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Please CRITICALLY review this article. I like the same person who did order 32277 doing it. I like this person doing it because he/she did an excellent job summarizing it but it wasn't critical. If...

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Please CRITICALLY review this article. I like the same person who did order 32277 doing it. I like this person doing it because he/she did an excellent job summarizing it but it wasn't critical. If you cannot critically review it, please refer this to someone else. I need someone to assess the validity of the authors presentation, respond to it of what you agree and disagree ect and state your overall validity of the article. Here is the name of the article: Searching for lost knowledge in the age of intelligent machines.

Searching for

Answered Same Day Aug 02, 2020


Sanchita answered on Aug 03 2020
141 Votes
Assignment        1
Critical Summary
In the article titled “Searching for lost knowledge in the Age of Intelligent Machines” by Adrienne Lafrance, the author aims to explore the past with the help of future technology. In the recent decades, the technology has become more advanced and refined and the author asserts that this advancement can be readily used to explore and unravel the mystery of what lies undiscovered; at times trapped deep under water.
The article is well presented with a very compelling and graphic story line. Reading...

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