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Please describe in XXXXXXXXXXwords why you desire to become a counselor and indicate the type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation. Describe in XXXXXXXXXXwords an occasion in...

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  • Please describe in XXXXXXXXXXwords why you desire to become a counselor and indicate the type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation.

  • Describe in XXXXXXXXXXwords an occasion in which you have interacted with an individual or a group of individualsfrom another culture. Identify the cultural differences which were present andhow you demonstrated respect for those differences.

  • Describe in XXXXXXXXXXwordshowyou form effective interpersonal relationships with others in individual and group settings.

Answered 3 days After Feb 13, 2024


Swati answered on Feb 17 2024
29 Votes
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Why you desire to become a counselor and indicate the type of counselor certification you plan to seek after graduation.
Becoming a counselor is a desire rooted deeply within me. The problematic Composition of the human mind, emotions, and behaviors has always encouraged me, riding me to explore the depths of mental expertise (Smith, 2018). Through my private experiences and interactions, I've come to recognize the transformative energy of empathetic listening.
One of the primary motivations using my course towards counseling is the success derived from helping individuals navigate their demanding situations and witnessing their adventure toward recovery and self-discovery. The prospect of supplying a secure and non-judgmental area for people to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings is immensely rewarding to me. I agree that everyone has strength within them that could develop, and I need to assist my clients discover and use their own internal power and skills.
Upon graduation, I plan to seek certification as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). This certification aligns with my goal of providing complete intellectual services at the same time as adhering to ethical standards and excellent practices in the area. By obtaining LPC certification, I aim to illustrate my dedication to ongoing expert development and responsibility in my practice.
An occasion in which I have interacted with an individual or a group of individuals from another culture. Identify the cultural differences which were present andhow you demonstrated respect for those differences.
During an unforgettable semester spent a
oad in Japan, I observed myself immersed in a manner of life
imming with centuries-antique traditions and a profound experience of history. During the numerous interesting experiences, one that sticks...

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