Please continue part two (assignment 2) of assignment 1. Follow both my assignment 1 report and presentation (Cynthia Haddad - Assignment 1. Zip file) to be able to complete assignment 2 (CST8333_Assignment-2_Instructions) Please find attached assignment 2 with all of the instructions as well as an example (cst8333_assignment-2_student-example) and outline (CST8333_Assignment-2_Outline_ XXXXXXXXXX).
Assignment 2:
For the purposes of Assignment 2 there are three documents that must be submitted and in which the requirements must be captured, as follows.
1. Report
2. Presentation
3. Source Code
Please Note Please submit a minimum of 60% of the source code for your project. Please submit your code in text file (e.g., .txt) format.
Please add the following feedback to the report and the presentation (Powerpoint)
Report : Please consider the following feedback.
Presentation : Please consider the following feedback.
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