
    Late Submission Policy
    Requests for extensions will be granted only for exceptional circumstances that are supported by credible evidence. Duration of the extension period is only one week (6:00pm, Sunday of Week 6). Late submissions are subject to a 10% reduction in marks for each day of delay. Submissions after the extended date will not be marked.
Marking Ru
    Assessment Criteria
    High Distinction XXXXXXXXXX%)
    Distinction (75-84%)
    Credit (65-74%)
    Pass (50-64%)
    Fail (0-49%)
    Introduction (15%)
    Introduction contains important finding in the report are presented in an excellent manner.
    Introduction contains important finding in the report are well presented.
    Introduction important finding in the report is sufficiently presented.
    Introduction contains important finding in the report are adequately presented.
    Introduction contains important finding in the report are poorly presented.
    Response (25%)
    There are more than one clear well-crafted arguments, main ideas are clear and are well supported by detailed information.
    There are more than one clear well-crafted arguments but are not well supported by detailed information.
    There is more than one argument to the topic and the main ideas are clear.
    There is one argument to the topic, however the main ideas are somewhat unclear.
    The response to the essay topic and the main ideas are not clear.
    Organisation of the essay (30%)
    The introduction is inviting, the main topic is clearly state, the discussion and conclusion are strong with excellent details
    The introduction addresses the topic of the essay, the discussion and the conclusion are aligned with topic and comprehensive details are provided.
    The introduction addresses the topic of the essay, the discussion and the conclusion are aligned with topic and good details are provided.
    The introduction addresses the topic of the essay, the discussion and the conclusion are aligned with topic and good details are provided.
    There is not clear introduction to the topic, discussion, or conclusion.
    In-text citation (5%)
    The essay's in-text citations are exceptionally clear, specific, and based on the essay's evaluation of the topic. They are excellently cited in the body of the assignment and are well supported by evidence and analysis.
    The essay's in-text citations are very clear, specific, and based on the essay's evaluation of the topic. They are well cited in the body of the assignment and are mostly supported by evidence and analysis.
    The essay's in-text citations are clear, specific, and based on the essay's evaluation of the topic. They are sufficiently cited in the body of the assignment and are supported by evidence and analysis.
    The essay's in-text citations are mostly clear, specific, and based on the essay's evaluation of the topic. They are adequately cited in the body of the assignment and are some extents supported by evidence and analysis.
    The essay's in-text citations are poor, and not based on the essay's evaluation of the topic and not supported by evidence and analysis.
    Conclusion and Recommendations (10%)
    The essay's conclusion effectively summarizes the key findings and recommendations. It provides a clear and insightful analysis of the essay's implications and limitations and suggests avenues for future research directions.
    The essay's conclusion mostly summarizes the key findings and recommendations. It provides a generally clear analysis of the essay's implications and limitations and suggests some avenues for future research directions.
    The essay's conclusion is somewhat unclear or incomplete in summarizing the key findings and recommendations. It may not provide a fully clear analysis of the essay's implications and limitations or may not suggest adequate avenues for future research or action.
    The essay's conclusion is unclear or absent in summarizing the key findings and recommendations. It does not provide a clear analysis of the essay's implications and limitations or suggest adequate avenues for future research direction.
    No conclusion and recommendations submitted.
    Language (10%)
    The essay is well-structured, clearly written, and free of grammatical and spelling e
ors. The language is sophisticated, precise, and appropriate for the intended audience.
    The essay is well-structured, clearly written, and mostly free of grammatical and spelling e
ors. The language is appropriate for the intended audience.
    The essay is adequately structured and written but may contain some grammatical and spelling e
ors. The language is sometimes imprecise or inappropriate for the intended audience.
    The essay is poorly structured and written, containing numerous grammatical and spelling e
ors. The language is often imprecise or inappropriate for the intended audience.
    The essay is badly structured and written, containing numerous grammatical and spelling e
ors. The language is often confusing and inappropriate for the intended audience.
    References (5%)
    A full list of references is developed with at least 8-10 peer-reviewed sources following APA style in an exceptional manner.
    A full list of references is developed with at least 8-10 peer-reviewed sources following APA style in well-articulated manner.
    A full list of references is developed with at least 8-10 peer-reviewed sources following APA style in sufficient manner.
    A list of references is developed with few peer-reviewed sources following APA style in adequate manner.
    No-references list is developed.
    Final Mark…/30
Answered 3 days After Sep 01, 2023


Deblina answered on Sep 05 2023
33 Votes
Market Analysis        2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Opportunities for OCHRE SUN’s Expansion    4
Challenges for OCHRE SUN’s Expansion    5
Market Analysis of India & China    6
Conclusion    7
References    9
OCHRE SUN is an Australian sunscreen company that specializes in utilizing indigenous Australian botanicals in its product. The company was founded in Australia that is distinguished by its commitment to utilize indigenous Australian botanicals in its products. This commitment is deeply rooted in the company's philosophy of sustainability, cultural appreciation, and a dedication to offering consumers a natural and comprehensive approach to sub protection. The core of the company is in its USP that is cantering around the fusion of innovative technology with the profound traditional knowledge of Indigenous Australian communities. Through this fusion, the company has created a product line that not only caters to the modern day demands of the sun protection, but also cele
ates the rich indigenous culture and the relationship between humanity and the environment. 
This report aims to analyse the opportunities and the challenges that the company may encounter when expanding into the Indian or the Chinese markets. To achieve this objective, this report will delve into the company's internal and external environments, considering various factors affecting its international expansion (Jarvis et al., 2023). The methodology employed involves conducting comprehensive research on the company, its products, and the target markets, followed by an analysis pros and cons of such an expansion. By conducting this ad in-depth examination of these opportunities and challenges. This report aims to provide a holistic understanding of the potential risks and rewards inherent in such a strategic move. Ultimately, the analysis will offer valuable insights into the feasibility and viability of the company is international expansion endeavours.
The objectives of the report adopt a rigorous, under multifaceted methodology that commences with a meticulous exploration of the company, encompassing A thorough examination of the company's history, values, product offerings and market positioning. This foundational understanding is vital in paving the way for an informed analysis of the opportunities and challenges that lies ahead.
Opportunities for OCHRE SUN’s Expansion
OCHRE SUN’s Selling proposition is the distinctiveness in the utilization of the Indigenous Australian botanicals in the sunscreen products. This unique selling proposition is a can be leveraged as a competitive advantage in the foreign markets, particularly in India and China. Both countries have witnessed a growing preference for natural and organic products and the company can capitalize on this trend by offering a sunscreen that aligns with the consumers desire for chemical free options. The awareness of the adverse effects of UV radiation on the skin Healthcare is increasing in India and China. As more people become conscious of the need for sun protection, there is a burgeoning demand for the sunscreen products.
The company can tap into this growing market by providing a natural alternative to conventional chemical-based sunscreens. Indigenous Australian culture, with its deep-rooted connection to nature, holds a unique appeal and fascination worldwide. The company can capitalize on this cultural significance by viewing Indigenous na
atives and heritage that eyes of focusing on the marketing strategies (Sarkar et al., 2020). This approach could resonate...

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